Native Access, now with Uninstall!

Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod
edited September 2023 in Native Access

Hi everyone,

Been a long time coming, but as of version 3.6.0, Native Access now allows you to uninstall instruments and expansions!

If you navigate to your installed product, you'll see an option to uninstall. There you will be prompted if you're sure, and then proceeds to uninstall your products.

However, not all products are supported. Examples include Applications, Plugins, and some other vendors/partners. For this, you'll get a different option ("How to Uninstall").

When you open, you'll get a built-in version of the existing Knowledge Base article on uninstalling your products. It comes in the form of a clickable list of directories, that locate your installed products based on where you've explicitly had them installed, based on your File Location preferences. Following this guide and opening up the folder locations should allow you to confidently remove all of your products' associated files from your device. The guide also comes in 6 languages.

For Windows users, this will be slightly different. Most products already are supported with an uninstaller, so it will inform you to uninstall via the "Add or Remove Programs" menu instead.

Please bear in mind that as mentioned in my previous post, this feature is only available for users running MacOS X 11+ and Windows 10+.

While we understand that ideally we release uninstall support for all products, our product catalog is set up in very different ways, and thus it would've taken a lot more time to do so. For most users the current iteration should support around 80% of Native Access' available catalog already. We still intend to continue rolling out support for uninstalling the remaining products down the line, though we'll now be pivoting to finalising the release that contains a major overhaul to our underlying download functionality.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on the feature! Happy uninstalling!



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert

    Great work guys n gals!


  • Towjam
    Towjam Member Posts: 37 Member

    THANK YOU!!!!

  • Yarda
    Yarda Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Do I understand correctly that I uninstall the product and install it on a second disk where I have more space?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod
    edited September 2023

    Thank you @Hayo_NI . Great that you makes so great strides 🙂

    Now , you just need to make rock solid installation procedures of N.A. itself on all OS, and of all apps, plugins, sounds and whatever that is also capable of intelligently guide and support installation based on specific user setup as well as handle the problems seen spread over different O.S.'s , including such problems as installing updates on systems not ready for the updates or that needs to quire user and supply user with info before installing (ref.) .

    The N.A. itself, both version 1.4 and previous version, installed without any hiccups for me , though it almost had not with previous version because of the (what reminds of a) butt-ugly hack with the with no warning unspecified 'command processor' window pop-up that user have to approve. First time I saw it I were sitting there thinking "what the hell is going on" but I decided to approve in the hope that it were the N.A. setup.. I have absolutely no wish of being unkind or rude towards you but I think that I would not do you any favor by not expressing what I think of it. Mind you , I do understand that a powerful working install is much better that something neutered that may fail , but I just think that there ought to be some kind of 'pre' warning or explanation preceding the Command Processor Window pop-up. And worth considering also is the timing where I think that timing might depend on system resources available as well as on system load.

    My first experience (previous install) were after I had allowed the NA to upgrade while I resumed browsing the internet and then I suddenly had this pop up , and when surfing the net getting an unspecified pop-up like that is not exactly trust inviting - especially not if old enough to remember how relatively few years back then if you got some strange command window pop-up then you had probably been hacked or had a malware attack ! Yes , surely , I ought to close all windows and seizing all other activity while running installs , but both then how many do that these days of multi-tasking OS' and even if then I still think that it ought to be preceded by some kind of info or warning !

    Well , anyway , I glad to see that you are doing great progress 🙂

    Best regards

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor
    edited September 2023

    A useful addition, thanks NI!

    When you uninstall an expansion, where the samples are installed on an external drive, will the expansion as well as the samples on the custom location be removed?

  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 140 Advisor

    Thanks for this! to be honest, I was keeping both, NA 1 and 2 installed on my Mac until now. However, this feature makes me happy to move to the version 2

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    What we assert at the moment is that you can uninstall anything provided the product is not in a repair state. If you have an external hard drive containing a product you wish to uninstall, you're able to do this so long as the HDD is plugged in and the product has been located. If you moved specific samples/files to a different location, that is not something we track, so that file will then remain.

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    At the moment you can do this yes. You need to go to Preferences -> File Locations and then you can choose where your next installs go to.

    We've gotten enough requests on an improved UX for the install steps, so we're starting the design work for this now. No ETA I can share yet. Will give more info when we are more clear on what and how.

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor

    Ok thank you @Hayo_NI , it makes sense you can uninstall only from connected external drives.

  • cnnryng
    cnnryng Member Posts: 24 Member

    It is outrageous that there isn't a convenient way to uninstall applications - if you can tell me the exact location I will find all the files, why can you not code a small program that can locate and delete those for me? Pretty much every other piece of software in existence offers an uninstaller

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    Hey @cnnryng .

    I'm doing a community outreach post now, where this topic came up already, but I'll sum it up here too :).

    The TL;DR is that we unfortunately support 4 installer techs with a 5th one on the way, so we're unifying that first before we end up having to build and maintain 5 different versions of uninstall. We're still on it, just a minor detour as we prepare for awesome stuff to come.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I noticed!! Makes life a hell of a lot easier.

    You don't add changes like this unless you actually care about what you're doing.

  • Tony O'Keeffe
    Tony O'Keeffe Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I've had problem after problem getting started- something about ´location ' being wrong but Im not a tech guy so Im lost and now I want my money back, I want to give up music altogether and I deeply despise Native instruments. Thanks but no thanks. Why dont you design your software better because its a disgrace.

  • Tony O'Keeffe
    Tony O'Keeffe Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    This so called uninstall guide is useless- its incomplete and you need to be bill ****** gates to understand it. Sod you all. Absolutely despise NI, made me wanna give up making music. Why dont you design software that works properly, ****** TEST it FIRST THEN release it IF IT WORKS PROPERLY?

    YOu need to

    1. Design your product better
    2. Give us a god dam uninstaller for jesus christs sake
    3. Get some help staff, answer your dam emails , your aftercare amounts to abuse its so negligent.
  • PS is my user name
    PS is my user name Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I am trying to delete/uninstall several apps that are made redundant by newer versions in Komplete 15 (ie, Guitar Rig 6, Ozone 10, previous versions of Kontakt). I have followed the "How to Uninstall" steps in Native Access to delete the related files. However, Native Access now labels these uninstalled items as needing repair and wants to update/reinstall them. Is there anyway to reset this in Native Access so these are recognized as uninstalled products?

    Native Access needs uninstall functionality for apps, plug-ins, and all products.


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