Individual effects for each sound
I started to use the feature where you can make your own instruments with Mapping Editor. But... is it possible to give each sound an individual effect with separate master outputs and not to just an entire instrument?
Poly Aftertouch Cymbal Choke Script issue.
I tried implementing this script I found for poly aftertouch cymbal choking from EvilDragon, and it sort of works. The issue, however, is that it doesn't totally kill the voice, it just reduces it in volume. The sample continues playing at this reduced volume. I've implemented it verbatim, and I'm a bit stumped. on init…
Switch from Loop To Sliced - Script
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find a way to switch from a loop to a sliced sample mapped across the keyboard easily via KSP script. An example would be a drum loop that plays as a loop when a note is held, but you'd have the ability to switch it to all drum hits mapped across the keyboard so you can play them as one shot…
How to make the "Tune" Knob move in semitones? And control it in high resolution
I want to tell the Tune-Knob to move up/down differently. Not in 0.01 or 0.1 steps, but 1.0, which means in semitones. I m using Komplete Kontrol 2.7.2 to host Kontakt, because i m using the KK S MK2 Keyboard. I ve found a script for the semitone movement, which works for MidiAssignments, like Midi cc11 - but it also…
Auto Sampler not working with Creator Tools
I just sampled a piano with 16 velocities in AIFF format. And when I tried to Auto Sample them they do not show up when I load them. Only when I place them manually. Any idea where the problem is?
Override sustain pedal on a per-pitch basis with velocity = 1 note events
I have this very simple script working fine below but it's only able to send note-offs for all note events. I want to be able to only send note-offs to note events of the same pitch as the note event with velocity = 1, the instant that note is played. on init declare polyphonic $v declare polyphonic $notenumber end on on…
Is it possible to script a bypass control for an external modulator?
I would like to script an interface which lets me decide which of 3 modulation curves to use for any given group. Is it possible to script a bypass for an external modulator? My thought was I could create 3 modulators, each controlled by a unique CC and with the curves I need, and then I could use a scripted control to…
Zero experience - Trying to write a script for multi for round robin of 8 instruments
I'm trying to write a script that will send incoming MIDI notes sequentially to 8 separate instruments in a multi. I keep getting errors. I'd be grateful for pointers. I started by trying with 2 instruments. Here's my bad script: on init declare $currentInstrument := 0 declare $numberOfInstruments := 2 { Assuming 2…
a tap tempo button
i want to do a tap tempo button to calculate how many ms the delay should have but i dont know how to do it
Master fx rack for multiple separate outputs.
I am very excited with the Kontakt Outputs feature! (best for the drums!) However, is it possible to make one master channel that connects an fx rack to all those separate channels inside the Kontakt? Something like the DAW's have- they have multiple tracks, and each track has one fx rack, and then you have one master Fx…
How can the arpeggiator script affect only one group instead of all?
im doing my own instrument and i want to use the arpeggiator but only in one group, i want the others to play normally but i dont know where and how modify the script to do that
Automatization code and default fader positions
Hi friends! 1) Can you please tell me what KSP code I needed to make automation work (read and write functions) on my volume faders? Looks like faders haven't this function. When I activate this function in Cubase and touch my faders - Cubase don't paint any changes 2) What code is needed to make the volume fader take the…
Need help to create a simple knob for CC11 (expression)
Hi everyone, I want to add a simple knob for CC11 (controlling volume) to one of my custom Kontakt Instruments. So far I added an modulator (amplifier => external sources => midi CC) to tweak the volume. This is my script so far: on init make_perfview set_ui_height_px(120) declare ui_knob $Expression (0,127,1) move_control…
Seeking Advanced Instruments Beyond Ambient Escapes in Native Instruments
Hi everyone, I've been exploring Native Instruments' DEMO Ambient Escapes instrument, which is fantastic for understanding the intricacies of instrument creation and particularly for learning about scripting. However, I'm curious if there are other available instruments that offer a more in-depth experience, similar to…
What's the best way to recreate an instrument in an older version of Kontakt?
Hi, first time posting here... I'm just starting out creating some of my own Kontakt Instruments and have realised that Kontakt is not forwards compatible. The instruments I have created in Kontakt 7 will not open in older versions. I'd like to recreate the instruments in Kontakt 6 to allow wider access but I just wondered…
Automation and routing trouble
Hello friends! Can you please help me with KSP scripting? I have 2 problems I made a library Where Knob UI are changed to My custom sliders with 3 parallel busses at the time 1) It seems that i need some code for automation working Cause when i activate WR buttons on my Kontakt window and trying to change volumes - Cubase…
Menu to control which group could be filtered
Hi there, can anyone help me with a code for a drop down menu for my filter section where I can chose between a Main and Bass group? At the moment the filter controls all layers but I want it separate that I could filter the Bass group maybe a bit more than the Instrument group/s. Here is what I already have: declare…
Script Remape CC´s - Is there this script for an Instrument?
Hi, I want to set an CC Signal on 0 to 127. With the script Remape CC´s it is possible on the KSP. Is there this script for an instrument. Thanks for helping Thomas
Deactivate a activated Button when a other one gets activated
Hi, when for example Button 2 is activated and I activate Button 5 the second one should be deactivated and so on. is there another way to do this? because since I'm using this code I've many problems with the functions of my script. on init declare $i declare ui_button $button0 declare ui_button $button1 declare ui_button…
Bypass Button function
Hi, I have a button ($reverbonoff) that activates my reverb1 and leaves reverb2 bypassed. I have another button ($revswitch) to choose between the 2 different reverbs. If I deactivate the $reverbonoff button, the $revswitch should no longer work only when $reverbonoff is active $revswitch should work. can anyone help me…