wont let me load my TSI file for vestax VCI 400 SE
I have traktor 3 installed on my new windows 10. It wont let me load my TSI file. I import 2 times but no success. after loading it just shows "traktor 2 default ....." Firmware on VCI 400 SE is updated I have used this file for years on various laptops. All is working on a laptop but not on my PC I have just tried to load…
someone help me with mappings of numark ns6 2TH generation?
i buy a numark ns6 2 and i don't search the tsi files complete
LED brightness on AKAI APC Mini mk2 controller
Hey, everybody. I'm trying to map an AKAI APC Mini mk2 as a controller for a step sequencer in Traktor Pro 3. Unfortunately I have run into a problem with reaching the maximum brightness for the LEDs in the buttons. As it is stated in the controller communication protocol, the complete control of the LEDs is based on a…
Remapping S4 mk3 mixer section to control 4 fx units
Hi there Am completely new to mapping but happy to dig into guts and learn. I use TP3 in external mixing mode, so the mixer section (eq and mixer fx) on my S4 Mk3 sits there redundantly. I’m thinking it’d be great to utilise the mixer fx and eq controls so that I can control the 4 regular fx units instead. Would just like…
Supreme MOD preview player seek
When i Seek through Preview Player i also seek throw the library of tracks how to fix it?
Help with Mapping for Numark Total Control / Traktor Pro 3
Hi everyone, I bought this controller second hand, and I want to use it on Traktor Pro 3. A friend of mine downloaded that version for me a while ago, but I haven't been able to make it work with the controller, even tho it has the option to add/choose the TSI of the numark total control on the software. When I select the…
SupremeEditionMod EDIT
SupremeEditionMod EDIT (Based on Supreme Edition Mod by @Aleix Jiménez) I am currently working on updating the EDIT i've worked on since last year to SupremeEditionMOD Version 33 (24.August.2022). Until i am finished, the EDIT only works on Beta 31. You'll have to have the qml folder of Beta 31 already and then put the new…
Kontrol S2MK3 - Map GRID button
The S2MK3 has a GRID button which I would love to map as FX unit toggle. This button does not do anything when pressed on Learn mode and I can't find it on any button lists if I don't use learn. How can I map this button?
Traktor X1 MK2 mapping for browsing
Hi Everyone, I recently purchased X1 MK2 as my MK1 was not compatible. One of the features I really enjoyed on MK1 is the browsing, selecting and loading tracks with the big knobs. In MK2 you have only the middle knob and the select buttons for browsing and loading tracks. I would like to map the 2 loop knobs for browsing…
Twitch and Akai AFX mappings for Traktor Pro 3
Hi Does anyone have these? Looks like Traktor Bible collection is gone and the one in DJ Tech Tools is temporarily off. Thanks.
Reverse playback constant
Is it possible to reverse play a song in constant mode (without pressing and holding)? I want to try playing and scratching in reverse mode on my left plate vinyl. Do I have to reverse the rca cable (left<>right)? (I used to do this in serato scratch live and it works). Or is there a software option in traktor setup that I…
S4 Mk3 mods
Hi there Please tell me is there any mod like screen hack Joe Easton or similiar mod like Tekken or something that works on S4 Mk3 with Traktor Pro 3.11 ? I want make smooth loop tightening with jogwheel for an exaple. Any body can help me with this ?
Remapping S4MK3 EQ section
Hi everyone. I was wondering whether it is possible so remap the EQ section of the S4MK3 so that i can use the 4 band EQ Xone mixer setting. Preferably i would like to remap the eq section as follows: Gain = shift+gain knob Hi = gain knob Mid Hi = high knob Mid low = Mid knob Low = Low knob Is this a possibility?? Thanks…
LC6000 Backspin Problem
Hi, I treated myself Denon LC6000s and created a corresponding mapping. This has worked well so far and I can now control two decks per device with the vinyl button as a deck switch - very cool. However, I have one problem: backspins are impossible because the "Jog Touch On" with "Hold" interaction mode feels too short. So…
How to map Kontrol S2 to switch between A-C and B-D on shift and FX select button?
Hello! I recently bought a Kontrol S2 and am having some trouble setting up custom mapping options. What I would like is to add a function whereby if I hold the shift button on deck A and then press FX select 3, that will switch that deck to control track C. I would also like deck B's shift button and FX select 4 to…
Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 mapping stems
Hello. I have a question about mapping stems on the Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3. I would like to replace the samples mode to "stems" mode. When I push the samples button, the first pads line can mute/unmute stem and the second pass line can activate/deactivate fx on stem. I know how mapping the pads, but I don't know how…
NI, why in the world don't you let us use this controller with other softwares? Let it be a midi controller as it should be!!! Why don't you put it on the product page like "IF YOU BUY THIS "CONTROLLER" YOU CAN USE IT ONLY WITH TRAKTOR!"
Mapping LEDs
I own the Traktor S3 and have mapped some effects to buttons that I don't use very often. I managed to reassign the button actions with the help of YouTube videos. I am more than satisfied with the use of these effects. A minor issue is that sometimes I don't remember which effect is currently active, as the buttons do not…
Virtual dj to detect the controller but play with traktor
Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting : Quote : Our community is currently only available in English. Please be advised that we retain the right to remove any posts in languages other than English. I once saw a dj who used traktor and also had the virtual dj open to detect the controller. He told me: I…
Turntable FX Delay
Hello, first of all sorry for my bad english I'm french, I'm using a Hercules dj control air + with Traktor Pro 3. I was using VDJ but swap for some reason. I mapped myself all buttons beacause there was no mapping for my controller and now I just need to assign my effects. In VDJ I mapped a "breakstart" effect wich is…