Native Acess 2 "Dependency installation process is taking longer than normal..."



  • Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2022

    Where is the updated version to install Native Access 2? Has the "dependency issue" been fixed?? I have the same issue hundreds of others are having. I upgraded to Kontakt 7 and can't install because it's released on Access 2.0 as well as a library I purchased that was created on Kontakt 6.7 somehow, and the latest version I can find is Kontakt 6.6. Was this supposed to help us create???

  • Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks a bunch I'm on Windows 7 unfortunately. I see this with Waves as well, they are phasing out the older OS's.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi im on Native Access 3.0.1 and having the same issue. Could not find Ntk either to stop it

  • Member Posts: 3 Member

    I contacted support yesterday but will post and update for transparency. But, obligatory still having the dependency installation issue too with NA v3.0.1. Seems like macOS have a bit more options than us Windows 10 people do. Uninstalled and reinstalled Native Access, found and deleted all lingering NI files including kontakt player 7, downloaded the most up to date NTK file and still nothing. I was able to downgrade to V1 of NA but I can't download kontakt player because for some reason they made every download only available through NA, which makes no sense to me. To even get KP7, you have to enter an email address, wait for a link, click it, then it takes you to the NI site and says you can get KP7 by downloading NA lol. Very frustrating. Why I can't just uninstall and reinstall a program without issues is beyond me.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2022

    @TonyCashola same problem as you in win 7 I would say they def have a an issue with there new version they must fix as i see a ton of people have the same issue on all dif versions of windows and even mac so that's a hint there is a problem with their code and bugs that they really need to fix, as this is unacceptable NI ... your new software has bugs and does not work as it should, when will this big problem you made be fixed?


  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue for version 3.0.1 on Windows 7.

    No, I'm not updating my OS just to run this. No, I'm not going to download a bunch of other programs to work around this. Thankfully I've not invested much into Kontakt instruments, so quite frankly I can live without.

    But, for the sake of those who have, I hope everyone continues to harass NI (and maybe consider pulling all monetary support should the issue not be resolved... the loudest voice in all of this is your wallet after all).

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    I agree ok Native Access Specialists as you call em hey @Jeremy_NI I have yet to hear from one of these specialists. Fix the issues you know you have, I too wrote support and still have heard zero for a paid product this is unacceptable you an d the other admins need to make sure this issue is fixed IT IS A PROBLEM that can and does occur across all versions and platforms new and old so please no more dam excuses YOU NEED TO FIX THE PROBLEMS. talk to the dev team they need to wake up and re-code this bug ridden installer system. Seriously I I do not hear back by Monday I am going to escalte this to corporate. and will suggest others to do the same.

    its been more then enough time to FIX Said issues. This one thread on the issue spans 6 pages. I think you def have a problem. This was not an issue in older versions this seems to have started with v2 and now continues to still be broken in V3 I even reinstalled the Damian as some suggest and completely uninstalled and re-installed Native Access same bugs YOU NEED TO GET WITH IT and fix the problem. Downgrading is not a solution. You need to patch it or re-code it as it does not work and many have the same issue.

  • Member Posts: 3 Member

    @AudioWorx 10000% V1 was working perfectly for me on WIN10 literally last week. Had to uninstall and then reinstall and when I did that, it hasn't loaded since it made me download now V3.0.1. I really hope that GGD and other VST companies switch to using their own loaders/players instead of having to rely on NI. Blows my mind that because NI can't get their stuff working I can't use drum samples for the music I'm working on and have no earthly idea when I'll even be able to. Plus everyone else who can't work on their music because of this. Should have figured NI was useless when their only workaround for unresponsive new programs is to use the old/outdated one.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2022

    @Frus77 exactly and somone from NI finaly wrote me and said that I should update my OS I told him that this is a problem on new and old Ver of Win and Mac and that this response was unacceptable they need to fix the problem they know they have and stop using excuses. I told him when I hear back it needs to be with a patch or a direct DL to update Kontakt as I will not accept any more caned responses. They need to re-code the mess that they made in 2- 3.0.1 and make it work as it should on new and old many have and still use 7 in audio set ups and as you see even on 10 it may not work correctly so they clearly have bugs in there code that must be fixed on their end not ours. I got 2 responses from YT posts I made as well and that NI agent posted back this is a known problem they are working on, yet the guy who wrote me could only say its my OS ... fast and easy for him to think I would accept his ****** response.

    I think we need to all contact corporate and light a fire under their butts to get the dev team to work on this big problem above anything else. I DONT CARE IF this is the busy season heard that over and over. why was this not fixed they have had this issue and known for months the code is faulty way before the busy session.

    NI NO MORE EXCUSES FIX THE ISSUES STAT or hire someone that can this is unacceptable for paid software ...

  • Member Posts: 3 Member

    @AudioWorx I've been emailing the support people and in the email from this morning he said "I would keep an eye out for the next NA2 update which plans to address some of the dependency related issues our users have been experiencing." Almost died of laughter after seeing that. If I didn't have to rely on NI for my VSTs, I would have been gone a long time ago.

    My issue has been "resolved" if you can call it that. I was sent links to an outdated link to Kontakt 6, then an updated Kontakt 6 and then Kontakt 7 on top of a link to Native Access 1. I have had to downgrade both Kontakt and NA just to run some drum samples and they want me to hang tight for an update? Absolutely not. Never updating anything now that I have my setup mostly back to normal. I hope VST companies just start making their own players/interface. I'd rather have a separate player for every VST I own than to have all of them needing to go through Native Access. It blows my mind that they have access to all this previous versions of software instead of trying to fix the current "up to date" software. This thread was created in JULY and is STILL ONGOING IN DECEMBER. I know nothing about programming but you can't tell me it takes almost 5 months to test/find/fix bugs. And if I'm wrong and it's more indepth than that, it would have been nice to know from NI staff about it. Communication would have made most of this not really be an issue, instead they just keep pushing the same 2 troubleshooting articles that don't fix anything. I'm glad my headache with this is relatively resolved but I feel for you and others who aren't so lucky.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    @Frus77 What I find really funny is the fact they keep referring to v2 when in the NA installer ERR it say 3.0.1 so beginning in v2 till now it is still broken, and while I know bugs in thousands of lines of code can take a lot of trouble shooting to get working across dif platforms I consider this way too long for experienced coders to not get this debugged by now. This Should Be Paramount on the list above anything else as it affects a lot of users.

    Busy or not I don't care this should have been beta tested correctly and fixed long ago way before the holidays. I will say it again if your current dev team can't get it working then you higher those that can. I would expect this type of mess from a small startup company, not a company that's been doing this for 25yrs or more. If this is what this Soundwide 3 company merge buyout whatever has in store then they need to make sure they get the correct teams together to debug said mess they call Native Access or rename it to Native No Access LOL had to add some humor to this absolutely unacceptable software that we have at this point in time.

    The original version 1 had none of these issues so then you go back to the code that works and backtrack figure out why it works and then see whats in your current code that's preventing it from working correctly, because the new code that was written for 2 or 3 just does not work, and in my opin is a train wreck if its actually taking this long. Or just scrap this new version go back to the old ver, mod its working code a bit so that it will install the newer versions of Kontakt that the old one will not. either way it should not take this long this is ridiculous.

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,644 mod

    @AudioWorx A few things to clear out. Native Access 2's current version is 3.0.1 and was never supported on Windows 7 or 8 and it never will. It's not an excuse, it is what it is. Windows 7 is not supported. If you wish to use Native Access on Windows 7 you'll need to use the legacy version of Native Access found here: Native Access 1 Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems

    As your comments on Youtube you mention, you have to understand that support is not handled in Youtube comments, we try to help when we can. Now you are on an outdated system, you have every right to be but please check the system requirements of the programs you want to use.

    Our current products only support Windows 10 & 11. If you wish to use older products or older versions of products fully compatible with Windows 7 you can find them here: Compatibility of Native Instruments Products on Windows

    Now, there are some issues with Native Access 2 that affects a lot of users (not all), yes, the team is very aware of them and is working on it.

    Also please be civil on this forum, we have a code of conduct, I encourage you to read it: Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting 🚀

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi @Jeremy_NI im on macOS big sur 11.7 intel chip and having the same issue. What do you advise?

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