[v1.6.1] MASCHINE PLUS/MK3/MIKRO MK3 Ableton Live 11+ & 12.1+ MIDI Remote Script



  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 155 Advisor


    I apologize for my late response.

    Currently, there is no way to lock the script to a specific track (colors + input). Although you can lock it via Ableton MIDI routings of the track (which you've successfully done that), still the colors will not reflect with the locked track if focused track changes.

    This is a great idea for a future feature, to lock to a specific track.

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 155 Advisor
    edited November 2024

    Hello everyone!

    To new and existing customers:
    Moved every link and store to this storefront:

    Previously was:

    I've been having issues for some months with Gumroad (a lot of other people have similar issues) about not getting paid and the removed PayPal support (for payouts and also for customers to be able to buy the script via PayPal, both were removed).

    I am using PayHip now.

    I will still take care of all the existing customers (Gumroad) and provide updates (emails, new files in their Gumroad account, etc) when new script versions are released.

    Thank you,
    Elton Memishaj

  • BlueGrin
    BlueGrin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    No worries on the timing. Like I said, minor quibble, and the more I've used it the more I appreciate it. Thanks again!

  • dok.ryconn
    dok.ryconn Member Posts: 9 Member

    The script stopped working again now with the Live 12.1.1 update (October 30, 2024) and still not working with the latest 12.1.5 update (December 12, 2024). The last compatible release was version 12.1. - Any possible fix would be greatly appreciated!

    The only thing that works are the pads that send C3 through D#3 per how the controller template is configured but none of the script functionality is working.

  • dok.ryconn
    dok.ryconn Member Posts: 9 Member

    False alarm! My MIDI settings just got bonked up in Ableton but all is working well now on Live 12.1.5 on Mac OS 14 and Windows 10. Please feel free to delete my posts, as I don't want to be misleading or clog up this thread!

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 155 Advisor

    Please do not worry about it :)

    Thanks for letting me know that it was solved!

    I was trying to reproduce the issue, but couldn't.

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 155 Advisor

    I wish every one of you a happy new year and a good year up ahead for you and your family!


  • Azzzido
    Azzzido Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I looked through the manual and didn't find any mention of cutting audio clips in Arrangement View, Is that possible with this script?

  • sp33k3rph433k
    sp33k3rph433k Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Just got this script and I haven't been able to get it to work. Followed the instructions in the setup video in the main post but I'm not getting any control over Ableton. The MIDI Track In Indicator lights up when I press anything, but the Out doesn't, nor does anything happen in Ableton.

  • sp33k3rph433k
    sp33k3rph433k Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Oop. Can't edit my comment, but I'm on a Mac:

    ➜ ls /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 11\ Standard.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI\ Remote\ Scripts | grep Mikro

    And the MIDI map is installed via the Controller Editor. Downloaded the latest version of Maschine 2 which seems to be 2.18.4.

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