Arranger improvements



  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Being able to put a sound into an audio track and record arm these would be amazing instead of recording via the Sample option and audio plugin. Beïng able to punch in/out. Maybe just being able to put a group into "Linear mode" and make these 16 tracks work linearly with record arm buttons and possibilities to punch in/out, repair recordings, etc ...

    That would be awesome. Sketching out ideas in patterns, put them into a timeline in the arranger, assign a group into linear mode, record vocals and guitars on top. Make my day! The ultimate hybrid workflow.

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 67 Helper

    This suggestions doesn't apply to arrangement but to Maschine in general. Just offer 1 AUX send. But with the + sign besides it. Just like in the plugins section. Every time you click the plus sign an aux is added. Why restrict the mixer to 2 auxes? And put a option in preferences to make AUX sends global. So that AUX 1 is the same send in every group so I don't need to set an aux in group 2 to my reverb again. Group 8 is always my FX group and receives auxes.

  • HansAlbers
    HansAlbers Member Posts: 1 Member

    My most missing feature:

    third party Midi VST Plugins to control (multiple) tracks (for instance a chord plugin like scaler2 or an third party appregiator)

    or a dedicated chord track to structurize a song with correct naming of patterns (like Dmajor etc.)

  • felipeazucares
    felipeazucares Member Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 3

    Seamless integration and syncing of projects between the Maschine+ and Maschine software.

    I would like to be able to save a project that I'm editing in Maschine 2 using the M+ in controller mode back to the M+'s SSD so that I can use it standalone - currently you have to do this manually and there's a lot of faffing about with disk mode and working out which VSTs will/won't work - honestly this process can take an hour or more.

    Ideally the 'save to M+ process' would identify issues such as Kontakt/Reaktor patches that won't work standalone and bounce down anything it can't load natively.

  • Triggi
    Triggi Member Posts: 48 Helper

    Same here! Since Maschine Mk1. It could be the one and only change!

  • quincyhoist
    quincyhoist Member Posts: 7 Member

    Direct automation and audio recording to timeline (with fx monitoring on input, e.g. record guitar track to timeline via Guitar Rig) or extend plugin mode integration with other DAWs so I can more seamlessly use Maschine’s intended strengths while tracking other stuff in Logic. With my broken record of keeping NI Accessibility Helper users in mind.

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Chase back feature for events. That when you start the timeline in the middle of a clip all events are actually sounding. Now when I have a vocal track in a song- or patternlength clip I always need to start at the beginning of the song or pattern to make the audio of this clip start playing.

  • Eclectic Lily
    Eclectic Lily Member Posts: 31 Member

    It would also be awesome if Maschine DAW would implement a STEM separation tool of high quality.

    Nobody else would be interested?

    Thank you! 🙏

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 39 Helper


    I know that you can scroll, but it takes two hands (unless you have giant hands...heh).

  • SugarSmaxx
    SugarSmaxx Member Posts: 20 Member

    I agree with this 100%. It's super frustrating that I can't finish in this application as it's super un-intuitive. I wish I could finish an entire project (DAW STYLE) from start to finish without having to dump the creations from Maschine to my DAW. When Maschine+ came out I was hesitant to upgrade the controller for this same reason, so my head it's like "why fix it if it's not broken", then again this was back in 2020-2021. Regardless I am confident that N.I will eventually make the workflow more like a regular DAW!

  • SugarSmaxx
    SugarSmaxx Member Posts: 20 Member

    These are all valid points and just the fact that I can't automate on the mixer (I think the mixer is useless) at least from a mixing perspective. I wish I could have a master fader on the mixer as well and automation for sure. It would be ideal for anyone to be able to finish on Maschine from start to finish, but this it just not possible. Thanks for these points and I hope N. I is listening (wishful thinking).

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Unlimited AUX sends. Just ad an + sign right to the 2 aux sends to add another. And in the preferences an option to set AUX sends to global. In my case Aux 1 is always a reverb (RC48) in sound 1 of bank H. And Aux 2 is always a delay (Replika) in sound 2 of bank H. But I have to assign those every time on every sound or group I want to have a reverb send.

  • walerandei
    walerandei Member Posts: 11 Member

    For me ... the ideal way is:

    "If the tempo is associated with a scene ... and that coulb be also apllied in ideas mode."

    The main idea is to assign a BPM to an scene ... and that this value of BPM is the one that rules in Arranger mode when you play the scene.

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