License Transfer for Maschine MK2

Gonzo99 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello, I own and use a Maschine MK3 with Komplete Ultimate 14. I also have an old Maschine-MK2 that I would like to sell. Before requesting the licence transfer for my Maschine-MK2 I want to make sure it will not cause any problem with my Maschine2.x software + MaschineMK3 environment. The license to transfer that seems to be the one to select in my list of NI licenses is ‘’ Maschine 2 for Maschine Mk2 Black’’ but in my list of license there is no other license for the Maschine2 software. So I just want to make sure that I will keep access to all my software that I use with my MK3 prior to request the license transfer mentioned above?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Btw: I tried to go through the ‘’account support’’ to ask this question but of course these automated dialog systems don’t provide any valuable info. Very frustrating…

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,591 mod
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    You should be fine regardless because when transferring both the seller and the new buyer get to keep the software license, at least with MK3's, not 100% sure about Mk2's.

    Double-check here if there's really no mention of "MK3":

    If there's not then you didn't register it, do so.

    Also, when requesting a transfer ID, it only leaves your account when the buyer actually puts the transfer ID in his account.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,173 mod
    edited December 2023

    This is very strange. I checked all the included products of Komplete 14 Ultimate, in order to provide you an answer, and.... Maschine software is not included! However some Maschine expansions are included (which is not make sense without the Maschine software)!

    I double checked it, but check for yourself too, just to be sure:

    So, if this is indeed the case, you won't be able to keep your Maschine 2 software if you sell the MK2, even if you have a brand new MK3! Which is totally oxymoron.

    But, i might missed something, so, @Jeremy_NI as a moderator, maybe has a better answer for you.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,591 mod
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    You should be fine regardless because when transferring both the seller and the new buyer get to keep the software license, at least with MK3's, not 100% sure about Mk2's.

    Double-check here if there's really no mention of "MK3":

    If there's not then you didn't register it, do so.

    Also, when requesting a transfer ID, it only leaves your account when the buyer actually puts the transfer ID in his account.

  • Gonzo99
    Gonzo99 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks to both of you!

    I double-checked the list and yes in my registered list I have a mention of MK3 but it is only for the registered hardware => ''MASCHINE MK3 HW'' while for the MK2 it seems to be only for the software => ''Maschine 2 for Maschine Mk2 Black'' (this is the reason why it makes me confused).

    But you made realize after double-checking that I also have an unregistered Maschine2 sftw license in the list of ''Not Registered''. I guess the reason why this license has never been registered is because the MK2 had the Maschine2 sftw license tied to it, while for the MK3 they separated the sftw license?... So I guess I should be OK if after getting rid of my MK2 license I then register the currently unregistered Maschine2 software license?

    Am I interpreting the situation correctly?

    Thanks again!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,173 mod

    There is no need to wait.

    I have 3 different Komplete and 4 different Maschine bundles on my account, half of them from some hardware.

    Just go in Native Access and add all the "not registered" serials manually. :-)

  • Gonzo99
    Gonzo99 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Everything worked fine - Thanks to both of you!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,081 Expert

    You have "Maschine SW for MK3" in unregistered secrion because you have not entered its licence number to Native Access. When you do it, it will move to registered SW.

    So for sure you will have at least one Maschine SW licence. But most probably even Maschine SW for MK2 will stay at your account after sale of Maschine MK2 controller.

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