Transposing Chords.
This is probably really simple. Apologies in advance for my lack of knowledge. I'm making a simple instrument for my friend that plays specific chords on specific keys. If you think - it works like XFER Cthulu - but with way less functionality and comically bad MSpaint graphics. The way I've gone about it but using…
Modifying Send Effect Parameters
Hey Guys, Hopefully a simple one. Struggling to use "set_engine_par" correctly to modify a Send Effect parameter. For example "engine_par_rv_predelay" within a Legacy Reverb effect. From what I can see in the Reference Manual "ni_send_bus" may be required but unfortunately I can't seem to correctly interpret this. Any help…
ks_list defintion
Hi everyone! What "ks_list" purpose in this context? I used it to define the key color range but I noticed that it's affecting the midi note being played so can't quite figure out what it's doing or how I should co-ordinate the MIDI note value to its associated group. Thanks!! declare $sel_ks declare $find_ks declare…
KSP Script : transform poly_at to CC ?
Hello ! I'm sure it's not difficult, but I'm not able to do this alone, I don't have the basics to learn scripting on my own... I just need a script to transform poly_aftertouch to cc ... Thanks a lot if somedy help. 🌞
Waiting 1 microsec before change_vol() results in ~50 millisec attack
on init declare $new_id end on on note ignore_event($EVENT_ID) $new_id := play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, 500000) change_vol($new_id, -100000, 0) change_vol($new_id, 0, 0) wait(600000) $new_id := play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, 500000) change_vol($new_id, -100000, 0) wait(1) change_vol($new_id, 0, 0)…
How to deselect all other buttons when pressing one button?
Hello, I have ten buttons that each allows specific groups and disallow others. This works ok, but I'm having an issue with all the other buttons not being deselected when selecting one of them. I researched the old forum and found this:…
Completely stumped on label image/animation behavior - Reset/Reload instrument.
I have a set of labels with custom skins that are controlled by menu selections. The issue I'm running into is that all images reset to the first frame when the instrument is restarted/reinitialized, despite the menu selections themselves staying persistent. I would like whatever frame is tied to a specific menu selection…
Can Creator Tools export specific volumes from all zones?
Can I use the Creator Tools to export the individual zone volumes from my Kontakt Instrument? I am referring to the individual sample zones's specific volume adjustments. Not the group volumes. Is it also possible to get the internal values of plugin settings from my NKI file? (I know it's called "creator" tools, but…
Embed loop points in sample within Kontakt
Hey there Building my first Kontakt instrument and have found the contributions on the various forums hugely helpful - thank you all! Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere and I've missed it. I built the instrument in K6 but am in the process of converting (read: re-building 🙃, as I didn't realise Kontakt was not…
attach_level_meter outside on init
code gets accepted using attach_level_meter in a control callback but doesn't seem to work. Is there are trick to make it work? or does it only work on init?
Hi, in Flair {$NI_FLAIR_MODE_SCAN} I can't seem to articulate the support of the three waveforms by the scan mode. Does anyone have an idea? Manage one menu by another menu. Thanks
Random Round Robins for Multiple Mics
Hi Guys, I've been working on my first VST, and I came across a problem I'm unsure how to solve. Hopefully, someone here could assist me. I recorded an instrument with three sets of mics and would like to have each group separately on the plugin. So far, so good, but I'd be happy to use the cycle random option for it to…
Saving Slider Positions
Hi Guys, I am trying to rework this script: on init declare %save[3] {number of mic signals} declare $sync_id declare ui_slider $Slider1 (0,100000) declare ui_slider $Slider2 (0,100000) declare ui_slider $Slider3 (0,100000) declare ui_menu $Menu declare $tmp declare const $GFX := -1 declare const $GROUP := 0…
Multiple Load/Save Buttons
Hi all, I am working on a project that requires multiple (separate) load/save buttons for different controls on a GUI. So far I have worked this out: on init declare $count declare ui_button $Load declare ui_button $Savea declare %preset[2] declare const $MAIN_PAGE := 2 declare %main_view_id[$MAIN_PAGE] declare…
Choking previous sample played when same MIDI note is struck again.
I'm working on a drum instrument, and I've been driving myself crazy trying to implement this functionality. Say I have a set of random round-robins for Tom 1 in one group tied to a MIDI note, in this case 42. This is working perfectly, however, I would like to choke the previous Tom 1 sample played when MIDI note 42 is…
Controlling a menu from another menu?
I am working on a drum instrument, and I have multiple kit piece options for each part of the drum kit (i.e. 4 kicks, 4 snares, 4 sets of toms, etc). I have menus to select the pieces working quite nicely, but I'd also like to have another menu so that I can have a few kit presets to flip through. Is there a way to create…
GUI is sluggish, too many elements?
(Sorry for spamming lately, got a lot of questions...) I have a script with roughly 600 ui elements; about 250 elements are visible at any given time. I think because of the sheer quantity of elements, the GUI takes a lot longer to refresh than a script with few elements. The issue is not a bulky listener. This issue…
Changing snapshots doesn't change zones -- how to make zones persistent?
My script has an area to drop an audio file into a waveform. But when I save snapshots and switch between them, whatever the last dropped audio file was remains. I know it's not just a graphical issue with the waveform because when I play MIDI I still hear the same sample as well. How do I make my zones persistent? I think…
EVENT_PAR_ZONE_ID in a listener sequence
I'd like to collect the zone ids for my played sequence running in the listener (in a retro machines style sequencer.) what works on note doesn't seem to in the listener this is my code just before playing the note in the sequencer. blip := play_note(played_note,1,0,1) change_vol(blip, -1000000, 0) wait (1) zoneid :=…
Speed knob scaling formula?
https://vi-control.net/community/threads/what-is-the-formula-for-this.3978/ https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/calling-nicki-marinic-or-other-scripters-good-at-math.37073/#post-233780 These are the only real discussions I could find on this topic, and they're from 2006. Basically I need the percent value…