ui_xy XY Pad, $NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE and Pitch Bend on a Surface Pro 3
Hi All! This is my first script post. I am running Kontakt 5 on a Surface Pro 3 with Win10. I made a multi script that has 12 instrument program buttons, 6 cc knobs, a modulation slider and a XY Pad for pitch bend. I want to use the Surface instead of external controllers so I can be keyboard independent, i.e., I can walk…
Multi Grp Select by Menu + Prev Next Buttons
Hi, I want to add buttons for Previous and Next to toggle through the preset menu but I'm not sure how to do this exactly. The basic menu script below works as it should (menu item 1 selects groups 0, 1 + 2) but the buttons are not coded fully yet. I have done this succesfully in another UI using a different method but it…
Creator Tools not detecting samples in folder path?
hello I'm trying to get into using creator tools. Specifically I'm interested in pitch detecting some more chaotic samples, and mapping them accordingly. But I'm having troubles. I've been following along with an online video (this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUebTyo2ebI) I'm following all this guys steps exactly,…
Question On Custom Release Sampling
Hello! I am currently working on a piano instrument and am trying to work out how to script the release samples to work in the way I want them to. Basically - I want the release samples to play all the time, regardless of whether the sustain pedal is down, but also bypass the current bug with Kontakt's release triggers…
Good coders to alter NI's factory portamento script?
Dear community, I've come to the point where I need a professional coder's help to lighten NI's factory portamento (unison) script. I'd like to implement it in my instrument, but I don't want to have the expert settings. I suppose having those makes the script CPU-heavier (it's already quite big even without the portamento…
Send Effects Signal Path? - Reverb where are you?
Hello folks, sto radi? 😅 isnt the Signal Path going trough all Slots serial ? im working on the FX Page of a Instrument and i can not figure out why the delay acts like there is no other effect loaded: I have added in the first Instrument Send FX Slot Reverb and on the 2nd delay. SendFXlevels is loaded in the Bus Slot 1(i…
Hi, I'm trying to make an interface with 2 windows. In this case option_1 and option_2. The goal is when I select option_1, option_2 disappears and vice versa. As long as I have the same number of elements in the arrays for each window it works fine. The problem starts when i add an element to one of the arrays. Everything…
Memory exhausted, transition to SublimeKSP
I've been working on a big project and I just ran into the "memory exhausted" issue, so (instead of stooping to 1=1) I'm condensing the ICB by making one big control param array, which I should have done from the beginning. In order for me to understand what refers to what, I need to put a comment at the end of every row…
Set_skin_offset for Label/Buttons
Hi, How could it be done? I have a label with one large png. When a button is clicked the label should move its view. if($Home_Controls_Panel_Home_Expansion = 1) set_skin_offset(1000 * $Skin_Display) EDIT: I think this is much better solution. set_control_par(get_ui_id($Skin_Display), $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE_STATE, 3+…
When you accidentally delete a good snapshot.
Dear forum, I just spent 3 hours making snapshots in Kontakt and then wanted to delete one of them from inside the instrument; what happened? Kontakt deleted the wrong patch. Instead of the trash one it deleted one of the precious ones. How can this happen? Just for the record: with Kontakt it seems best to instantly make…
Using a menu to allow user presets
Hi Guys, I am working on an instrument at the moment and am trying to have a menu that lets you choose between 6 presets that when selected let you choose the states of 4 buttons for that preset. Looking at the code below, I could just create 6 x 4 buttons and hide the ones I am not using when I select a certain preset but…
How to do filter key tracking?
I'm trying to do accurate filter key tracking using a group filter effect... I guess using the key position modulator. Any ideas? Thanks
Sample drop NKA Problem
Hi guys, This is one of the hardest things I'm trying to figure out. Im using the sample drop feature with a NKA file browser and im trying to save/load the the samples. For now the script will clear any sample as soon as the NKA is loaded. I assume its because of the call functions. The code is just an overview to see if…
User Zone move groups?
Hello, There isn´t really much to say here. I created 8 user zones, set the first 6 to go into group 0 like so : set_zone_par(NI_USER_ZONE_IDS[0], ZONE_PAR_GROUP, 0) ... etc. and the other 2 into different groups. I don´t exactly know when or why it happens, but after fiddling around with the instument for some time…
Bypass all fx at once
Hi Guys, Im trying to bypass all insert, group, bus, send and main fx with one button but that's not possible as far as I know. The knob seems to have a max number of how many "set_engine_par..." per on ui_control. Is there another way to get the pure dry sample sound with everything else bypassed?
Menu prev next with NKA
Hi, I have a menu with prev next buttons that allows selecting different groups When a group is chosen from the menu and then saved as NKA everything works fine. But if a group is chosen with the prev next buttons the NKA doesn't save the state of the menu. function COMBINATION $Combi_G1_Panel := %preset[321]…
Como faço pra limitar uma livraria pra apenas uma pessoa usar???
Quero que só uma pessoa use o sample
Help with syntax for an if/while statement involving simultaneous note events.
First, sorry about the code below. The paragraph/code bIock isn't showing up for me on the highlighted text. For my question... I want to have a group allowed/disallowed when a pair of keyswitches are pressed and have a button reflect that change. I have things working fine with 1 keyswitch as follows...…
Questions on how KSP Scripting affected by Kontakt Version Used
Recently I was trying to understand the KSP scripting by browsing youtube tutorial, nilsliberg tutorial and skimming the KSP reference manual. However the more I skimmed through the manual and youtube tutorial, the more confused am I on why the KSP script is limited to which version of Kontakt used. At first glance, based…
Unable to apply graphics to specific ui_knobs and ui_menus
Hi All - I've began tentatively getting involved with the process of skinning/ adding graphics to Kontakt instruments, and having issues with applying graphics to some of the menu's and knobs on the instrument. These particular menus/ knobs are controlled by the arpegiartor in the instrument so I am wondering if it could…