How can Icreate a channel strip for my drum library
Hi, I've created a drum library. All the parts are in a group but I want to create a channel strip that contain volume slider, pan and mute. Is there a script resource that would have how to script that or even a drum template that I can just load my sounds into that already have a mixer? Thanks
script error for ep preamp mode
Is there a known bug for this EP Preamps engine parameter? set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_EPP_EQ_MODE, $NI_EPP_EQ_MODE_E_GRAND,-1,3,$NI_MAIN_BUS) This is a part of a select/case. When applying the script, Kontakt 7.10.6 stops and shows this line in red. All other other modes (70's, 80's etc), work fine. It is just the Electric…
Send MIDI to Outside World - Instrument Script Not Sending Correct Note-Off
I have a problem with Kontakt 6.7.1 where instrument scripts are sending note-off messages, to the outside world, for the incoming note instead of the note changed by the script. I've tried a couple factory instrument scripts: Randomize Pitch Change Keys and both exhibit the same incorrect behavior. After some…
Creator Tools - getting io.output to work on MacOS
So I have a creator tools script that runs fine on Windows, now I'd like it to run on MacOS It writes some data out to an xml file for me to use later, but this line: io.output(targetFolder..targetName..".xml") which works fine on windows gives me this error on MacOS: Any idea why?
Microtuning Session Horns Pro
Hi all, I'm trying to get microtuning to work with NI session horns pro. The microtuning script doesn't seem to have any effect, having checked with a tuner plugin. On the other hand, global tuning works fine at resolutions less than one semitone. This is the first time I've used a script in kontakt, but it looks pretty…
Automatically Map Your Samples in Kontakt
I'm watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUebTyo2ebI How to Automatically Map Your Samples in Kontakt 6 All ok until I run Lua script. I then get this message "The following error message informs you that the creator tools are not focused on a kontakt instrument to solve this load and instrument in kontakt and select…
Excluding certain groups from randomized group play with code
Is it possible to include/exclude groups from the Random group play option with code? I have tried using allow() and disallow() groups. This only mutes them, leaving an empty slot in the randomized play cycle. I want to disable it completely so the pattern is not broken. If that's note possible, can you create/remove the…
How to control this function?...
Hey, Does anyone know to control the mod velocity/volume parameter below? (highlighted yellow) Is the script as simple as controlling volume i.e set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_VOLUME) as long as I know how to identify this parameter? Effectively I want to control this parameter in certain groups to create a 'dynamic response'…
How do I get set_key_color to apply on instrument load?
The simplest script in Kontakt 6: on init set_key_color(1, $KEY_COLOR_RED) end on works great when applied, however when I load the instrument, the keys come up all white. All the instruments I look at have the keyswitches colored on instrument load. What's the secret I'm missing? I copied all the code from another…
Round robin issue
So I’ve made a simple sampler instruments with some hits in a reverberant room, I’ve loaded them all up with some velocity layers, and set all samples to play as one-shots as I want them all to play to the end. Three round robins. Whenever I reach the third, though, it doesn’t play as a one-shot. Can’t seem to find the…
Seeking Help to sync groups LFOs
Hello ! I'm new to scripting in Kontakt and I have some issues with my groups LFOs. What I want to achieve is the "Marimba Repeat" effect found on the Lowrey TBO organ, where the organ volume is controlled by some sort of a square wave but is out of phase by 180° on certain notes (D,D#,E,G#,A,A#). What I have done is I…
Playing notes with independent rhythms
Hy, I try to write a script where I can play vor example C0 and 2 notes are played with different rhythms at the same time. The 2 notes are the note numbers from the knobs. I can not figure out how to start them at the same time with the length and rhythm. on init make_perfview set_ui_height_px (200) declare…
Adding an arpeggiator
Hi there, I am trying to add an arpeggiator to my script, and was able to do so, but when I add it as a ui_table, and then try to move it in pixels, it ignores the grid value I added on the ui_table size. declare $nsteps := 12 declare ui_table %steps[12](3,3,127) move_control_px(%steps,630,100) As you can see above, when I…
Multiple Octave controls
I would like to control the octave of several groups separately, that is to say an octave control for groups 1, 2, 3 ($oct1) and a separate octave control for other groups 5, 6, 7 ($oct2 ) . However, I can't separate these two controls into dedicated groups: I tried to differentiate the groups in 2 arrays ( %firstctrl,…
Release Triggers clicking
Hi there, As I am adding my release triggers into Kontakt (not via scripting, I'm using the Release Trigger button in my release trigger group), some of them have a click at the beginning, even if I adjust the fade in for it, so it doesn't start on an odd part of the wave. It almost sounds like the release trigger is not…
Need help with a midi script
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) Hello friends I need help with a script, I need that when I play the Midi cc 65 button on the keyboard plays the note C1 ( C ), and always the value is 127 Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting : Quote : Our community is currently only available…
SCRIPT WARNING invalid ui_slider value
Hello, i try to make my first samplelibrary and everything works fine, but there is one problem. I want to controll some parameter with some sliders on my UI for the Freak effect. The sliders for the frequency and the mix parameter work great. But the sliders for Antifold, Harmonics, and Type doesn't do anything and i get…
GUI: How to scale a script to all inserts FX?
I've been working on building a GUI that allows the user to select and manipulate every single insert FX available in Kontakt at the instrument level. I am using a menu to select the effect you want (chorus, distortion, and all the filters and subtypes etc). All the sliders and menus are declared in the init callback and…
Multi Group Purge With Menu
Hi, I have an instrument with 5 groups per Menu item/preset. I want to purge the unused groups when selecting from the menu but can't seem to figure out where I am going wrong. Can anybody please help? Do I need to add a Fade_Out somewhere also? I will add Previous + Next buttons later in case that matters at this stage.…
How to update project tempo for Sequencer?
I assume it has something to do with the on listener callback but I couldn't find enough info in the manual to figure out how to script it so that when I change tempo in my DAW the sequencer also changes its tempo. I appreciate any help :)