Linking two knobs together

sarahmeyz Member Posts: 15 Newcomer

Hi there,

I am trying to link two knobs together in Kontakt, but haven't had much luck with it yet.

Would someone have any good direction for me to go to?

PS: my knobs are declared as sliders, so I can add my own knob design to them:

declare ui_slider $knob(100000,500000)
set_knob_defval($knob, 500000)
$knob := 500000

declare $knobId
$knobId := get_ui_id($knob)
set_control_par_str($knobId, $CONTROL_PAR_PICTURE,"knob")
set_control_par($knobId, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR, -1000)

My idea is to create a link button, so when I press it, knob 1 and knob 2 will move together, linked.


  • theodorech
    theodorech Member Posts: 76 Member

    You'll want to mirror the values of one knob to the other whenever the link_button is set to 1. Also, don't forget to copy the set_engine_par part into both knob callbacks.

    Here’s a quick example:

    on ui_control (knob_1)
    if link_button # 0
    knob_2 := knob_1
    set_engine_par(<knob_2 engine parameters>)
    end if set_engine_par(<knob_1 engine parameters>)
    end on on ui_control (knob_2)
    same logic as above
    end on

  • sarahmeyz
    sarahmeyz Member Posts: 15 Newcomer

    Thank you! This worked great!

    I'm still trying to understand why there's a set engine par for knob 1 after end if, and before end on

    end if
    set_engine_par(<knob_1 engine parameters>)
    end on

    But it did work for what I wanted to do! Just wanted to fully understand the code.

    Thank you again.

  • sarahmeyz
    sarahmeyz Member Posts: 15 Newcomer

    Just to complement my comment, when I used it for my simple test script, it worked perfectly.

    But then when I was trying to mirror two slider values that have multiple set_engine_par parameters assigned to it (from different groups), it doesn't seem to work :/

    Would like to understand the code for mirroring values, so I can adjust to mine.

    Thank you for your help!

  • theodorech
    theodorech Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited October 2024

    The same approach can be used for as many set_engine_par lines as you want. Here's an explanation of the code:

    on init
    declare ui_slider $knob_1(0,1000000) {Declare the first knob}
    make_persistent($knob_1) {make it persistent so it keeps its value whenever we restart the engine}
    declare ui_slider $knob_2(0,1000000)
    declare ui_button $link_button {declare link button}
    end on on ui_control($knob_1)
    set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_CUTOFF,$knob_1,0,0,-1) {control the cutoff values of the first group}
    if ($link_button # 0) {if link button is not equal to 0}
    $knob_2 := get_control_par(get_ui_id($knob_1),$CONTROL_PAR_VALUE) {transfer knob's 1 values to knob 2}
    set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_CUTOFF,$knob_2,1,0,-1) {sets the cutoff values to group 2}
    end if
    end on on ui_control($knob_2)
    set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_CUTOFF,$knob_2,1,0,-1) {control the cutoff values of the second group}
    if ($link_button # 0) {if link button is not equal to 0}
    $knob_1 := get_control_par(get_ui_id($knob_2),$CONTROL_PAR_VALUE) {copy the knob's 2 values to knob 1}
    set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_CUTOFF,$knob_1,0,0,-1) {set the cutoff values to group 1}
    end if
    end on on ui_control($link_button)
    if ($link_button # 0) {copy the values of the first knob to the second whenever you click the link button}
    $knob_2 := get_control_par(get_ui_id($knob_1),$CONTROL_PAR_VALUE)
    end if
    end on

    In the example above, the main set_engine_par is placed before the if statement, but you can totally put it after the if statement as well.

    For future reference:
    set_engine_par(<parameter>, <value>, <group>, <slot>, <generic>)

  • sarahmeyz
    sarahmeyz Member Posts: 15 Newcomer

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation! I appreciate it.

    If I were to add a third knob, to link with the other two, would I have to then mirror all of them like this:

    on init
    declare ui_slider $knob_1(0,1000000)
    declare ui_slider $knob_2(0,1000000)
    declare ui_slider $knob_3(0,1000000)
    declare ui_button $link_button
    end on
    on ui_control($knob_1)
    if ($link_button # 0) 
    $knob_2 := $knob_1
    end if
    end on
    on ui_control($knob_2)
    if ($link_button # 0)
    $knob_1 := $knob_2
    end if
    end on
    on ui_control($knob_3)
    if ($link_button # 0)
    $knob_2 := $knob_3
    end if
    end on
    on ui_control($link_button)
    if ($link_button # 0)
    $knob_2 := $knob_1
    $knob_2 := $knob_3
    $knob_1 := $knob_2
    $knob_1 := $knob_3
    end if
    end on

    When I add the above code, all I can get is knob_1 and knob_2 are linked, and knob_2 and knob_3 are linked, but not all three of them together.

    Thank you again!

  • theodorech
    theodorech Member Posts: 76 Member

    You'll want to link all the knobs so they move together whenever the link button is on. Right now, each knob callback only links two knobs at a time (like knob 1 and 2, or knob 2 and 3). The solution is already there, you just need to copy and tweak a specific part of the code above 😊

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