Absynth 5 LOVE + VCV
Absynth 5 still going warm!
Can't load Irish Harp
Hello, I have Kontakt 7 on my MacBook Pro M1. I can't seem to see the Irish Harp plug in that is being offered free on Native Access? Is the Irish Harp only compatible with Complete Control? I am new to this, so please forgive my incomplete understanding of Native Instruments. I have tried re-installing the latest version…
3/4 patterns
Hello, I've just purchased Session Guitarist Picked Acoustic and can't seems to find any 3/4 patterns. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Choir Omnia portamento issue
I am running Choir Omnia as a plug-in within Logic Pro X. I discovered that this app has a portamento "feature" that appears to be on all the time. The portamento rate appears to be hard linked to the app's tempo, and the app tempo is hard linked to the tempo in my Logic project. The result is that I cannot use this app at…
Choir Omnia keyboard
I'm not expert sorry: i have komplete M32 .it's enaught for choir omnia? Or i need a komplete kontrol a61 (example in my case).Because in the program that i saw in you tube ,i saw many keys (colured- (to use) on many octave,and sincerely ,with an komplete kontrol m32 i dont know if is normal to use as usual,or if i could…
Izotope production suite 5.2 cost likely to get any lower? And is the suite worth it?
I can get Izotope's production sweet for about £240 at the moment. Is it likely to get much lower than this ever? I think a previous sale was about £200 which is why I'm asking. And, do you think it's worth it? I have years of songs with finished arrangement that I want to polish, mix down, master and release online, as…
Session Guitar Question
Hi everyone I was looking at the different Session Guitars. Which one of them would be good for blues / jazzblues / jazzy style / fusion?
Komplete Audio 1 Clipping When Monitoring
Hi, I've got a Komplete Audio 1 connected to Audio-Technica M40X headphones and when I monitor the audio from my microphone I hear clipping even when the input doesn't appear to clip and sounds fine when I record it and play it back.
do vouchers apply to summer sale
I have a $25 voucher from when I purchased M32\Select bundle. Can I use that on the summer sale?
selling vsx headphones?
anyone selling a pair of used vsx headphones?
Baile/Favela/Ostentacao Funk
Can someone throw me in the right direction on how to get baile funk / funk ostentacao type drum kits and/or vocal shots like the "boom cha cha boom cha" I hear in these kind of tracks. I don't see any packs that are specific to this type of music and i've just started playing with maschine mikro mk3. Thanks in advance
How can I get old Kore Player Sounds
Hello, my problem is, that I mixed a single in 2014 with old Kore-Player-2-Sounds. Now it´s time for a Remix - but the old sound files seem not to run under Windows10. Is there any way to reload my old kore-player-soundpackage from 2002 or 2005 (don´t remember exactly) with windows 10? Thanx, Mathew
Battery 3 - no way to activate
There seems to be no way to activate Battery 3 (Windows 7). All the Native Access thingy shows is this: There is no activation button or anything... Battery won't start, there is nothing at all, the process (Battery3.exe) starts but does nothing. The VSTi doesn't work either. Quite ******, if you ask me.
Native Instruments Flair - UI Bug
Hi, I got a bug on my NI Flair effect. The Upper part of Flair UI was lost. I uninstalled the plugin, then re-installing it. But it is still the same. Is there any solution to this?
No MIDI devices available in Komplete Kontrol
So I have this new Intel NUC 12 enthusiast (Windows 11 Pro) to build a soft synth on but have issues with Komplete Kontrol: It seems I do not have MIDI from my S88 to Komplete Kontrol although the USB communication itself seems to work properly (Komplete Editor seems to work fine (I can change colors on the S88), choosing…
Mac Studio SSD
I'm thinking of getting a Mac Studio with 4TB and I am planning on moving my current libraries (which are on external SSDs) to the internal SSD. Does anyone have experience on this (eg resulting in less speed of access)? Thanks
Komplete Audio 6 mk2 loud buzzing
Hello, I sometimes experience a VERY loud buzzing sound while using the device (either recording/mixing or just using it as a sound interface while watching a movie online). This will result in an error from NI, but I forgot the actual error message although it's very generic like "an error has occurred." Just to be clear,…
Licenses are not transferable after email change
Hello, I recently bought Maschine Studio and Jam off Ebay along with some extensions and the KOMPLETE software package. The seller and I wanted to start the license transfer, but unfortunately in the portal in the seller's account, none of the licenses are available for the transfer, probably because the seller recently…
Can we expect sounds.com to close like metapop? After reading other people comments on several post I'm concern.
Question re: Cinesamples O Forbes Organ
Hi all! Wasn't sure where to post this.. I am working with O Forbes Organ in Studio One Pro 6 and I am trying to program in stop changes on the MIDI track. For example: The piece starts with Tolle preset, but later in the song I want to add, say, Flue 16 Reed and Chorus 16&32. Then later remove those, to get back to the…