Oct 31, 2002 Apple Silicon Supported Update... NO MIDI???

ipso facto
ipso facto Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I made the M1 Supported Update for Maschine, Komplete and Traktor.

Then I lost Midi recognization and control of all devices in NI App's.

Anybody know why I cant use my NI hardware with my NI Software?

Best Answer


  • SpencerTyler
    SpencerTyler Member Posts: 42 Helper

    I've been having issues with my M+ and the software as well. I tried to record drums the other day and it wouldn't record the midi. I noticed that that it worked when I opened up the Events screen on the device and then hit record. I'm also experiencing an absurd amount of crashes with each session. Luckily the Auto-Save feature still works fine. I had 0 issues with 2.15 for the longest time and then I started experiencing bugs and crashes after updating to 2.16. I don't understand why the update would be released if it's this bad. I'd hate to say it but Akai is really outshining NI when it comes to updates and product releases especially for their standalone devices. The last plugin release for the Maschine was the Poly Synth which was about 1.5 years ago. Akai has probably released 10 plugins since then and there are rumours about them working on introducing 3rd party plugins to the standalone devices. My head hurts lol

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @ipso facto Could you give more details about the issue? Do you mean that none of your devices are even recognized? Have you given Full Disk Access to Maschine, Komplete Kontrol and Traktor? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Is it the same if you open Komplete Kontrol or Maschine in Rosetta mode and in M1 native mode ?

    @SpencerTyler Do you also have a M1 computer? What kind of crashes are you experiencing ? Any error messages ?

  • ipso facto
    ipso facto Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2022

    I hear ya...

    Turns out... if you're fumbling around, annoyed, waiting for "Support" to HELP and you just start rearranging the USB Plugs in your Hub out of frustration, it miraculously fixes ******... I got Maschine and Traktor back, but Kemplete is still flying under the radar of all known NI Applecations.................

    Keep ye updated.....

    / still no word from "Support"

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @ipso facto It looks like you didn't contact our support regarding this issue, or at least I couldn't find any, do you have a request number that I could check? I could only find one ticket regarding sounds.com.

  • ipso facto
    ipso facto Member Posts: 9 Member

    I stand corrected...

    I managed to regain recognition of the hardware (*see previous post)

    I still can't get Komplete to show her fine behind in the software. It's not a routing problem, the software just straight up doesn't see it.

    And can somebody please tell me why NI is so damn insistent on giving it admin permissions on my hard disk???

  • ipso facto
    ipso facto Member Posts: 9 Member

    Here we go...


    Maschine, Traktor S8 - recognized by software

    Komplete M32 - No ware to be found in any of the NI App's (Plugged in to powered USB)

    KKUpdater - Negative

    Komplete M32: 404 in software.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    Does Komplete Kontrol has Full Disk Access?

    Are you able to open the Komplete Kontrol standalone application ? Is the M32 showing there ? What have you selected for MIDI input and MIDI output?

    Have you tried with Maschine in Rosetta mode and native mode ?

  • ipso facto
    ipso facto Member Posts: 9 Member

    These are shots from Komplete Kontrol on it's own.

    Here it is running in Maschine.

  • SpencerTyler
    SpencerTyler Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited November 2022

    Yes, I'm running an m1 with Monterey 12.6.1. There were no error codes in the software unfortunately. Just my OS saying that Maschine quit unexpectedly. Most of the crashes seemed to happen when opening a plug-in from the software. When I rebooted and loaded the same plug-ins with the controller it would be fine. That's the only pattern I've noticed so far.

  • SpencerTyler
    SpencerTyler Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Experienced something different tonight. This first pic shows 3 of the 4 group pads lit up as if they were selected. It's hard to see A lit up but it is. Also the play button is stuck on while the track is stopped. When I press play again it will work but the touch strip light stays in the same position while it plays.

    This next pic shows the pad mode button lit up while it looks like the pads are stuck in keyboard mode. When I press the keyboard, chords or step mode button it will activate them but the pads stay in keyboard mode and none of the buttons light up for them 3 modes. Also pad 15 is lit up. Don't mind the green on some of the pads. The photo turned out like that but they aren't discoloured.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    edited November 2022

    @SpencerTyler This thread is really getting confusing. Please keep in mind it's a user forum and I'm here to help out but if you have very specific issues, it's better to create your own thread or contact support directly. @ipso facto I still don't get why you said you were waiting for support when you didn't contact support by the way.

    I will create a support ticket for each of you, so our support agents can check your issues and systems.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    Answer ✓

    If you experience crashes on your M1 after the update, please check this article first: KOMPLETE KONTROL / MASCHINE Error: "*Product* could not be loaded, as it may not support Apple Silicon or VST2 to VST3 migration."

    The solution is then to run the Maschine software in Rosetta mode. How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

  • ipso facto
    ipso facto Member Posts: 9 Member


    Thank You Jeremy. I'm sure I speak for both of us and others with similar situations.

    Sorry for sounding so disgruntled at the onset of this inquiry. I wasn't being dis-ingenuous, You guys make incredible products! But it's always something, right? I liken it to being a NY Jets or Knicks Fan... Not going anywhere, but not going to be quiet about it. lol

    I appreciate you looking into what I'm sure will result in a *shoulda known moment.

    I understand you received my ticket for the *Sounds issue and will await further instructions. It would be great to keep my acquisitions in their proper location within my libraries rather than pulling down the messy .zip

    lastly, while all this is being sorted... I would really like to know why it has become so necessary for these App's to have Full Disk Access. I would have thought the Location side of the Library would be more than sufficient to organize traffic within the Documents folder. Literally having to grant permission to the pantheon of Software you're adored for is more than a little unsettling. The M1/< is supposed to be fast, efficient and simpler ARM architecture. It seems like a reach too far, the only two things that should have that access is the Admin & Cybersecurity protocols.

    That's just my opinion. But it would be nice to get an honest and straight forward answer with regard to this question. It matters... Wether it's because of a technical necessity or it provides previously unavailable opportunities to glean profitable data from users... Our ability to construct, route and govern our libraries is a profession in and of itself. So if the later isn't true, then the former should be a simple (though be it a technical) answer. And so I expect one.

    Again, I appreciate any help you can provide me in finding a solution to the 3 bullet point issues.

    • Sounds Ticket
    • Komplete is not being recognized by any NI or DAW Software (multiple moves to supported Midi port variants exhausted and weather running Native or thru Rosetta still remains absent. No crashes, no error messages, no sign of it that I can coax into existence. It does power up and appears to be in good working order.)
    • A straight answer when asked "Why has it become so necessary to give Admin Permissions to NI's Software in order for it to function at all?"

    Right then, thank you.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @ipso facto You only submitted your request for Sounds.com yesterday. My colleagues should get back to you.

    About the Full Disk Access, it's not just a NI thing. MacOs is getting more and more strict with file permissions, for security reasons. Full Disk Access was introduced with MacOs 10.14. It enables to whitelist the programs that have this access and overcome any permission issue. Since audio programs require to access a lot of files on disfferent parts of the computer they can be considered as a threat. The Full Disk Access thing is a way to tell your computer that this software is allowed to do what it wants or needs. You can read more here if you'd like: https://iboysoft.com/wiki/full-disk-access-mac.html

    Now if you're still having issues, please reply to my email with the result of our support tool.

This discussion has been closed.
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