Native Access installation issues

Beyonda Member Posts: 12 Member
edited February 18 in Native Access

(Windows 11)

I am unable to install Native Access 2. Even though I am running the installer as an Admin, I keep getting the warning;

"Service 'NTKDaemonService' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

When I try to start the service manually, I get a warning saying "the system cannot find the specified file". I have noticed after uninstalling N.A, the Daemon service is still listed in Services.

To troubleshoot I uninstalled Ver. 2, installed the Legacy version (1.14.1), then tried to update to version 2, rebooting after each and every step. Mind you I run as Admin every time, with both the installers and normal app startups.

Additionally, I found I could not uninstall the NTK Daemon, as it said the file (NTKDaemon Setup PC) did not exist in the program data. It was referring to a file path that no longer existed. So to attempt a fix, I put the installer in the referenced file path (recreating the missing folder), which finally removed the Daemon from my app list.

In between all of the uninstall steps I used the NI Uninstall RegTool to clean out entries, but nothing about Access or the Daemon was ever listed after the various uninstalls. I also did a basic Registry sweep to clean out all references of the Daemon and Native Access after each uninstall.

I also tried installing the NTKDaemon 1.23.0 standalone but got the same "failed to start" and it will not install fully.

I even tried installing in Safe Mode - failed.

Eventually I found a page that advised making changes in the Local Group Policy, in which I had to add my own user name to the instructed permissions group. (this is all after realizing the Local Group Policy app was not installed and had to find a reputable place to download and install the needed components). FAILED!

Currently, The Daemon is listed in my services but is not listed in the applications. I am unable to start it, it is not showing in the NI Uninstall RegTool app, and I am at my wit's end.

This is a LOT of work to get a simple application installed properly and running, and I have run out of options. I have spent hours trying to fix what should be a simple cut-and-dry act.

I purchased Traktor 4 and am unable to see or download it via the Legacy Native Access, even after entering the serial number and refreshing the feed. If I could get T4 to show in the old version none of this would matter.

Best Answer

  • Beyonda
    Beyonda Member Posts: 12 Member
    Answer ✓

    Ok - after more tweaks and a lot of searching, I found this solution and it WORKED!! It's all a matter of updating or repairing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributables and making sure one has Microsoft .net Framework version9.0 as well


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