About your ideas for Maschine 3



  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 462 Guru

    I made a long post about this previously. While it may not be implemented how you want; you can do quite a bit with setting up your own personal library.

    If your goal is to browse the way you'd browse a directory on a computer; then no. You can't do that. Frankly, that's not the "Maschine way". You can split up your storage to go more than 2 deep.

    I wouldn't argue against them changing this or spending dev effort/time on it; but I do think they've provided a solution that will work as long as you put in effort to organize your library.

  • amusic
    amusic Member Posts: 1 Member

    Please can we have spotlight search for missing samples, that Kontakt has had for years.

    After updating to 3 first session I pulled up had the very familiar missing samples dialogue and awkward way to relink, please fix.

  • 38GEARZ
    38GEARZ Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I've been a user of NIV for years just order the update for machine 3 software, but having a problem with the download, before I can complete the DL a message pops up, > (Amore recent version of NTKDaemon was found Installation will quit.) Any advice on how to fix this? Thanks

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,352 Expert

    IWBNI Maschine (at least on the desktop) was capable of tagging user samples itself, along the lines of Waves free Cosmos software. Cosmos is great but it doesn't actually write the tags to the samples - it just creates a search database.

  • RafaelsTracks
    RafaelsTracks Member Posts: 28 Member

    a simple but important feature for me would be if the input in the sampling tab would always be the same as the one I have set as the input of the sound. That would save me so much time. It can't really be that complex to implement. Always setting the input when sampling is very annoying.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    I have no experience with those devices. Have you looked at Jupiter-XM? Music is for everyone, with sampler functionality built into Maschine to mangle audio (not like the 90s?), it is only up to the ingenuity and effort by user.

  • Eric Rabb
    Eric Rabb Member Posts: 47 Helper

    I agree, along with the new “mute” function, I can just delete (Turn down velocity to 0) volume/ velocity on that particular note. 🤦

  • Triggi
    Triggi Member Posts: 49 Helper


    I want that since 2009! But NI like kidding users with pseudo major updates. I would instantly pay 30€ or more but without the posibilitie capturing the performace to edit after, there is no way! I love the maschine workflow but i'll ship to Push!


  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 100 Advisor

    Instrument and Plugin listst thould have the current sound selected when coming from the plugin.

    Now when I've chosen a sound and start playing with it I sometimes really like the sound and want to favorit it. But (on M+ or MK3 controllers) when you go to the soundlist of that particular instrument or plugin it starts from A. You have to remember the name of the sound that's active (it's not displayed anymore) and scroll to that sound in order to favorite it.

  • Carosone
    Carosone Member Posts: 21 Member

    Alleluja someone else who thinks like me! How convenient it would be to see an analysis spectrum on the second screen of the M+.

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