Ozone Maximizer - Select per Song

MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor
edited August 2022 in Share Ideas for Traktor Pro

I like the idea of a compressor!

But you should be able to switch on and adjust it separately for each song.

With current material he is hardly necessary, because already strongly compressed. With older songs it makes real sense.

Therefore, it would be great if you could decide per song and save.

4 votes

Closed · Last Updated

This idea did not receive enough support from the community.


  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru
    edited May 2022

    I'm wondering whether the already per-track gain function doesn't effectively do that? Like, if you adjust your older music to sound as loud as the more compressed stuff, the limiter will then catch the peaks, and Traktor will store that value per file.

  • MiFa1969
    MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor

    The problem is that older music was produced much more dynamically. Auto-Gain only captures the peaks.

    Catching these dynamics only with the limiter does not lead to a good result.

    The Ozone Maximizer is also more of a multiband compressor.

    And that works much better, especially with older tracks.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    As far as I know, the auto-gain is not a limiter itself, and does not capture any peaks. It just changes the gain, and then the Master Limiter catches the peaks. When you use the Ozone limiter instead of the Traktor limiter, it should work like you say you want it to!

  • MiFa1969
    MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor

    I tested this yesterday. When I set the Maximizer to compress older tracks (all Analyzed) properly, it is too much for current tracks.

    Therefore I would consider a setting per track useful.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru
    edited May 2022

    You don't need to set this in the maximizer settings, you can even leave those to only catch stuff above 0 dB. You need to adjust the autogain per track to make them sound as loud as the more compressed tracks. The maximizer will then not even touch the already slammed tracks, and only work its magic on the newly-amplified peaks in the older material.

    So it IS already a setting per track!

  • MiFa1969
    MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor

    Thank you. I am aware of how this works.

    I was hoping to use the maximizer to add more loudness to less compressed tracks.

    It goes with a compromise of course in that you put the gain value between the two values for old and new.

  • MiFa1969
    MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor

    Yes, that would be a possibility. Simply lower the gain of the current and loud tracks significantly. And raise the older ones accordingly. Then that should work. I haven't looked at it that way yet. I'll test it tonight.

    Thanks for the tip!

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    How do you folks set the ozone limiter for normal use?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    Unfortunately this idea did not receive enough votes over the allotted time. We are closing the post.

This discussion has been closed.
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