Native Access 3.9.0 "Installation failed: Review your location preferences" error message



  • Andy Thornton
    Andy Thornton Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Yes - got the same problem - mid session - can't use the Kontakt 7 sounds!

  • fhermz
    fhermz Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    i got the same problem and i tough i was alone in this mess, we need this to be fixed.

  • fhermz
    fhermz Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    i hope native instruments can do something about it soon, this is not good because i was just finishing a song for a job and no one is gona pay me for this crappppp.

  • fhermz
    fhermz Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    i was trying to fix this all day, i am done, hope native instruments read this and fix it because its not a chip software.

  • chono75
    chono75 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    the same trouble to me

  • Jin Silver
    Jin Silver Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    OMG This was very helpful. Just confirming this works! Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!

  • JB Valentine
    JB Valentine Member Posts: 5 Member

    I would like to offer my assistance if you haven't yet be able to. It also happened to me as well. This is what I did. I reinstalled the latest version of Native Access 3.11 and I CLOSED All of the internet browsers. After the installation of Native Access I then proceeded to install as i AM doing right now and everything is going well with the installation. I understand that it can become very depressing, but this should work as it is currently working for Me. Let Me know please.

  • Ahmed Rashid
    Ahmed Rashid Member Posts: 1 Member

    follow the instruction in the above link

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro
    edited May 2024

    I'd just like to point out that if it wasn't for forum members like @PoorFellow we would be in a much worse place. His tireless efforts to bring us solutions to problems inflicted on us by NI's frankly appalling inability to get things right first time is greatly appreciated and should be applauded. Many thanks @PoorFellow .

  • divine.regrets
    divine.regrets Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just for anyone who is still having this issue, I think I worked out the fix.

    I was confused as to why the "location preferences" were incorrect, even though I hadn't changed anything about where the install folder is located. In a frustrated attempt to fix the issue, I restarted my computer. Then I had a thought that "install location" might not actually refer to the folder location but "location services" preferences. So I went to System Preferences, opened Security & Privacy and went to the Location Services section. There I saw there was a Native Instruments entry that did not have Enable Location Services ticked. So I ticked this and then opened up Native Access again and tried to install my plug in (Slate and Ash 'Cycles') and it worked with no issues.

    So, either the restart solved the issue or, weirdly, the "location preferences" the installer is referring to isn't the install location, but is instead a Location Services request that has not been manually authorised.

    Now.. why Native Access wants to know our location is another issue.

  • chequeredpatterns
    chequeredpatterns Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    delete native access.xml

    reopen native access

    easy as!!

  • Downtempos
    Downtempos Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Somewhat old thread but I still ran into this installation problem getting a plugin from SubMission Audio today. Had to delete the existing NTKDaemon to make this version you linked install. Thanks! We're back on track.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    Thank you for providing feedback and for sharing your solution 🙂

This discussion has been closed.
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