Maschine software hangs while previewing kits - Bug (KBDSW-6977)

Golden Brown
Golden Brown Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi all,

Today I was back at Should I just sell off my Maschine MK3? It happens every time I take it out of the closet once in a few weeks. It's been that way ever since I bought the damned thing 3-4 years ago, but this time I figured out it wasn't the hardware or its complicated DAW integration to blame, but the software itself. Here's what is happening -

  1. I open Maschine
  2. I go to the Browser -> Groups tab
  3. I select a kit to preview the sound
    1. the sounds starts playing
    2. the sound stops abruptly after a second or two
    3. the software hangs
    4. the hardware display freezes

And that's it! Mac OS cursor turns into the psychedelic color wheel. Activity Monitor says Maschine is "Not Responding". R. I. P. Maschine.

The only way to bring it back from dead is to Force Quit the Maschine software. And then, it starts all over again from Step 1. So basically, my Maschine (hardware as well) has become unusable right now.

And this happens in standalone mode as well as plugin mode within Logic Pro X, and whether I am browsing in the software or on the hardware.

Anyone encountered this? Anyone knows how to fix this?

I have Maschine v2.15.0, I'm on a 14" MacBook Pro with M1 Pro running Mac OS Monterey 12.3.1 and Logic Pro X 10.7.4.

By the way I already tried I also deleted the favorites.db3 file, restored that one from backup, but nothing works.

Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    edited May 2022 Answer ✓

    Hey @Nutellaface here is an installer for the previous version of the Maschine software, can you install it and see if the issue still occurs? For some users, the problem only occurs with 2.15: Maschine 2.14.7



  • Golden Brown
    Golden Brown Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited May 2022

    Alright! Few minutes after posting my question, I figured out a workaround {edit:} that works only sometimes.

    1. I open Maschine
    2. I go to the Browser -> Groups tab
    3. Just blindly load the first kit that you see in the browser into Group/Page A
    4. Now browse around any number of kits, preview them and load it as you like into any group
    5. Celebrate, have a beer and get back to some productive time making music!

    Hope this helps someone.

    The issue isn't solved, but at least there's a workaround. Hoping NI will one day get to the root of the issue and fix it.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    Hi @Golden Brown Can you pls double check if you've given a "Full Disk Access" to Maschine just in case?

    Also another article worth looking at is this one: My NI Software Crashes at Startup (macOS)

    Does removing the "com.native-instruments.Maschine 2.plist" file in step 1 help?

  • Golden Brown
    Golden Brown Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hey @Kaiwan_NI - Thanks for your response. I tried and it didn't work 😕

    Actually, I had tried step #2 and #3 on that page already. Now I tried #1 and #4 as well. No luck; spinning colour wheel again.

    I thought this was happening only with Kits. But this time it happened when I previewed a couple of Sounds (on the Sounds tab) and came to back to the Groups tab and clicked one of the Kits.

    You can see in the screenshot that the default selection is the first kit 3l3ktro kit and I clicked on the 909 kit and then kaboom 💥

  • Golden Brown
    Golden Brown Member Posts: 10 Member

    @Kaiwan_NI - By the way, my Maschine doesn't crash on Startup. It crashes after I preview (or technically prehear) a couple of sounds/kits. But as I mentioned in my May 5 reply to my own post, I have found a workaround and that its to load the first selected kit (the 3l3ktro kit) into the default group (A) as soon as Maschine starts up.

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    I’m having this issue as well. I think it’s to do with the auto save. It seems to happen if I haven’t first saved the file before I start browsing

  • seadragon
    seadragon Member Posts: 21 Member

    I had this problem too. I think the preview library gets messed up somehow because it’s only the preview function that causes the crash. If you load a library into a project, it works fine, but if you just preview it in the browser panel, it crashes. I went the nuclear route and reinstalled all my NI environment. That solved it for me.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    Hey, I have exactly the same Problem since the update to 2.15.0

    I´m also on 14" MacBook Pro with M1 Pro running Mac OS Monterey 12.3.1 and Logic Pro X 10.7.4.

    When I try to Preview some Sounds in the Standalone Maschine Programm, it starts to hang after few secounds. The Audio is looping and then Maschine Freezes.

    I removed the complete Maschine Folder Macintosh HD > Users > *Your User Name* > Library > Preferences

    it builds a new one but the Problem is the same after that.

    Also I give all Permissions to my Disk Access.

    Is there somewhere the old Maschine Version to make Music again? :(

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    How did you do that? Sorry for this stupid question...

  • seadragon
    seadragon Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited May 2022

    I manually removed all traces of Native Instruments (they have a support article how to) and then downloaded/installed everything from scratch using Native Access app. Just like if I was a new customer.

    I probably went too extreme but I couldn’t figure out why the previews weren’t working. I later found that all previews are stored in a separate library called NPBL. I have a feeling that the 2.15 installer breaks that library somehow.

    After I did the complete reinstall, it’s all working as expected.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    Hey. Thank you for that information!

    ok, that’s a hard work and I don’t want to do that, so much time for stupid Problems 🙈

    hopefully someone form the support is reading this and do a statement or whatever… that’s a really bad problem they have to fix it asap. :/

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    Here it doesn't care if it´s saved or not.

    Also when I save the Projekt before I start browsing the Previews, Maschine freezes.

    The only workaround is to load at first (the 3l3ktro kit), and after that I can Browse other Previews without crash.

    So, for me this Problem is definitely not solved. :/

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    @Golden Brown said

    By the way, my Maschine doesn't crash on Startup. It crashes after I preview (or technically prehear) a couple of sounds/kits. 

    Understood. That article actually helps with crashes beyond crashes on startup as well... Do you happen to have any firewalls or antivirus programs?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    Hi @Jeremy_NI Many people are having issues with Maschine hanging when previewing sounds. Do you have any suggestions on what to check beyond what's listed in this article? 🧐

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    Well, we didn't get such reports yet. @Golden Brown @paulyminogue What sample frequency have you selected in the Maschine software ? Does it happen with any kind of preset ? I mean, from the Maschine Factory Library ? An expansion ? Is it all the same ? Where is your Maschine factory library and expansions installed ? On an external hard drive ? Where is the Native Library installed ?

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited May 2022

    Hey, thank you for your asking and trying to help.

    My Sample Frequency was 44khz I changed it to 48khz, I have the feeling now the Samples play longer, when I skip them, but Maschine still crashes after 30 Seconds, while skipping.

    Here it´s not a special Sound, its on any Preview. Expansion, Third Part Plug-In like Arturia or REFX or also User NKS for Spectrasonics etc...on complete Kits and

    I didn´t had this Problem with the Version before its just the latest one.

    I don't use a external Drive, everything is on Macbook. M1.

    Everything is installed in hd/user/shared - like it should be...

    Native Library is installed in /users/shared/NI Library/NBPL



    EDIT: After Restarting my MacBook and Maschine directly starting in 48khz, I have the feeling there is way more stability.. Till now I just had one Crash...

    Maybe that's the thing...

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