Bought Kontrol MK3 S88 Used, Didn't Come with Transfer Code

mtch77 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Bought a Kontrol MK3 S88 2nd hand from Guitar Center, and get this error when attempting to add its serial #:
"This serial has already been registered. If your account doesn't already contain this product, you can follow these steps or contact support for more assistance"

Unfortunately, I was in a situation where I needed it to boot-up and play same-day once I received it. But that window passed.

I contacted Guitar Center, but they were unable to contact the original owner.
I contacted NI support, provided the proof of purchase/account info/photo of the serial number, but haven't heard back

Hopefully it gets resolved shortly, but my gut says that this is an annoying process problem that shouldn't exist in the first place…
Buying second-hand is common, you would think there would be more automated/quick processes for resolving this common issue.

Being at the mercy of 2 systems that already got their "cut" without any security of resolution, and having to wait for human support-team interactions feels like it is bad for the customer AND inefficient/resource-intensive for Guitar Center/NI.

For fellow customers:
-Curious if anyone else has gone through this process?
-Anything else I need to do?
-How long it took for you?

And for NI:
-Strongly recommending that you build more streamlined channels/processes for customers in this situation
-Either on your end for more flexibility, and/or on the large/common-retailer's end, establishing stronger collaboration & processes proactively. Instead of wasting resources retroactively.


  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    Purchased a Maschine Plus on May 30th.

    Doubled down and paid for Express Shipping.

    Received a dud that wasn't working out of the box June 3.

    Endured (too) many days of back and forth as an unpaid NI tech support agent trying to help their actual tech department troubleshoot the issue…to no avail.😡

    Tech support finally signed off on issuing a replacement June 26.😤

    Waited in another queue for a few days before being told to wait for an email with shipping label for the return of defective unit. Once that unit was received, it could be an additional 2 weeks for testing of defective unit before replacement was sent.🙄

    This, fortunately, was bypassed by Patrick @ NI North America I believe. He, or someone, saw fit to ship the replacement unit prior to receiving the defective unit. Thank Heavens!🤗

    Received working replacement July 2.🤩

    Wasn't refunded for Express Shipping but got 2 additional Expansion Vouchers so…🤔

    I will say that I've been an NI user since Maschine MK 1 and this is the first hardware issue I've had. And I've purchased several first and second hand NI units over the course of the past 14 years.

    While support issues are never a fun experience, and aside from the atrocious timeframe to get a replacement sent out and having to moonlight as an unpaid NI tech agent, not to mention receiving a product that cost north of $1000 that doesn't work out of box and having to wait a month before purchase was fulfilled…😫

    Yeah so, things may appear bleak, but at the end of the tunnel, there is sound, frequency and vibration.

    Also, with the Summer Sale going on, Tech Support may be inundated with numerous issues so, keep that in mind.

    In closing, it might behoove many of us to purchase new hardware through a third party retailer like Sweetwater or the like. It appears they have expedited channels for returns available that allow for streamlined returns on defects for end users.

    As for used NI gear, I currently have a Maschine Mikro MK3 that I need to have scrubbed so I can add it to my account. I sold an old Traktor S4 MK 1 a while back and was nice enough to unhinge from my account for the new user. Not everyone be like that though.

    Besides, that S88 is gonna be super worth when you get that baby all linked up. It's gonna be my next NI hardware purchase. That or a Traktor something for my oldest son… But the S88 will be mine. Komplete Ultimate 14 CE requires it 😏

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Support is really to slow these days. Contacted sales support last friday in June. The parcel service screwed up the delivery of my order. NI answered a week later (yesterday) altough the ticket was rated with high priority. And my request isn‘t finished yet. 🙄

    @mtch77 in your case I would blame Guitar Center. They claim to be the largest retailer for music instruments in the world. They have to know that NI second hand devices require this transfer ID and shouldn‘t buy it used if the seller doesn‘t provide it to Guitar Center.

    In general even if it takes some time you are in luck that NI offers a way of obtaining software licence for second hand hardware without charging the customer. There are companies that won‘t offer this at all - or even worse no licence transfer at all.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod


    only native instruments support can help you with that issue.

  • Bxman
    Bxman Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    How to get a license for used machine + & jam

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Contact the seller, request a licence transfer ID, enter this ID in Native Access.

    If this isn't possible for any reason you have to contact NI account support. You will need a proof of owenership and a proof of buying the device.

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 348 Guru
    edited July 2024

    Unless the seller advertised the software transfer as part of the sale, you shouldn't really expect to get it.

    The original owner is under no obligation to transfer it either. They traded in second hand gear, not the software.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    There is no reason for sellers of NI hardware to hold back a software transfer. They keep their software licence and the buyer gets his own software package from NI. Without additional charge for seller or buyer. NI wouldn't be required to handle it this customer friendly. There are other companies where you have no way of obtaining a licence without buying the hardware or get a transfer from previous user.

    Especially as some NI hardware isn't really usable without the software it usually would be enough to advertise its features on sale.

  • bfarrellnz
    bfarrellnz Member Posts: 20 Member

    Agree, if you are selling the hardware it is really unethical to not generate a transfer code, as stated above by maniacintosh81 this has nothing to do with the software, the transfer code allows the new owner to get theor own copy of Maschine and the basic software that originally came with it.

    I tranferred my maschine mikro to my son, which gave him the ability to install maschine it didnt transfer my Full version of Komplete which was originally an upgrade from Komplete Select that came with it.

    Guitar Centre seem to come up on here quite alot selling gear that they will know will require a transfer code, they should not be selling the gear without it.

  • mtch77
    mtch77 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thank you all for your comments

    An update:
    -Haven't heard from NI support yet
    -Guitar center said the following:
    "Unfortunatley, I won't be able to give the original owner of the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3 your information or the link as it would be a breach of privacy between customers. I had attempted to contact Native Instruments directly regarding the situation, but unfortunately they have no merchant-facing departments available to contact.
    I know you had stated that you have not heard back from Native Instruments, so I would recommend that if you are not able to recieve support form them to make use of our 45 day return policy for our used gear as a last case resort.
    I wish I could do more to help and I apologize for the inconvience. If there is anything more I can do to help, please do not hesitate to reach out."

    So looks like guitar is unable to facilitate a transfer, period. Regardless of if both parties consent & are willing. Guitar Center also acknowledges the gap in NI's support availability to them. Another sign of both NI's lack of support/infrastructure to support their major 3rd party suppliers, and the 3rd supplier's desire/frustration with being unable to collaborate with NI to assist their customers.

    So looks like my options are:
    -Get help from NI within the next 45 days
    -Return the item to Guitar Center and start over

  • mtch77
    mtch77 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    For anyone else considering purchasing NI that requires a license second-hand from Guitar Center…

    My suggestion would be:
    1. Reconsider/don't. Find other channels
    2. Ensure the transfer is available before purchasing
    3. Be willing to take a risk at the cost of your time/energy, and return it within 45 days as a last-resort

  • mtch77
    mtch77 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    For anyone selling a NI device that requires a license…

    If possible, as a courtesy please:
    -Provide necessary transfer info
    -Or ensure/verify that the 3rd party seller is able & willing to mitigate between buyer & seller

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Sure at this point Guitar Center isn't able to do anything. Their mistake is to sell used NI hardware without transfer ID in the first place or at least cleary mark that the unit comes without software.

    I am sure NI support will sort out your case even if it take its time.

    @bfarrellnz I expect most sellers just don't know about it - especially I think they are often unaware about the fact they keep their licence. This isn't that usual. And if you bought your Komplete Collectors Edition as upgrade which still relies on your Komplete Select bundled with your hardware… I understand that no one wants to give up this licence if they don't know that they keep it as they transfer. Unethical it gets only if they know about the fact and just don't bother.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @mtch77 Our support team has just reached out to you. Can you please check your email and let us know if the issue is resolved?

    Currently our customer care team operates Monday to Friday, so any tickets submitted over the weekend will be addressed on the next working day… As much as we'd like to automate the processes, account or license-related issues like this need to be handled by a support agent. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused over the weekend!

  • bfarrellnz
    bfarrellnz Member Posts: 20 Member

    @maniacintosh81 I get it with the seller, but Guitar Centre should have processes for buying second hand/trade-in gear for resale, while I dont live in the states, they arent exactly a small enterprise. They are big enough that even if they dont get the transfer code they should atleast arrange it with NI before putting it up for sale.

    I think unless you are selling on behalf of someone and you dont know what it is, I dont think pleading ignorance is a valid excuse any more, there are multiple threads regularly on here specifically about selling and transferring ownership. Given the key to NI equipment is the integration with their software, people should be atleast checking what they need to do before they sell, I know I did when I upgraded to the full Maschine MK3 and wanted to sell my Mikro as my upgrades to Komplete were all done under that licence.

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