Maschine 2.18.0 2.18.1 Note Repeat velocity locked when "LOCK" is on. FIXED on 2.18.3



  • Sparaoh
    Sparaoh Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited May 2024

    aftertouch is what i used to use to choke my cymbals in AD2. not talking about choke groups. not talking about aftertouch inside maschine. AD2 uses aftertouch as cymbal chokes and it used to work when loading the plugin in maschine.

    not only does it not work anymore, cc messages also don't make it to the plugin anymore. used to play e-drums all the time through maschine and since the update my cyms don't choke and hi hat doesn't open.

    why is this any of your concern? now this thread is just a bunch of noise.

  • Sparaoh
    Sparaoh Member Posts: 18 Member

  • SBkillabeatz
    SBkillabeatz Member Posts: 39 Member

    @Sparaoh thanks! That's was what i was looking for

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Mark, Maschine has always used aftertouch for note repeat. Velocity is only for initial strike, aftertouch is the application of pressure after initial strike/note on. So the hardware has always been capable of it. In the case of note repeat, this data is then captured as varying note velocity in the sequencer.

    Maschine's sequencer has never been able to capture aftertouch data. I thought it also did not pass it to instruments outside of it's note repeat use. However, I am not so sure about that part.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    I reported the note repeat bug to NI

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro
    edited May 2024

    It's my concern because your blaming an update to maschine software breaking aftertouch due to not understanding the difference between velocity pressure and aftertouch. I'm simply pointing out the fact that this isn't the case which may be helpful to some people reading this. Learn more about the 2 before pointing the finger at a bug in the software regarding aftertouch not working when it doesn't even exist. I'll say it 1 more time incase you didn't hear me the first 4 times I've said it, maschine has NEVER supported aftertouch. Only 3 people have reported this velocity/note repeat issue which is working fine on my hardware.

    Lol, noise you are contributing too.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro

    That is not aftertouch, it's velocity sensitivity. Aftertouch is something else entirely.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    I have always understood velocity sensitive to be based on the amount of velocity of the initial note on event. So a velocity sensitive keyboard will produce usually volume data based on the velocity of the initial strike and release. Holding a note and applying continuous pressure is known as aftertouch which can be mono or poly (also sometimes described as pressure sensitive) The confusion may be due to Maschine interpreting/converting this pressure data simply as note on velocity for each note when using note repeat.

    To reproduce the bug:

    Load a drum kit to a group.

    Press and hold note repeat button on MK3 or Studio

    Press lock button 2

    Release note repeat button and press again to dismiss the note repeat screen.

    Trigger and hold a pad while applying varying pressure.


    Notice only the initial velocity of the strike for all repeated notes. No variation in velocity is heard despite varying pressure as you hold the note.

    Press note repeat button again to bring the note repeat screen back up.

    Trigger and hold the pad again with varying pressure


    Varying velocity as you apply varying pressure to the pad.

    Issue happens with ARP in keyboard mode as well.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    @Mark, maybe you missed we are holding down the pads and applying varying continuous pressure instead of using the hold function in note repeat to latch/hold the note?

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    I installed 2.17.5 to test passing aftertouch. It does not work from Studio pads or KK MK2 for instruments that have it assigned. Tested with NI East Asia and U-He Diva. This is consistent with what I remembered, it does not pass AT data to instruments.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro
    edited May 2024

    I've tried replicating the issues you've discovered but I'm not able to replicate it on my setup. As I've already said using note repeat and varying the pressure of the pads changes the velocity of the samples as it should and always has on the latest version of the software.

    Another point to consider is that if maschine has always worked with aftertouch then why has it never responded to aftertouch from my NI keyboard that has that feature? Surely if it works with what you are calling aftertouch and velocity then it should also recognise aftertouch commands from my keyboard.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper
    edited May 2024

    I don't remember it working externally or from the pads either. I am testing with 2.17.5 and it does not work there either. However, the note repeat bug is not present in this version.

    Interesting, while triggering note repeat with holding pad and pressure, I can hear the effects of aftertouch in Diva (filter cutoff). So it is as expected. Maschine is filtering AT data and not passing it. The exception is with note repeat where it passes the data because it is using it to give repeated notes varying velocity based on pressure/aftertouch. Note that this is only in effect for the pads. Maschine does not pass aftertouch from KK MK2 keyboard even when note repeat is on. This makes sense because note repeat does not work on external midi.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    I am on Windows 11. So the bug in 2.18 may be specific to OS and why not all can reproduce.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    This is almost like trolling but don't get me wrong because I am amazed if it's possible but for me polyafterouch was something I have with Nektar and CUBASE but I didn't find it so interesting because I am glued to Maschine and I will try because it would be nice to have that option even if it's just Mono but Poly Aftetouch I have to check it

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