Native Access Q1 Update



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    Got it - but still do not see a Relocate Button - regardless of what I look at in NA v3.8.1 (Win 10 22H2)

    If I scroll to a library that is NOT installed (like say Damage) - I see a very clear Install button on the right by default. AND if I click the three dots beside that button - I see a Locate option and a Release Notes option.

    Then if I target a library that is installed - like say Kontakt Factory Library 2 - I see a greyed out Install button and the three dots to the right of that - gives me Reinstall, Release Notes, Installation Paths and Uninstall

    But still no "Relocate" button anywhere.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    But, to see the Relocation button you need to have something that needs relocation! Otherwise you won't see it. :-)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert
    edited February 2024

    But what exactly would need to occur (in my perfectly installed and working environment) that would justify a need to press a button called "Relocate"? (If it ever became visible)

    I get "Locate", "Install" and "Uninstall" with 100% clarity.

    But how a "Relocate" could ever become necessary escapes me.

    "Relocate" makes 100% sense if it always appears next to an already installed library and one day I suddenly change my mind about where it is installed and want to "Relocate" it somewhere else - but that is all I can think of for this.

    Maybe its only for "damaged" installs? (based on that article you linked) - but even that article is massively confusing - in one section it's Repair/Relocate then Repair/Reinstall in the very next section.

    When I rebuilt my DAW a few weeks back - and fired up NA and pointed it to where my existing libraries were from my previous build - all I ever saw was a Locate option. No repair. No relocate and no Reinstall.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited February 2024


    Just move 2-3 libraries in another folder, as a test, and then open Native Access. Then you will see the Relocate. It is really simple. It is there when you need it and not before.

    It was not meant to help you move your libraries as you pleased, but rather help you re-discover them in case you moved them for whatever reason.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    Ah - fair enough - I get it now.

    NA knows about a library and assumes it is in its normal place and then some unforeseen event - or move - suddenly makes a Relocate button appear.

    Still - bad logic and button labelling though - when "Locate" would be the correct term in this case as well.

    As in - "I can't find my keys! Where are my keys?"

    I do not gather my friends and have them help me "relocate" my keys - I have my friends help me "locate" my keys.

    Tomatoe - Tomato.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    No, but I would expect them to repackage all old software to use one installer per platform, but I'm not a programmer, just an IT enthusiast and a person who likes simplicity ;)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited February 2024

    The difference between Locate and Relocate:

    Locate Is for libraries that have never been installed on a computer (e.g. you have your libraries on an external disk, you plug it in a new computer and tell NA where to locate them, instead of having to redownload them). Probably it will point NA to the folder where they are located and create eventual files/links needed in order for them to work (and also activate them)

    Relocate is for libraries that have already been installed on the same computer but e.g. moved to another place.

  • Scott Frost
    Scott Frost Member Posts: 82 Advisor

    So,e hot head fresh out of university renamed KISS to Agile and screwed the whole world up

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    I think people are getting hung up on semantics. Call it whatever you want, but moving NI libraries is broken. I think we can we all agree on that lol?

    In a perfect world there should be two maybe three options inside of NA to move libraries (ie shouldn't have to move them manually in Finder, Explorer or command line)

    1) Move all libraries - Moves everything to a destination folder... pretty self explanatory

    2) Move selected libraries - Select several libraries or one library to move to a destination folder

    With the file locations in preferences still being the default location when downloading and installing new content.

    I still think there needs to be a "find library" feature though. In my mind NA should work similar to how you can move your personal Downloads, Documents, Photos folders in Windows.

    Right now D:\Downloads contains all my downloads. If I click Move and select E:\Downloads it will offer to move all the files for me or leave them be. Alternatively, I can manually create a new Downloads directory, move whatever I want there, and click Find Target to specify a new target. Now this analogy doesn't fit 100% because the Downloads directory is a single item, but you get the gist.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Is that even possible? I can’t recall a single program not being part of Windows itself that has internally the ability to move things already installed in a computer.

    Once they are there, you have to do it directly with Windows (through Explorer or other functions of Windows itself). Programs have only the ability to be pointed at where the programs/files are

    Am i wrong?

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Well typically people don't install Windows programs to Downloads or My Documents so it's not an issue. But yes Windows will happily relocate your Downloads, Photos, Documents etc.. directories and all if it's contents for you. However I don't believe it will change any references to anything in those folders... in other words.

    If for whatever reason you decided to install something to your downloads directory in Windows and then moved it to another directory I would almost guarantee that the program wouldn't work anymore.

    Again, it's not the best analogy because the folders serve different purposes. I was more talking about how you could move or locate a folder.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited February 2024

    Inside and through windows abilities is more than obvious: we do this everyday.

    But an “external”, third party program (like NA) being able to move things on its own? Is that a thing?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited February 2024

    Yes it is very possible.

    Either with the easy way, through some tweaking application or as reffahcs described (though it is not always work, unless you have admin rights), either with the hard way, manually through the registry.

    Basically through the Registry you can do almost anything, without the need of any app. Also with the Group Policy Editor, can do too many things. the way, we never install anything in the Downloads folder, it is foolish (for a 100 different reasons)

  • AsylumSpeaker
    AsylumSpeaker Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Please. please, PLEASE give Maschine+ owners the ability to install compatible versions of M+ plugins on their computers. Massive is currently out of alignment, and I have at least one project that works fine until Massive crashes. Massive presets made outside a Maschine project simply don't load. It's extremely ironic that one of the features touted in the Massive update is an "NKS -Init" preset to improve NKS compatibility, that mentions Maschine as a use case.

    Please just let me install whatever the current M+ version is, for all plugins.

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    We are supporting 4 installers actively and adding another one soon. The ones we currently support are:

    • Digital Content Packages, which we refer to as Slim Content, and is our defacto installer tech for all content products like Instruments and expansions due to it being slimmer in size and faster/lighter to install/update.
    • .pkg for MAC installations
    • InstallAware for Windows installations
    • InstallerBuilder for iZotope software that is and will be supported on Native Access (Ozone, iZotope Elements Suite products)

    There are several problems with .pkg and InstallAware installers, which is mostly covered by DCP. Big one is the fact that all files are blocked behind the installer bundle, making our installations require 2.5x the amount of space and rendering updates as simply a reinstall. But the limitations of DCP might have an effect on our ability to install applications or plugins, and as such we might need multiple installers. This is fine, but 4 is too difficult to maintain/iterate on.

    And point taken that we need to offer more control down the line on what gets installed, but that requires insight into the files present behind the installer, which we don't have yet!

This discussion has been closed.
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