Assistive playing tools



    EFTHIMIS Member Posts: 13 Member

    MIDI FX, please

  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 80 Member

    Akai just announced MPC Stems. I wish I could go to NAMM

  • Eclectic Lily
    Eclectic Lily Member Posts: 31 Member
  • Eclectic Lily
    Eclectic Lily Member Posts: 31 Member

    There used to be the Traktor Kontrol S5 and S8 that were made in order to control STEMS, real STEMS. But both controllers have been discontinued. Now everybody seems to go in the direction of STEM separation starting from and audio file (like RipX is doing). So it would be awesome if the Maschine DAW would implement this technology too, consider the high quality of Native Instruments software, that makes me think they can create the best STEM separation plugin for Machine and Traktor Pro.

  • Chris Shelving
    Chris Shelving Member Posts: 34 Helper

    - RENDER MIDI and AUDIO with 1CLICK or combination in Maschine MK3.

    (NO AUDIO CUTOUTS IN THE RENDER!) TO RUN LIVE (render in the background).




       (another APP or concept for MIXING AND MASTERING).

        obviously with MASCHINE HARDWARE MK3 :)

        and above all WITH LATENCY COMPENSATION.


    - MIDI FX!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!

    - CHANGE!! BPM in SCENE or PATTERNs ( with ramps ) Vinyl OFF :)

    - Improve all automation (TOOLs) to create rhythms and variation

  • mc82
    mc82 Member Posts: 5 Member

    There is no hardware recommendation section, but please check this out. Imagine if Maschine embraced a modular hardware approach, allowing users to customize their equipment. For instance, switch between a set of 16 larger pads for finger drumming and easily "pop out" to replace them with a panel featuring 32 or 64 pads. This modular concept would let users purchase specific sections, such as controls and pads (similar to MIKRO), and upgrade over time to include screens, faders, and knobs (becoming an MK3). For those who only need USB connectivity and not additional features like audio interfaces or preamps, a modular design would save them money, future-proof the system and potentially save costs by avoiding frequent redesigns.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    For instance, switch between a set of 16 larger pads for finger drumming and easily "pop out" to replace them with a panel featuring 32 or 64 pads.

    Given the very sad likelihood of Jam Mk2 appearing being akin to Bigfoot getting his own quiz show on TV then having a plugin bigger pad arrangement might actually be considered feasible maybe... what do people think?

  • anzbert
    anzbert Member Posts: 40 Helper

    Please allow the arpeggiator to be used by external midi controllers.

  • bosone
    bosone Member Posts: 38 Member

    just bought maschine mikro, it is a really nice toy! :)

    i was wondering if it will be ever be possible to setup a MID OUT in a single track/group, so that i could direct external message to a DAW or to an external synth.

    Maschine has a great potential for performances. arpeggio, step sequencer, responsivity of pads... it would be wonderful if it could be used as a controller for external instruments/DAW, and it would be simply possible to set up a MIDI out inside maschine, to direct the midi notes out from a track/pattern/sound into the external world.

  • berrymoor
    berrymoor Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 29

    Оver the years I have collected thousands of presets for Massive, FM8. But when I want to transfer them to M+ I always face problems.

    The attributes of presets must have the same bankname. And if there is a mistake even in one letter, M+ will create another folder for them. But even in commercial banks this happens a lot! As result i have 2-3 folders on M+ for one bank on PC

    Why can't I create banks according to the principle that I like? For example, to collect all "Chord" presets from different sources and throw them into one folder on M+ ? And not spend long hours rewriting attributes of presets.

    Cause you don't have a tool to quickly batch rename properties. I don't even dream of a tool that quickly creates a preview.ogg for each preset

  • Sparaoh
    Sparaoh Member Posts: 18 Member

    I don't know where else to put this but...

    The most important change I'd like to see is that ERASE button is removed from Host Transport Control!!!

    It has no place there and is crucial to Maschine workflow. Drives me absolutely insane and utterly cripples the feature.

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