About your ideas for Maschine 3



  • Inchange
    Inchange Member Posts: 7 Member

    - ability to create plugin categories (synths, reverb, delay….) and add plugins to them, creating plugins list for fast access.
    - option to auto open plugin window when is was added

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 17 Helper

    I love this idea and use it all the time in Ableton and on the Akai Force, so agree please make it happen!

    that said when using this flow with the HW it really shows how Maschine is lacking a basic Pattern CROP/DISCARD/TRUNCATE or SPLIT feature (I think old maschine SW actually had this once upon a long time ago IIRC)

    furthermore really wish there was an easier way to copy a bar or two of midi from an existing drum pattern to another pattern. For a single pad piano roll midi is doable but is PITA when trying to copy a single bar from a drum pattern to somewhere else. This would be a huge workflow improvement IMO

  • plectron
    plectron Member Posts: 12 Member

    Please finally add Audio-Quantize, so that an recorded instrument can be quantized correctly (like Bass, Guitar and so on). I'm waiting for years for this feature as I'm a long time user. cheers

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,242 mod
    edited November 2024

    Absolutely - sorting by vendor is the most useless method of sorting (especially when some companies seem incapable of being consistent about what their name is), I often struggle to remember the name of some of them which makes it harder to locate the plugin I want. Categories are much more useful (same for KK)

  • EvertJG
    EvertJG Member Posts: 31 Member

    It would also be great if we could have an area somewhere in the UI that shows which chord is under each pad. The Maschine MK3 does have that facility on the device but for Mikro users it would be nice to have it on the PC screen.

  • 51N3W4V3
    51N3W4V3 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I understand it would probably be fairly low on the list of priorities since it sounds as though some foundational and integration tweaks are in the works, but I would love to see a simple feature allowing the maschine expansion drum kits to be imported to DAWs as kits. For instance, Ableton Live drum kits. I know there are some work-arounds, but they can be especially tedious. I love the sounds in the expansions, but I am terrible at working with Maschine software, and I really prefer to use Ableton to sequence my drum midi.

    On that note, is anyone aware of a simple solution? Maybe a software that can auto-create kits from the expansions?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    Thats a workaround, not a feature, some things still make sound at lowest velocity.

    And what if you want to recover the original velocities, what then? Not everyone makes music constantly at full velocity.

  • Eric Rabb
    Eric Rabb Member Posts: 47 Helper

    0 velocity = no output, but a velocity of 1 you will definitely hear sound. The undo button works well in this case also, but I do see where if not careful could get messy, but not hardly for a single note. D-ONE please ask the developer teams to give us like MPC style Track Mute automation, for the love of god! 🙏🏾🙏

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 224 Advisor

    I've been trying to keep up with this thread so, maybe I missed these being mentioned but, I would like to see the following features/tools implemented/added to Maschine 3/Maschine +:

    • Browsability with NI plugin preset libraries through the hardware
    • Deeper control integration with NI synths (Massive, Monark, Reaktor, FM8, etc.) through the hardware
    • Import Kontakt 8 Tools (Chords, Phrases, Leap) for use in SW with HW w/o Kontakt 8 as plugin
    • Audio to Midi interpretation (a la Logic 11)
    • Scaler 2 type tool kit with full NI library integration for composers and music theory minded folk
    • Life from XLN sampler concept

    I can expound on any ideas should anyone need further comprehension or understanding. I think the features listed here would work to keep Maschine, both hardware and software, in the realm of a musical instrument while also lending deep knowledge of theory through Audio to Midi and a Scaler 2 tool set.

  • PeterB49
    PeterB49 Member Posts: 41 Member
    edited November 2024

    Give the Browser the ability to

    • browse non-nks VST/VST3 plug-ins and their Presets from Hardware and Software
    • browse Filessystem from Hardware

    In the Software in Mixerview

    • the Plug-ins (interm and extern) should have an Active/Bypass-Button and Preset Selector.
    • bring back the plug-in chain stripe (helps quick jump to…)

    (In Maschine 2 there was(is) an Preset Option, but only be able to list presets from VST2 strangely enough.)

    BYPASS Button on MK3-Hardware right beside chain selectors instead of shift-function

    Search/Hot-Swap Button should lead to the corrisponding Audio/Inst-Preset/Fx-Preset

    Export mp3 Files

    Full-Screen (Windows), Color-Theme Option

    (Why is the Standard Menu-Bar from Windows white even in dark Mode ??)

  • Beats by Den
    Beats by Den Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    i would love to see a better integration with cubase, i should be plug and play by now. the record, stop, and play does not work.

    a template out of the box would be nice as wel. i love maschine plus by the way! litle late to the party. using it for two weeks now

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