Can the 8Dio Bundle be installed WITHOUT using Native Access?

mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member
edited 9:22AM in Tech Talks

Time is running out on the 8Dio Bundle sale and I'm concerned that I won't be able to install it considering the current situation with Native Access.

MacBook Pro M1 Max, macOS 12.7.5 (21H1222), Native Access 2


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,078 Expert

    What exactly is wrong with the current version of Native Access on your end?

    I know that some folks are having a go of it - but that does not mean all are.


  • mikegit
    mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member

    Over 200 of my libraries were flagged by Native Access 3.10.3 as needing "Repair" after installing Kontakt 7.10.2. I discovered that several of theses libraries still function normally in Kontakt regardless of their "Repair" flags. I would like to be able to use the 8Dio Bundle regardless of the current status of Native Access and Kontakt.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    You need to fix this rather than spend your time trying to avoid Native Access. What version of NA are you currently running? Full version please; "Version 2" as noted in your above post isn't detailed enough.

    Flagging @PoorFellow and @Jeremy_NI .

    Believe me, @mikegit, this is fixable and it SHOULD be fixed, even if you have to start a new thread in the NA subforum and/or open a ticket with Customer Support. Giving up on it and trying to go outside of the standard way will only make more trouble farther down the road. Good luck.

  • mikegit
    mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member

    I’ll try to keep my response to BIF as civil as possible:

    You said “…"Full version please; Version 2" as noted in your above post isn't detailed enough.”. Looking at my message text as displayed on the forum page my post clearly states: 

    “Over 200 of my libraries were flagged by NATIVE ACCESS 3.10.3 as needing "Repair"” 

    I apologize if leaving off the word “Version” caused any confusion. FYI, here is the full version title: Native Access 3.10.3 (f6d63dd /

    Flagging @PoorFellow and @Jeremy_NI .

    All of this forum bandwidth consumption could have been avoided by responding to my question with just one of these two word: YES or NO. 

    The word “NO” could have replaced your statement “You need to fix this rather than spend your time trying to avoid Native Access.”, and would have answered my question. Although I’m not looking forward to ’spending my time’ repairing 265 libraries I will begin the Repair process if Native Access will boot up. I’m assuming the only tool available for repairing locations is Native Access (current version). If the answer had been “YES” I still would have preferred to use Native Access. 

    At no time did I say I WANTED to avoid using Native Access. I have no knowledge of 8Dio file structure and being retired from 30 years in IT I have no desire to learn it. The description showing on the demo web page of the 8Dio product SEEMED to suggest (it did NOT explicitly state) that the product 8Dio originated as a stand-alone approach, suggesting it could be used in a stand-alone instance of Kontakt. I would much prefer using it in Kontrol to exploit all of the NKS features, thus NOT going “…outside of the standard way” and avoiding “…trouble farther down the road”. I would also be happy to “..start a new thread in the NA subforum” (a link to the NA sub-forum would be helpful) and I will “…open a ticket with Customer Support” if I’m unable to complete the repairs.

    If I was planning on “…giving up on it” (by not using Native Access) I would not have bothered to post my question and spend my time writing this response to BIF. I have no intention of “giving up” or relying on “good luck”. Doing so in the past would have prevented me from surviving 30 years as a Microsoft contractor, Apple Certified tech, aerospace composites tooling manager, and a non-standard insurance agency IT manager. Those positions may have (happily) concluded but my full time music career (no day jobs allowed) performing and creating music persists. Although full time music ended too soon after 20 years and a bachelor’s degree in composition/electronic music, it is the only career I’m still pursuing. 

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,157 mod
    edited May 25

    Can the 8Dio Bundle be installed WITHOUT using Native Access?

    No , I don't think so ! Native Access also controls file management of licensed Kontakt libraries (Third-Party KONTAKT Libraries - Licensed vs. Unlicensed)

    Over 200 of my libraries were flagged by Native Access 3.10.3 as needing "Repair" after installing Kontakt 7.10.2. I discovered that several of theses libraries still function normally in Kontakt regardless of their "Repair" flags.

    This is of course not an acceptable state of things and none of this ought to have occurred in the first place. But we are all in the hands of the Native Access team and their latest creation. The Native Access team apparently is still battling with the consequences of their work on subscription side of things including server side (Native Access is a 'client app' but there is a server side to all of this also)

    I'm concerned that I won't be able to install it considering the current situation with Native Access.

    Completely valid concerns and again then we are all in the hands of the N.A. team. What we (at least normally) can count on is that the NA. mess will get fixed so that stuff can be used , albeit by now it is sort of expected that after a while you will see another mess. And all of this is completely valid concerns. And nobody here not even N.I. can give you a for certain %100 guarantee that you are not going to see something like that again.

    What I can do is say that the problems with Native Access has increased because of the NI360 subscription replacing Komplete Now which has created more issues over time. When all the work on the subscription service is concluded on both app and server side then we hopefully are going to get a more stable experience with Native Access and that the team might get time to do some actual improvements.

    Same goes for the Kontakt 7 app which is struck by dual set of source of issues in as much as Kontakt has been/is being made to use Direct Connection while at the same time I think that maybe the team is putting in stuff for a transition for , what I think is, the upcoming Kontakt 8.

    You said “…"Full version please; Version 2"

    As for your discussion with BIF then I think that he just overlooked you later post which unfortunately created the base for further misunderstanding (BIF means well I am sure).

    As for the discussion about the use of Native Access then from description by Hayo_NI then (short version) Native Access is the GUI of the NTKDaemon and it is all a fusion of a DRM control app fused with an advanced download app that I think has come to stay.

    Over 200 of my libraries were flagged by Native Access 3.10.3 as needing "Repair"

    Back to the issue at hand then all I will suggest is that you can try Jeremy_NI's replacing of the XML file which will maybe not help but ought to be tried and after that get N.I. Native Access and Installation Support to fix the mess.

    You can buy the 8Dio Bundle but only the N.A. team and the Kontakt team have any insight into an ETA on when things are going to be more stable. They are going to fix things , but when and what will follow later down the line only N.I. knows.

    Download this zip file, unzip it and and replace your xml file with this one. :

    Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Mac: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

    Otherwise if problem persists then please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support

    At the page N.I. Native Access and Installation Support be sure to scroll down to page bottom to see if there is a log-in request , if there is then log-in , at next page again scroll down and small blue chat box ought occur within 15 seconds. Then write in chat box and when getting suggestions then select did not help when it didn't , that ought to bring you on to either chat with human or open a ticket. (You need to use a browser with Cookie , Security and Extensions settings that will allow for log-in on the page for the page to work)

    There has been introduced chat support for Native Access assistance (at least daytime on normal work days) :

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care

  • mikegit
    mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you, PoorFellow, for your thoughtful and frank response to my question. Accepting that the answer is not known is the beginning of finding the answer. Having been on both sides of update development projects I feel that many of these issues are operating system related, outside of the influence of end-user product developers. Unfortunately, history suggests that a change at the very top of the OS companies is the only way to produce positive lasting change. I speak from personal experience at Redmond in the late 1990's compared to the mostly happy days of the big cats from Cupertino.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,157 mod
    edited May 26

    Thank you very much for the very kind response that I found really interesting and which gave reason for having to personally yet again dig into a lot about USA including Cupertino history and it's incorporation (Ref. 2) and led me to among other discover this amazing picture of Apple HQ , while once again reflecting on M.S. vs Apple , as so eloquently referred to by you.

    I feel that many of these issues are operating system related

    Me too , and I mentioned it in this post over here.

    I speak from personal experience at Redmond in the late 1990's

    At least must have been rather interesting to be part of 😀

  • mikegit
    mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member

    Interesting indeed, PoorFellow, and fun (sort of…). The Redmond campus lobby had a large chunk of the Berlin Wall with graffiti intact, and lots of talented (mostly younger than me) people dealing with late-90's MS "idiosyncrasies". After I was hired I asked my boss (very capable young woman with good management skills) who should I go to for help. Her answer: "Anyone you can find!" I heard that Office 2000 shipped with over 2,000 documented bugs. Much to my surprise the in-house mandatory dev tools were consumer products (Access database and Visual Basic), and they actually worked. One day I was invited to check out the server room for our department (most of one floor, main campus). It was a long closet (no fancy AC) containing 20-30 dusty, aging Compaq PC's on shelves. My home PC was newer (and cleaner). I turned around and never went back…

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 897 Guru

    We must have been there around the same time it seems. Of course my perspective on things was fundamentally different as I was dealing with the backend service products such as SQL Server, Transaction Server, Message Queueing, etc. along with the principle C++ development systems so I had little interaction with the desktop products. But by 2000 I was getting ready to retire as I'd been there about 11 years (we had just released WFW and were in the BETA stage for Windows NT when I came onboard), which is about 40 years as measured in "MS years"…lol

  • mikegit
    mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member

    Indeed we were at MS around the same time. Looks like you were doing the heavy lifting, I was doing database support (Redmond) and writing SQL queries with Visual BASIC, which actually worked. Huge variable names made the code almost self-documenting. We contractors got a chuckle after discovering the “DoNothing” function. I also drew the Entity Relationship Diagram for the online content database, I still have a copy somewhere. I was gone in 1999 to do Y2K prep work (remember that panic?),for a college in California, but what started me looking was what I saw on the top of a departmental printer output pile. It was an outsource-vs-inhouse cost analysis for my department. Sure enough, it was gone within the year and so was I.

    Your user name reminded me of another department we did geo-locate coordinates database support for. MS was collecting geographic coordinates for their mapping division, home office was in Ireland. The UK had the largest coordinate database in the world at the time. I had several conversations with their boss in Ireland, he corrected some Gaelic song titles from some CD’s I sent him. The translations added impact to the lyric content…

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 897 Guru
    edited May 27

    Yeah, I stuck around for a few months after 2000 because I was tasked as a Program Manager to one of our Fortune 500 customers to complete their Y2K conversion. All of their code was in Access and they'd used the Date() function A LOT, not to mention a number of functions in SQL Server that weren't really Y2K secure so we had our hands full. We got it done because we knew for a FACT it was going to break when the date rolled over and the existing SQL Server had a very rudimentary page locking mechanism that was going to create a nightmare for them, so we had to enroll them as a Beta user on the new SQL server that was coming out. Fortunately it all went well as I sat there at midnight and we tested it. A few months later I resigned and never looked back. But I always enjoyed working with the people I interacted with at MS. I even developed a 'slight' taste for Indian Cuisine out of necessity.

  • mikegit
    mikegit Member Posts: 13 Member

    Must have been fun watching that clock clicking down to midnight. Good people in Redmond dealing with a "challenging" OS. The campus I worked at in CA had minimal problems, not sure why it went so well. After I left and had switched to a Titanium MacBook running 10.2 I went back to Redmond for a visit. A friend much higher up the food chain (also using a Titanium MacBook as his personal computer) told me that most of the testing was done on a room full of networked Mac Mini's running OS 10. Were you visiting that Indian restaurant about a mile west of the main campus? Last time I was there about 5 years ago it was still good food.

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