Kontakt switched unexpectedly to Demo mode

Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod
edited October 2024 in Native Access

We've identified the issue. The Native Access.xml file downloaded by NA is damaged/incomplete. Please try these steps:

Please delete the Native Access.xml in the following location and restart your computer and open Native Access:

Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center
Mac: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

Restart your computer.

Repeat until the missing products reappear/the products in demo recognise their activation again

If that doesn't help you can get in touch with our support:https://bit.ly/NI_support_NA


  • johnthemiracle
    johnthemiracle Member Posts: 13 Member

    I am having the same problem. But there is no Native Access.xml file, it does not exist in my native access folder or service center folder in the native instruments folder in the application support folder. please help since I am kept from using the software I paid for. Thank you.

  • johnthemiracle
    johnthemiracle Member Posts: 13 Member

    i cannot even file a ticket with support since the links that point to the respective places do not exist anymore! come on native instruments, what a lousy support do you have? are you kidding me?

  • pianopossession
    pianopossession Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I am having the same problem. It seems that the last NA-update downgraded all my Kontaktplugins to DEMO Mode??

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,567 mod

    Try using the XML from he 'recipe' below here (Otherwise follow support contact guidance below that) :

    Quote Jeremy_NI :

    It looks like the Native Access.xml file downloaded by NA is damaged/incomplete.

    In this example it is missing the Kontakt 7 entries, please try the following:

    Delete the Native Access.xml in the following location and restart your computer and open NA

    Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Mac: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center

    Repeat until the missing products reappear/the products in demo recognise their activation again.

    If this doesn't work, please download this zip file, unzip it and and replace your xml file with this one.


    Otherwise then please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support

    At the page N.I. Native Access and Installation Support be sure to scroll down to page bottom to see if there is a log-in request , if there is then log-in , at next page again scroll down and small blue chat box ought occur within 15 seconds. Then write in chat box and when getting suggestions then select did not help when it didn't , that ought to bring you on to either chat with human or open a ticket.

    There has been introduced chat support for Native Access assistance (at least daytime on normal work days) :

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care

  • Scoops
    Scoops Member Posts: 78 Member
    edited May 2024

    We've identified a serious issue with the Native Access ntkdaemon.

    Please kill at startup to avoid disruption to your service until further notified

    Thank you

  • Scoops
    Scoops Member Posts: 78 Member

    I would like to add that the logic applied here form NI doesn't make sense to me

    A post about Kontakt made int the NA forum. Really?

    To keep people posted about all things Kontakt, logic tells me that would be posted in In Kontakt

    Granted, the update refers to Service center folder, but it's disconnected

    Some what typical of NI approach here wouldn't you say?

  • peteruno
    peteruno Member Posts: 11 Member

    This happened to me with just one instrument "Kinetic Metal". which I'm using in a project and it randomly switched to "demo " and I can't play it any more. None of the other instruments that came with my Komplete 14 standard upgrade were effected and I don't know where to go for support. I managed to get the support bot to switch me to a human and explained everything but the human never responded. Really frustrated with NI right now

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,567 mod
    edited May 2024

    Standard method of attempting a fix is , first exit Nataive Access then try the Trouble shooter here : My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access , especially '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens' and '3. You have corrupted XML files' (delete both NA XML and offending Kinetic product XML) then restart computer and log in again to see if that helps

    If that doesn't help then try switching the Native Access XML with this one from Jeremy_NI : NativeAccess.xml.zip

    If none of that works then I am sorry but I that I can suggest is please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support and hopefully you will get a better experience on second attempt .

    At the page N.I. Native Access and Installation Support be sure to scroll down to page bottom to see if there is a log-in request , if there is then log-in , at next page again scroll down and small blue chat box ought occur within 15 seconds. Then write in chat box and when getting suggestions then select did not help when it didn't , that ought to bring you on to either chat with human or open a ticket. (You need to use a browser with Cookie , Security and Extensions settings that will allow for log-in on the page for the page to work)

    There has been introduced chat support for Native Access assistance (at least daytime on normal work days) :

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care

  • johnthemiracle
    johnthemiracle Member Posts: 13 Member

    Well, since NI support ist virtually unavailable and did not contact me, contrary to an email they sent me, I somewhere in this forum found an older version of NI Access, installed it, and voila: All Libraries suddenly showed up as not installed, although they still are on my harddrive. I chose the largest ones and connected them to their respective folders on the ssd and now I am downloading the rest. I meanwhile checked back with Kontakt 7 and it shows up as registered again.

    I suppose quality management is currently down at NI, since they release new versions of NI Access that break the registration. Weird. I guess I'll stick with the old version for a while.

  • Zxennial
    Zxennial Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    The latest version of Native Access has caused me all sorts of issues. 90% of my products gone. Kontakt running in Demo mode. ******?!

    I deleted the Native Access.xml file and rebooted. This affected my Macbook Pro so badly (seriously the keyboard wouldn't even work!) I had to hard reset it.

    Finally it seems my products are back in Native Access and fingers crossed will work in Kontakt again!

  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 58 Member

    Jeremy, this worked for me after I suffered the issue when my Mac got auto-updated to NA v3.10.3. Now I'm getting the standard message that NA will be updated to 3.11.0 when restarted. Is the associated service center xml file good with this version? Thanks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    @johnthemiracle It looks like you managed to get in touch with support after all. I see you have 2 open tickets already. Hopefully my colleagues will find a solution to your issues.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    Well, yes, really, we've posted in both the Kontakt section and the Native Access section, because this issue is related to activation, which is handled by Native Access. Since the issue is quite widespread, it made sense to post the solution here as well.

This discussion has been closed.
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