How to put Beat Machine speed control on interface?
I searched the manual, but ZERO mention of "Beat Machine" in the manual. Bad. I need to put a control for the beat speed in units of whole notes on the interface. Any help? Thanks.
KSP .txt File doesn't work
Hey guys, I try to implement an external Tuning script into the NI KSP. For some reasons the file I want to load in always gives me the following error: "ERROR (line 278): change_tune / change_volume / change_pan is not allowed in this callback type!" And here is the tuning script in the key of A:…
Slow Mute Button - Fade Out Effect Volume
Hi, I am trying to make a "Slow Mute" essentially. What I mean is, when I press the Mute Button it slowly sets the volume of the Inverter in slot 0 of Group 0 go to zero dB. The inverse should happen to fade the volume back up too. The script below works correctly in setting the volume levels of the effect but the fade…
Killswitch Button - play_note not triggering Keyswitch
Hi, I have a Killswitch Button that I want to trigger a Keyswitch (CC NUMBER 0) but it isn't working as it I thought it would. When I set the CC value to trigger a note rather than the keyswitch, it works perfectly. The correct note/sample is triggered. When I use the button to trigger CC 0 (where I have set the keyswitch…
Trouble scripting an LFO Start Phase knob AND a retrigger button?
Hi, I have a knob to set the Start Phase of an LFO which modulates volume. It has been working fine scripted like this... set_engine_par ($ENGINE_PAR_MOD_TARGET_INTENSITY,%ART_LFO_PHASE[1],$GroupPage,find_mod(1,"CV_PHASE"),-1) I have the Modulation Source set to 'Constant'. Now I try to script a Retrigger button like…
I want to use Kontakt 7 as a plugin for my DAW. Need help.
I have updated my Native Access to Native Access 2 and ever since I downloaded all of my previous plugins, they only work as stand-alone applications. I want to know how I can use them as plugin extensions so that I can work with them in my DAW.
what engine par command accesses the phaser in the filters section of kontakt
what engine par command accesses the phaser in the filters section of kontakt
watch_var doesn't work from a Multi Script
The watch_var command does nothing when embedded in a Multi Script. Creator Tools enumerates all instrument scripts in a multi-rack, but the Multi Script is never enumerated since it is not in an instrument. These variables from my Multi Script remain unavailable to evaluate from Creator Tools: on init declare $xpose_keys1…
Dropdown Menu for Replika Delay Time
Hi there, I want to script a dropdown menu for the Replika Delay rate but I don't know where I should start. anyone who could help me with this? I've created the dropdown already but I need help with the code for the ui_control Is $ENGINE_PAR_RDL_TIME_UNIT right for this? declare ui_menu $delay_menu…
Setting the Gain/Volume of Source modulator in KSP
Hi there, Just joined the community, hope I'm asking this in the right category... This is about Kontak scripting (KSP). I've managed to control the insert fx parameters via the modulation wheel and note velocity, and it's fairly easy. However, to control the internal modulator parameters seems very complex. What I need to…
Syntax for random
I want to do something depending on the value of a ui_slider and my script chokes on this line. What's wrong with this syntax? If ( random (0, 1000000) < $myvalue)) [...] end if Thanks, Stefan
Play notes in sync with host
I would like to have Kontakt play itself like so: In my GUI, I have a representation of a one-octave keyboard. I can click each key to activate it. Let's say I click the 'C' key. When I start the host, the C should repeat in sync with the host tempo. I can probably figure out how to do subdivisions etc., but I don't know…
I got stuck with my first scripting project
Hi there...My name's Ezequiel, from Brazil...First of all, I wanna thank in advance for taking the time to help me with this... I tried to my limits to finish this without help, but unfortunately i got stuck with my first scripting project. To shorten my story, I've been using kontakt as my vst instrument for over 10…
on note not being executed in Maschine CP
I'm building an instrument that hides certain parts of the GUI in the on persistence_changed. When loading the instrument in Kontakt 6 or 7 it all works flawlessly. When loading a snapshot through Maschine CP in Kontakt 7, both the persistence_changed and the _pgs_changed callbacks are not executed. on note also doesn't do…
Check My CC Transform Script Please? I'm New
And by new, I mean I've been reading the forum and manual for about two hours haha Basically I just want a script to change incoming CC#0 to CC#35 on all channels and output byte 2 as it came on CC#0. Here's what I've got so far on midi_in if ($MIDI_COMMAND = $MIDI_COMMAND_CC and $MIDI_BYTE_1 = 0) set_midi…
textedit font problem?
Hello, I have realized that the color of the font shown in Kontakt does not correspond to the one selected in creator tools. I don't know if it's a problem or it's always been like this. version Kontakt 7.7.3 Creator Tools 1.5.2
Release Trigger + Hammer On Issue
Hi, I am having trouble figuring out how to script the On Release block for a Bass Guitar instrument... I want the following behaviour from 4 groups - Pluck, Hammer On, Pluck Release, Hammer On Release. If the hammer on code is active, the release trigger used for basic pluck notes should mute/not play when the note is…
Play Only customized Chords capability
Good morning, let me start by saying that I don't have much musical knowledge and would only need to play the chords of any virtual instrument present on Kontakt. I would like to be able to associate the chords (major, minor, sus etc..) to the keys on the Mac keyboard and therefore be able to play them. So far, the only…
Why isn't sin() function working in KSP?
I have $v := (sin(($v/10)-8)+1)/2in the script below. But the sin(x) function isn't working despite sin(x) being in the KSP manual. In fact, none of the trigonometric functions appear to be working, at least in a note on without some special activating code or something NOT described in the KSP manual. on init…
Press a button, play note and set_key_pressed
Hy, I tried to find out how it is possible to do the following: press a button, play a note and show the played note on the kontakt ui keyboard. But I had no luck. Thanks a lot for your help and ideas. on init declare ui_button $test declare $noteID declare $root_note :=60 set_key_pressed_support(0) end on function EE() if…