Can I automate/modulate the Delay BBD TYPE with the LFO?
Hi there, I'm new in this whole scripting world and I would like to know If I could automate/modulate the Delay BBD TYPE with the LFO? Thanks
From Script Modulator causes crash
Hi KSP wizards! I have some problems with kontakt crashing after a while when playing mpe via from script modulators. Kontakt just hangs itself especially when i play fast or lots of notes in a short time. I tested it with a Midifile; kind of bombing Kontakt with lots of events and it seemed to hang up after a certain…
update UI vs system resources
Hi, I'm planning to write a multi-script with a GUI. The GUI will have many UI controls (like knobs etc) which won't fit into one user interface. Therefore I will be arranging these controls into two separate groups / layouts which are displayed alternatively. The visibility of either group will be switched by an external…
Save last played note on a specific key
Hy, Is it possible that the last note that I played is "stored" on another key? For example: I press C3 and the note is saved on C2 (but sounding C3). When I press Bb4 it is also "stored" on C2 (sounding Bb4). I tried some codes I found but I can not get it to work. I hope you can help me. Thanks a lot Kind Regards Roman
Is there any way to "kill" a taskfunc instance?
Hi. Amateur ksp programmer here using SublimeKSP, and I have hit a roadblock in a piano script I am doing... In order to script re-pedal events (ie, rapid pedal press after release that "catches" a sustaining note and maintains it instead of fast decaying), I have scripted the normal release decay as a succession of 4 fast…
Scripting Mouse interaction and the XY Pad
Hi KSP’ers, I hope this post finds you happy, safe and very well. I have a KSP scripting issue with mouse interaction and the XY Pad: I have been able to get the XY cursors to play a sample with any of the multiple cursors when interacting with them with the mouse (on mouse-down, mouse-up and when dragging), but the…
Can I automate/modulate the Delay BBD TYPE with the LFO?
Hi there, I'm new in this whole scripting world and I would like to know If I could automate/modulate the Delay BBD TYPE with the LFO? What I'm looking for is that for example the LFO Rate changes the Time of the Replika Delay. Like when the LFO modulates the PAN it goes Left and Right or Bipolar. I want a Button where I…
assigning automation to group selector in Kontakt
I am very new to Kontakt... I want to create an instrument for use on the Maschine Plus in standalone mode. I have different samples in seperate groups. And want to select them with a knob on the hardware. As far as I understand I have to assign the automation to the Group Selector. I found a script called Group Selector…
Scripted change of ring mod wave shape issue
i loaded a ring mod in slot 0 of bus 0 in the inst buss and gave this code below. I tried with and without a wait_async command. Hitting the button resulted in update to a square wave with the internal panel showing ***. but that was the only result no matter what button position. Am I doing this incorrectly? on init…
tune problem
Hello i have a strange problem when try to create some custom slider knob controls to adjust group tune. i have done this in the past via menus and arrays for fixed octave, interval values and detune in the same time and the code worked flawlessly. this time i m trying to to the same with a custom slider with 25 frames and…
Keyswitch mapping not appearing on virtual keyboard
Built an instrument containing 7 keyswitches. As I change keyswitches, the virtual keyboard at bottom does not follow the mapping. It stays constant. (The keyswitches are there in pink and function properly) I have "Show Mapping and Keyswitches on Keyboard" enabled in the Options. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!
Waveform Graphic changes with group menu select
Hi, I found this code on an old thread but it is missing the on_persistence code. I have tried everything I can think of but can't seem to figure it out! Please can someone put me out of my misery!? The group select element works as it should but no waveform graphic is displayed. Thanks in advance!…
KSP SCRIPT WARNING, help please!
Hello, I am new to KSP but I cannot seem to find the answer to this problem I am having in the KSP manual or online. If somebody could assist I would be most grateful. Thank you I have a menu with left and right scroll buttons. 128 groups. If I press the left arrow / button when group 1 is selected or the right button when…
Round Robin sample reset time knob
Hello! I am in the final stages of creating a metal bass guitar library, its a very simple library containing key switches for down picking samples, up picking and alternate picking. I have used other bass guitar libraries much like mine that include a knob labled "alt picking time' that goes from 0-600 ms. I assume this…
Help with Prev + Next buttons for Menu select with Key Colour change
Hi, I have been struggling to get the Next and Previous buttons to work in conjuction with the key colour change. I would like the colour change to update when I select a new set of groups using the next and previous buttons. The colour change only happens when I use the drop down menu to select the groups. There are 3 mic…
Master Volumen with script
Is it possible to edit the master volume with script? For example, synchronize it with a fader or knob of my controller.
Can't control bus volumes by custom sliders
Hi! junior here!) I am writing a library in which 3 parallel channels should be played. I assigned groups of samples to different buses manually. The volume should be controlled by custom sliders, but when I try to change the volume it drops to a minus infinite value and is not adjustable. Thanks for any help! Here's the…
Change MIDI Channel
hello friends, does anyone know how to create a button to change midi channel???
how to control bus volume by custom slider?
Hi! junior here!) I am writing a library in which 3 parallel channels should be played. I assigned groups of samples to different buses manually. The volume should be controlled by custom sliders, but when I try to change the volume it drops to a minus infinite value and is not adjustable. Thanks for any help! Here's the…
Change Midi Channel
I try to change the midi channel but I don't know what I'm doing wrong... on midi_in if ($MIDI_COMMAND = $MIDI_COMMAND_CC and $MIDI_BYTE_1=1 and $MIDI_BYTE_2<=63) ignore_midi set_event_par($EVENT_ID,$EVENT_PAR_MIDI_CHANNEL,0) exit end if if ($MIDI_COMMAND = $MIDI_COMMAND_CC and $MIDI_BYTE_1=1 and $MIDI_BYTE_2>=64)…