Remote Octave - Unsure How to Trigger Another Octave?
So I'm just diving into the Remote Octave feature and it seems pretty powerful, but I can't figure out how to actually trigger another remote octave. I have sequences for remote octaves 1 and 2 and want to trigger it to start using the second remote octave at a specific point in my song. I'm not sure what remote vs midi…
How to Init Massive X
Hi, From the guide: "To get started, load the preset named Init - Massive X Blank from the Quickstart category in the preset menu." This looks to be based on an older preset browser in Massive X, there is no QuickStart category or any preset named Init in my version of Massive X 1.4.4 So, how do you initialise a new patch…
Is anybody having trouble with Play Series Homage?
I can upload Homage but, the sounds from Homage will not play when trying to use it. I have installed and uninstalled it numerous times but can't seem to find the problem why it does not generate any sound. I use FLSTUDIO 24 on pc windows 11.
Massive X Crashes Logic 11
2020 iMac i7 Sonoma 14.6.1 When I click on Massive X inside the inspector to open the instrument Logic crashes. I’ve searched this forum, the rest of the NI site, YouTube, Google, Reddit, etc, and tried everything that looked as current as possible. Still it doesn’t work. What do I do? Did I miss something or is this still…
FM8 vst3 does not process MIDI CC
FM8 vst3 does not process MIDI CC. Apparently vst2 does...
TIPS: Massive X as a sampler
Most people might already know this one, but while you can't add wavetables to Massive X, you can add in samples in the 'noise' oscillator… then use Massive X's filters, effects, modulators etc. to process them. (I was going to post an example here but turns out you can't- sorry :( hope this inspires someone though)
Tips: Bring your sound to life with Massive X Trackers Offsets.
I think that Massive X is an unfairly underrated synth. It is one of the best-sounding wavetable synths. It is a real sound design beast with some unique features. There are many ways to spice up your sounds by adding movement and variation in the Massive X . It's best to use several at once. But I'd like to draw attention…
(Little)Big feature request for Massive X!
Been using Massive X for months now and love it, but it would be nice if users could type custom names for the macro controls: It would be less confusing if the knob's said what they are intended to do, like, "Vibrato" instead of "Level". Unless the NI keyboards have this feature already, I think it would be super helpful.…
absynth 5 runs in stand alone but does not show up in live 11
What’s up guys. I have absynth 5. I installed it thru native access with no issues but it’s not showing up in live 11.I recently went from live 9 suite to 11 suite. I have done everything from redownload,change file paths in ableton and in native access and trying to move folders in windows to no avail. Weird thing is I…
Massive automation in Ableton Live overridden by ghosts
ableton live folks: have you ever encountered a situation where automation of massive parameters in the arrangement is "overridden" by (nonexisting) automation in the session view upon document load? this does not happen with other synths. when i load the track, these automations will be greyed out and inactive in the…
FM8 Sidechain duck effect with FM morphing of any sound.
Hi there! Sometimes I use FM8 for sidechaining effect, with a weird flavor. Process the left and right channels separately. And in general I like fm morphing, I throw it on different things and use it in different ways. For example, I'll push percussion into the mix this way: I like unexpected results, many presets in fm8,…
Massive X "could not write a file" on Mac OSX
this problem is puzzling me, I tried to uninstall everything, restarted, installed again, checked the Security and Privacy settings for disk access. No success. I am still unable to save any preset. It started to happening after I updated to latest Massive X version. OSX Big Sur 11.7.10 Massive X 1.4.4+48 anyone has any…
Desperately trying to rate & color my FM8 presets
Hi, I want to organize my huge database of FM8 presets so rating and color seems to be the best way to do it. But for some reason NI decided to leave these metadata in the plugin's browser but they can't be edited on the Attributes page. Any solutions? Probably the easiest way would be to bring this functionality back in…
KSD Batch Convert to NMSV in Version 1.6
Hello, is there a way to easily convert the many KSD files to NMSV? I have the latest version of Massive (1.6), in which only each individual KSD can be converted. How can I downgrade to a version that does KSD batch conversion? Which versions could do this? Why is this useful function no longer offered? Is there perhaps a…
Super 8 not activated
i’m a longer time customer of NI. Maschine Mk3, NI Komplete Ultimate 13, Komplete 49 Keyboard, and almost every sound they developed. However, I’ve overtime become unhealthy frustrated with the issues for instance Super 8 is requiring activation, but NI Access confirms I have Full License. Smh . I’m suspicious of NI. No…
Massive X Feature Request: Wavetable import/edit
Massive X has been one of my favorite synths since it was first released. Not a lot of polyphonic synths give you so much routing flexibility. I don't think NI get enough credit for how modular and expansive it is within such an intuitive user interface. That being said, the lack of ability to modify or import wavetables…
Help! Massive presets loading as default patch in old FL projects?
Took a break from producing in 2021. Upgraded my PC recently, and after transferring all files to new PC, looking to resume production work. My DAW is FL Studio. When I open my old FL projects, the Massive instances in them open to the default preset, instead of the ones I chose/created/tweaked. Is there any way to recover…
FM8 64-bit now plays the first note in the arpeggiator !!! Finally after nearly 9 years !!!
For a bit of perspective, below is the link to a thread that I started nearly 9 years ago and the discussion ran into more than 3 pages up to nearly more than 6 years till late 2020 😀 https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/please-help-fm8-64-bit-does-not-play-starting-note-in-arpeggiator.214956/ So, NI did not…
How do I fix Massive X being "unable to read preset files"?
Hey y'all - been using NI and izotope stuff for a grip now, and ive never run into this until recently. In Massive X browser, all of the presets and expansions / whatever are listed as being stored. You can see them all with their respective icons, and the factory library is listed as well. However, when I go to load…
Massive X Performers Grid
Hi, is there a way to free assign the start/end markers on the performer grid or an option to push back and forth a marked part independent from snapping the grid. Not sure how to explain. In many daw's you can freely place your patterns or midi by holding the ALT Key. Need that option on my performer grid but cant find…