Remote Octave - Unsure How to Trigger Another Octave?

SOUTHWOOD Member Posts: 11 Member

So I'm just diving into the Remote Octave feature and it seems pretty powerful, but I can't figure out how to actually trigger another remote octave. I have sequences for remote octaves 1 and 2 and want to trigger it to start using the second remote octave at a specific point in my song. I'm not sure what remote vs midi is, but I don't have an external sequencer, so I need to trigger it somehow using midi in my daw (Ableton), or automation, if possible. The documentation is quite poor, imo.


Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,236 mod
    Answer ✓


    there is just one remote octave, you have 12 by 3 curves, 3 per column, means you can trigger up to 3 differnt curves with one key (12 keys per octave). There is also no remote vs midi, the remote octave is just 12 notes out of the 127 midi notes, to be precise in this case out of 120 notes. Just try to activate the remote octave set to C-2, press the little midi plug sign on the bottom left to activate it, now play some notes in the lowest octave and you will see what i mean for sure.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,236 mod
    Answer ✓


    there is just one remote octave, you have 12 by 3 curves, 3 per column, means you can trigger up to 3 differnt curves with one key (12 keys per octave). There is also no remote vs midi, the remote octave is just 12 notes out of the 127 midi notes, to be precise in this case out of 120 notes. Just try to activate the remote octave set to C-2, press the little midi plug sign on the bottom left to activate it, now play some notes in the lowest octave and you will see what i mean for sure.

    SOUTHWOOD Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited September 2024

    Ok, so I see what you're saying. I understood the concept of the multiple curves and being able to trigger a column of them using Midi. I just couldn't figure out how to actually trigger another column so that the synth played different curves.

    What I'm still somewhat confused about is that when I insert midi notes that correspond to the octaves assigned to a specific column, it actually triggers a different column. For example, note D-1 triggers the third column, which looks like it should be C0 - B0, while C-1 doesn't actually trigger a column at all. I'm not sure it matters, but my track is in D minor. It's easy to work around, I just need to figure out what notes trigger which columns and place my curves in those columns, and then use the notes that trigger those columns.

    Thanks for your help. And for your Soundcloud link.

    Edit - I figured out that the Remote range at the top is what sets the range of midi notes that will trigger the change, and that I can't have the Scale filter on in Ableton, it's each note regardless of scale. So I'm all set now. Thanks.

  • Daru925
    Daru925 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Are you talking about the midi effect "scale" in Ableton live? Because it's possible to setup the range used by the device in the "lowest" section. By default its C-2 so set it higher to exclude the remote octave in MX.

    SOUTHWOOD Member Posts: 11 Member

    I am not. I'm familiar with the scale in Ableton, it's quite useful, I'm specifically referring to the functionality within Massive X itself. But I figured it out, I generally always have the scale filter on to remove notes that are not in the scale I'm working in, and that's why, when I would use, for example, the second note in a minor scale, it's actually the third note from the tonic, so it was activating the third column, not the second.

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