Where is Massive's "My Favorites" folder in your computer?
I can right click a sound and save it to my favorites but where is that actual location on computer.
MASSIVE 1.7 Update - No Resize, No editing of values, no chance to change wavetables...
Hello community. I am a little desperate and can't find any help online. I checked the community but could only find the RESIZE problem. The size (and the pixelated knobs) would not bother me that much. The main problem is I can't change wavetables. The dropbox menu collapses before I can do anything. Also I can't change…
FM8 The Z envelope does not sweep the Z filter
Despite the manual saying the Z envelope is for the Z filter, increasing the env amount raises the filter a fixed amount but does not make the filter track the envelope. I've read and searched everything. Shouldn't this just work?
Relocating Library files on Native Access version 3
Hi,I just upgraded to the latest Kontakat / Komplete collectors edition.I used Native Access to download everything but now my hard drive is almost full.Pls let me know what are the files I can safely move to an external drive.I guess the library files are okay to move.But do let me know how to move them on my Mac using OS…
Upgrade Maschine 1.3.0 drum selection
Hi, I own Complete 15 collector's edition, but it looks like Maschine does not come with it.The version I have is Maschine 1.3.0 drum selection ( as per what I see on Native access) .Is there any upgrade for this available or should I get the full Maschine 3 software? I see upgrades only from version 2. Thanks.
Massive scaling problem
I am aware that the issue of scaling the Massive program has been raised, and specifically about this possibility. My question will be the opposite. The problem is that after restarting the system (win11pro), Massive has an unnaturally enlarged program window (something wrong with scaling). I don't know... maybe the reason…
I can no longer use Massive since 1.7.0 update - UI oversized
I can no longer use Massive since 1.7.0 update because the UI displayed is oversized and there no mean to reach the right bottom corner making the user able to resize it. It occurs in all environments. Standalone and as a VST3 plugin in Ableton Live Suite and Reaper (both DAWs up-to-date). It would be helpful if anyone of…
Massive not installing on native access
My massive (not X) says installation failed on my native access 2 (3.16). Installation paths are normal as usual. It doesn't even allow me to customize any installation paths, just has release notes. Please help? Just purchased massive
Massive X version 1.4.5 - 'black screen'
I recently upgraded to Komplete 15 Ultimate. Everything is working apart from Massive X. Native Access is showing the version of Massive X as 1.4.5. When I try using it in Fl Studio (Producer Edition v24.2 [build 4503] - Windows 64bit) or Cakewalk by Bandlab (Version 2024.12 [build 125 64-bit]) I get a 'black screen'…
Massive and FM8 GUI problems FL Studio 2024
hi there; I’ve been experiencing serious GUI issues on Native Instruments plugins when I use them on FL Studio 2024. Specially on Massive FM8 and Supercharger GT. On Massive since version 1.6 There are constant glitches after knob tweaks and on 1.7 that has gone away, but new GUI problems are appearing including load time…
Massive 1.7.0 crashes on macOS 15.2 (24C101) on M3
This setup worked fine some days ago. I am not sure whether the macOS or a NI update caused the problem. When starting the Massive stand alone app or trying to load a Massive Plugin the application crashes. I tried "Mein NI-Programm stürzt beim Start ab (macOS)" and "Wie kann ich ein Native Instruments-Produkt vollständig…
How to revert back to Massive X 1.4.4?
Is there a place to find older versions? The new 1.4.5 update is significantly worse for me. I'm not interested in preset browser and splice licensing , but loading first instance now takes 10 seconds, and switching beetween each instances, displaying/hiding the ui take 3-4 seconds now everytime in live 12. Did not happen…
[Massive] Did update 1.7.0 broke computer keyboard play?
According to the Manual, it is possible to play notes with your computer's keyboard: If you don’t have a MIDI controller available, you can still play MIDI notes by using the computer’s keyboard. We have assigned the four rows of alphanumeric keys in a similar pattern to that of a piano keyboard. For example, the bottom…
Massive 1.60 UI update. Resize UI.
Can we get an update to the Massive 1.60 UI. Can we change the size of the Massive UI in the next update?
Massive X - Missing Presets
Hi All! I just installed Massive X on my mac (running Sequoia as today was the first day it was announced compatible). While the plugin itself installed, I can't seem to get the presets to load. I've done everything within this article…
Massive X not found
Massive X isn't found by LP 11 running on Sonoma 14.5. LP 10.8.1 finds Massive X and works perfectly, on the same system.
Massive X - user defined tags?
Apparently we can add tags to our presets now but I'm not seeing any option to do this when I'm saving presets. How do I add the tags? Edit: Ok, it seems like the implementation of this isn't great. If you click the save icon while you're on the synth UI, you don't get the chance to add tags. It just saves the preset as…
Official update status - Massive (current version: 1.7.0)
This thread provides information about upcoming patches for Massive. It will be updated whenever new information becomes available. --------- The currently available software version is 1.70. Please make sure that your installation is up to date. --------- 1.7.0 - 2024-12-16 Please note: this is the last version of Massive…
Expanding the Maximum Pitch Tuning Range of the Wavetable Oscillator from 64 Semitones to 128 Semito
Context: This feature is necessary when designing kick sounds in Massive X, particularly during the creation of the attack portion of the sound. Benefit: By increasing the maximum pitch modulation range to 128 semitones, it becomes possible to create the characteristic kick attack sound of a pitch dropping from around 10…
Can't find Massive factory presets
Hey I just moved Massive over to a new laptop and I thought I transferred everything over correctly but I can't find the Massive factory presets nor can I find any way to download them online legitimately. How do I get the factory presets? I use a lot of them in my songs.