Guitar Rig 5 won't open presets containing transient master
This has worked in the past, that's how I got these presets, and I DO have transient master installed via NA. It works fine by itself. Can't use Guitar Rig 6, because it won't open on my machine… Tried on two different computers. What do I do??? I think I have Komplete 11, but don't know where to look….
Premium Tube Series removed from K15?
Why have Passive EQ, Vari Comp & Enhanced EQ been dropped from K15 Ultimate & CE? Compare (native-instruments.com)
MIDI Learning the Next/Previous Preset Buttons when using GR as a plugin
Is this not possible at all or just an Ableton thing? I can't use the standard Ableton method of using the Configure button on the plugin to learn it into Ableton. Pressing the next preset button in GR adds several items to the device in Ableton. The idea is to use a foot switch to cycle through presets.
Guitar Rig 7 Crashes
Program crashing. Uninstalled and reinstalled still crashing. Had been working fine for a while. See attached for info… Any help would be appreciated.
Can't import presets
When I import a preset, it doesn't appear in the preset browser (where the red arrow is pointing). The preset .ngrr file does seem to have moved successfully to the Rack Presets folder in my C drive. But I can't see the preset in the software. I've tried resetting the library and this didn't work. How do I solve this?
My Guitar Rig 7 Pro User Presets disappeared??????
I put a LOT of work into setting up user presets and they just disappeared. Hadn't opened Guitar Rig 7 Pro for a little while and now none of them show up… Any body help with this? Thanks🤬
How to get external NI-Instruments into Cubase?
Hi, easy question: most of the applications are usefull inside Kontakt Player, but f.e. I have the "Massive", "Absynth" and "Maschine" as Stand-Alone on my PC. How can I integrate them into Cubase as a VST-Instrument without installing theam again. Tnx in advance
Upgraded to Guitar Rig 7 and lost old presets, help!
I got Guitar Rig 7 pro in a bundle so I sold my version of GR5. I think this was a mistake/ I did not open all my old projects and save off the GR5 presets tweaked/used. So now if I open the project (in Reason) with GR7 installed, it shows a missing GR5 plugin and no way to use GR7 to load these settings. I think I need to…
Just installed Guitar Rig 7 to new computer, and it's not giving me any option where to put the fx
I redownloaded just to make sure, but i can only find the stand alone, and i bought the one with the fx, how do i show my daw where this is? thank you
Hi, i've just downloaded Raum and Replika but when i open in DAW (Cubase5) it just opens as a blackx
Hi, i've just downloaded Raum and Replika but when i open in DAW (Cubase5) it just opens as a black box
Issues selecting audio
Hi, I just installed GR7 but, unlike with other amp sims, I have issues selecting In/Out and Devices (see first two screenshots) compared to other amp sims (screenshots three and four). What should I do? Thanks
Guitar Rig 6 preset import issue
Hi all, I have been using Guitar Rig 6 for years without any issues. I have about 200+ user presets, all neatly ordened by artist and song. It took me ages to rename all files. Now I have switched computers (Macbook to newer Macbook) and reinstalled GR6. I have copied the “Rack Presets” folder and dropped it at the same…
Guitar effects
I am after an effect that will make my guitar sound like a violin. Is this possible in Guitar Rig 6 or 7?
GR7 CPU load, sharing insights (might be helpful for debug or a time waste..)
Ok, so.. (for tl;dr - win10[clean], i5-2540m, 16GB ddr3, Steinberg UR44) main PC down, installed GR7 player on my laptop (temp, for jamming), it's an old laptop but capable just enough - as soon as i launched GR, the ASIO/Steinberg driver crashed, after a restart and some settings i managed to get it working but with a…
What does it take to upgrade to Guitar Rig 7 Pro from Guitar Rig 3 LE?
Would like to upgrade to Pro 7 but unsure how to get there from my old Guitar Rig 3 LE which came included in an earlier version of Cakewalk. Thanks. I suppose the answer is to buy the new version but was hoping that an upgrade was available for a little less money. Things are tight here. I do have the serial number for…
Moog bass sound
I was wondering if there was a way to recreate a moog bass sound with Guitar Rig 6? I love using it with my 5 string bass but cant find a preset that makes it sound like it and I am not very good at sound design. Thanks
Guitar rig 5 asks for Service Center to activate
I know Guitar Rig 5 is old, but it opens when I run Logic in Rosetta on my new system. BUT, it opens in DEMO mode and asks for "Service Center" to activate. I see it in Native Access, and have tried to activate, reload etc. but nothing seems to help. Any ideas are welcome. Thank you Dan Rad
Value scaling for midi mapped Time/Rate Knobs
Does anyone here happen to know how time/rate values are scaled when mapped to MIDI CC values 0-127. For example the phaser 9's "rate" knob when sync is turned off goes from .03hz to 9.76hz, but its not linear. It also doesn't seem to fit any basic exponential or logarithmic curves. For some context why Im asking: I've…
original model of lead 800 Bch from matched cabinet pro
What's the original model or inspired model of lead 800 Bch from matched cabinet pro?
Bulk Import Guitar Rig 6 User Presets
how can I import more than one GR6 user preset in one go, instead of importing them one by one ?