Sorry for old quastion … I am amateur, onely dj sometimes. I used to dj with spotify, wich was perfect for me. But was is the best solution for me today, with Traktor pro 4 and a S2? Remember I Dj very seldom, and prefure to be able to test a lot of different tracks befor a gig. Meaning a solution with for example UKEY…
Einen wunderschönen Ich nenne einen Kontrol S2 nun mein eigen... Jedoch hat mir der Vorbesitzer beim Kauf keine Übertragungslizenz gegeben. Wie bekomme ich nun meinen Kontroller aktiviert bzw. die Traktor Pro 3 lizenz? Liebe Grüße
Hello, I recently bought a new computer and am trying to configure my Traktor Kontrol S2 controller (Windows 11 operating system). I downloaded the NI program and updated it. It turns out that the Hardware does not recognize me (it does not appear as a manufacturer in Native Instruments or Traktor or the S2 controller), is…
Does tractor S2 is compatible with Mac 10.11 Yosemite? Many thanks
Hello hello! I have purchased and used the Tractor Kontrol S2, and have lost contact with the laptop which saved my passwords to everything, so cannot get back into original plan and need some help if possible to restock my old settings to a new laptop. I went through a big car accident and have lost access to my old…
Hello, it feels like I have tried everything already to sync my traktor s2 and Maschine Studio. Is there someone here who would help me via TeamViewer or on the phone with the setup? Thank you.
Hey, I just bought a Traktor Kontrol S2 off ebay and now i have problems connecting it to my computer. The box didnt include the installation DVD just the Controller and the two cables. What software do i have to download now? Can i use it with the free DJ Controlleron my PC. It has Power and the USB-Connection light is on…
I have Traktor Pro 3
I Bought my Komplete Audio 6 interface on ebay, and to use it i need to add the license to my software, but says that the license is already in use and that i have to tell the past license owner to ask for a license transfer, but i texted the person and told me he doesnt have it! theres any way to fix that and have back…
Is there a way to assign the XY pad function in Lores' Instrument Stage to MIDI cc's? Using the mouse limits only altering 1 instrument at a time, and doesn't permit you to record the changes in the DAW. I'm using DP, and have seen posts where this is a problem in Cubase as well. Thanks
Hello guys, Im pretty new to this hybrid or pure midi set up? How do Connect all of these together, what do I need to buy, etc etc. I'd really appreciate the help. I don't think I wanna mix vinyls just yet but id be great if they were all connected to the same speakers. if were to listen to my vinyls I’d have to disconnect…
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