Big shoutout to all NI Maschine Developers and a HeadsUp to all Maschine Users



  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2023

    Its very weird. I wrote the exact same post as @jonesbeim on the first page of this thread.

    It may be a bot.

    For my maschine/traktor setup, in short :

    I'm working on a mac mini, i dont know if it IS possible on windows

    I setup an aggregate audio device with m'y Scarlett, my Reloop mixtour and blackhole

    I have two copies of the Maschine app, renamed maschine deck A and maschine deck B

    In traktor and maschine, i set my aggregate device as the sound device

    In "maschine deck A", i send the master out to aggregate device out 1&2

    In "maschine deck B" i send the out to aggregate device 3&4

    In traktor, i set the in for deck A and B accordingly

    On the contollers, i Can Switch from one instance of maschine to another, and i have the mixtour to control traktor

    It may seem a bit complicated, but the Logic behind is pretty simple. And it works perfectly.

    I have made a video to explain it to Friends of mine, but its in french.

    About 3 minutes of speech telling what i wrote above, and a live démos mixing three tracks

    But apprently i'm top noob hère to share the link

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,586 mod
    edited October 2023

    Personally I wouldn't go blaming the Sampler neither.

    I have a totally different explanation:

    First of all difficulty of implementation is mostly irrelevant from my experience, otherwise many other top-20 requests that are easy/easier to implement would be implemented and that doesn't happen. We really have no ideia how the project manager or team picks development priorities but it sure doesn't look like it's based on difficulty level, I wish it was so at least the easy stuff would get scratched of the giant request list.

    Secondly Maschine doesn't have internal "Automation" at all, for anything, not even for the simple stuff, it only has Modulation; Automation in Maschine can only be external (either from the Host/DAW or from something connected via MIDI) so there is no foundation to add tempo/sig changes on top. So.. We would need some form of internal Automation lane support first.

    An easier more likely alternative could be for Scenes/Sections to have properties that could override the main project settings, like their own tempo and time sig, this means those would change abruptly when switching scenes/section but would be a start. DAW's with a "Live Performance" mode like Ableton's have this in addition to Automation.

    Lastly time signature/bpm automation is simply not something a huge % of the userbase cares about, most music out there uses one BPM and one time sig, I don't say this to diminish the request as it's totally valid but it's just the reality, this prob doesn't help place the request as a high priority.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,519 Expert

    …which is a pity…

    The fact that “most music out there” is composed on maximum 2 octaves never made instruments manufacturers think they could give us only 2 octaves range

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    NI at large went too far down a rabbit hole with the "techno" genre.

    I think they "woke up" in 2022-23 to this over indulgence.

    There is SO MUCH more to music creation than focusing on endlessly redundant Machine Expansions that cater to what is largely a form of musical self-pleasure.

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member

    Why do you Come here to despise the very genre if the OP ?

    Is your life son sad and empty that you feel the need to diminish the joy if other people on internet ?

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited October 2023

    I do not despise techno, it's just that some former decision makers at NI went way too far at embracing this genre (and all it's close cousins) to detriment of the far larger world of music creation.

    This overdone focus stunted the evolution of NI.

    Fortunately, things have changed and 2023 has shown good progress towards a better, broader path to the future for NI.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 500 Pro

    you mean hip hop and not techno, right?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,840 Expert

    If there’s one genre with too many expansions, it’s Hip Hop. How often can you sample an 808?!

    However, IMO, the whole concept of Expansions for genres is nice as starting point, but Expansions for sound types and character could cater a much larger audience.

    BTW, as musicians we should respect all genres of music. The structurally more simplistic ones offer completely different challenges for composition, arrangement, production and performance than the structurally complex ones. Neither is better than the other, they’re just different and more or less appealing to our taste and abilities.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,840 Expert

    I don’t see any of that progress. And IMO, the Mk3 keyboards are quite the contrary: A keyboard player’s keyboard with little to offer for any genres not based on sampled instruments and electronic musicians not being keyboard players first requiring different controller configurations to express themselves.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited October 2023

    I see a broader range of genre's being reflected in products being released.

    Most recent case in point: Session Ukulele.

    Maschine and its narrow range of supported genres was sucking up way too much of NI's overall focus and energy.

    NI at large is NOT Maschine.

    Thinking that it was almost destroyed the company.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,519 Expert

    Is this really becoming a “hip hop is better than techno” “Beatles are the best, so Rolling Stones must suck” thing?

    Cmon guys…

    I thought I read from many users here we have many 50+…leave those things to 15 yo kids…

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited October 2023

    That certainly is not any part of the point I am making.

    My point is that it is detrimental to NI at large to focus too much on ANY narrow range of genres. And that seemed to happening for several years, but is now getting more diverse.

    Maschine might possibly find a larger customer base if it is re-imagined with more "genre" capability.

    A broad rethink of the concept of "play-assist"....

    Maschine sort of falls in-between a play-assist product and a DAW.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,586 mod
    edited October 2023

    I don't notice any bias toward a particular genre in the company's overall products nowadays, I might have in the past here and there but nothing too problematic.

    Maschine Expansions are an exception but they seem to simply apply the law of Supply and Demand, if you have a grocery store why would you have equal amounts of apples and oranges in stock if you sell 10x more oranges? Understandably for one who doesn't like oranges it will be annoying. Hip-Hop influences are all over POPular music nowadays, not just the urban genres so that might count aswell.

    Still on the Maschine convo and outside of Expansions I actually think they have 100% shifted their marketing away from an initial narrower one and have been trying to attract a much wider audience... Long are the days of the Jerrey Ellis finger drumming promo videos... The latest MAS videos by NI go from Amapiano, Afrobeat to House and whatnot.

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