Guitar rig 5 Pro demo mode in Native access version 3.4.0

Andrea Spaggiari
Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

The guitar rig 5 pro that I bought and I have the serial number when opening it tells me "your serial number is incorrect".

On Native access 3.4.0 is present.

How do I solve? Thank you


  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Monochrome and then once this is done do I have to reinstall the latest NA 3.4.0 version? I don't want him to mess with the komplete collector's edition...

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Monochrome this is a solution that I don't like because the guitar rig 5 pro was paid for by me and the native access must be able to recognize that it is registered. If I install a previous version of native access then it no longer updates both native access and the included programs.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,110 Expert

    I am seeing Guitar Rig 5 Pro in my product listings within Native Access 2 (v3.4.0) - and could easily install it as needed. Not exactly sure what the issue is here.

    I also confused as to who is actually using this instance. Your screencap shows a standalone copy and you seem to be referencing someone else using GR5 in an earlier post:

    "I don't want him to mess with the komplete collector's edition..."

    Who is "him"? You or someone else? And who is running Collectors Edition? That edition should already have GR5 listed and should be easily installed via Native Access 2 (v3.4.0)


  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Vocalpoint I have the complete collector's edition. And inside there is not the guitar rig 5 pro but the guitar rig 6 pro and that suits me perfectly as well as everything inside the komplete. I have the problem with a previously installed version of guitar rig 5 pro. It is present in native access 3.4.0 but it gives me the problem you see in the image. is it clear now? I have seen that many have my problem and it seems absurd to have to install a previous version of native access to make it work

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,110 Expert


    Is the version of GR5 you are having issue with bought separately - prior to you getting Collectors edition? Or part of it?

    If it's a standalone install that had a different serial - that will cause issue - as GR5 is really old now as you can see from it calling for Service Center.

    This might be something that NI Support needs to sort out.


  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Vocalpoint exactly, I bought it separately before the komplete with different serial. I would like at least an answer if they are working on the solution or abandon it...

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Vocalpoint Anyway also the "Cremona Quartet" that I had bought before the komplete collector's edition has another serial number but that's fine.. So I don't know if it's related to the question of the different serial number..

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,110 Expert

    Not sure what "solution" you are looking for as I have already verified that I can install GR5 (if I wanted to) as part of my K14 ULT package. And you should be able to install it as well.

    However - as you mention - this is separate copy for a separate machine using a separate serial (that has nothing to do with your Komplete package) - this is something you need to reach out to NI support on.

    No one in here will be able to fix this issue - especially with no activation tool available.


  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Vocalpoint I have guitar rig 5 in native access 2 and I can install it too. but when you use it it is in demo mode although if I look at the serial it is correct. I'll contact support but if the solution is to downgrade native access I won't because it makes no sense as a solution.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,110 Expert

    Well - you "should" be able to install anything that is actually registered in your NI account via Native Access 1 OR 2. You need to take a look in your actual account and see what it says is available under your known serials.

    You can also do "Add Serial" WITHIN Native Access 2 and possibly "reintroduce" your standalone instance of GR5 back to NA2 by inputting that number. But this will require NA2 to be installed on you other machine as well.

    Here in 2023 - there is no concept (or infrastructure) available to "manually" enter a serial into a old standalone NI instrument like GR5 like we could in years past. And clearly - Service Center is now retired as well.

    Another thing to keep in mind is if NA2 is allowing you to install GR5 AND the serial is correct but standalone shows as Demo - there is something else going on. I would use the NI Uninstall Tool to completely clear that standalone instance from that machine - install (or Reinstall) NA2 and then do a fresh install of GR5.

    If that doesn't work - then NI Support is your last stop. Still think this is a multiple serial number scenario where NA2 sees one serial (and only one) but you have another serial in your acct.


  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Vocalpoint I contacted support and let's see what they tell me. In the meantime, thanks for your interest

  • Andrea Spaggiari
    Andrea Spaggiari Member Posts: 61 Member

    the official answer from native instruments support:

    Please note that Guitar Rig 5 is not supported officially on M1 machines. We have a workaround that you can attempt to apply, however please note that we do not offer support for this workaround. 

     Kind regards

    1. Go to the following location: 
    2. Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences
    3. Delete the "com.native-instruments.Guitar Rig 5.plist" file
    4. Restart your computer
    5. Download, install and open NA 3.2.3
    6. Install Guitar Rig 5
This discussion has been closed.
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