traktor does not reallocate tracks

Thales de Paula
Thales de Paula Member Posts: 130 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

the bug continues, currently in version 3.9.0

that if the music has any accents, it is lost, even relocating and pointing to where the music is.

a bug that still causes a headache.

I use an external hd and the relocate never finds these songs again.

every time I need to import it again.

exemple; ã,ô má and ç

I posted a photo of what is lost and not found.

For me to temporarily solve it, I needed to rollback to the initial versions of 3.5, save the collection and open it again in the current version.



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    It has to do with Traktor not recognize some non-English characters, so the solution is simple. Rename your tracks and don't use such characters. I had this problem with some Greek and Hindu music, so i finally rename those tracks to English :-)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    Portuguese speaking people are practically f up

    No Baile Funk or Bossanova djs allowed in Traktor 😂

  • Thales de Paula
    Thales de Paula Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    Are we some kind of joke to you?

    did you know that in my country this is a crime?

    it's called xenophobia

    You know who you're talking to?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Not at all. It was just a joke on Traktor, because in Portuguese there are a lot of those accents

    You probably misinterpreted.

    I would like to say I’m sorry for the incomprehension , but you lost me on “You know who you're talking to?”

  • Thales de Paula
    Thales de Paula Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    it never was like that. If this is the solution, I prefer to play from a pendrive.

    this problem comes after recent updates.

  • Thales de Paula
    Thales de Paula Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    Don't make that kind of joke ever again..

    and against the rules.

    as far as i know, native and traktor are companies that do not exclude rhythm, style or aspect of any music.

    Just so you know, I'm part of the native instruments latam team with direct access to places you can't imagine.

    if you don't have the solution to my problem, please don't comment nonsense and let the development team know about the problem.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Man…again…it was a JOKE.

    Do you seriously think I’m convinced that Bossanova djs aren’t allowed in Traktor?

    And please…just stop saying things like “I'm part of the native instruments latam team with direct access to places you can't imagine”…

    I would SERIOUSLY like to be able just to say that I’m sorry if my joke was one that you didn’t understand, but hearing people menace others makes me stop on my intention…

    And since you put it on this ground: I am just a guy who made a joke that hasn’t been understood. You are the one menacing boasting how important you are…

    Let’s see…a misunderstood joke vs menacing…what’s worst?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    BTW: xenophobia is a crime in EVERY country… (and I would add luckily)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited June 2023

    Well said! It is incredible how this guy continuous to post nonsense everywhere and earn points! ...and other people even "like" his nonsense! He gets 3 likes from the same person for comments that has nothing to do with the topic. I found this really outrageous and manipulative. I mean, WHAT THE F... people? Click the damn "like" to the helpful comments that deserved it, not to any nonsense. Is this how this guy is always hundreds of points ahead of everyone? Even if we spend all the day here? How is it possible? And why we have to accept this? He wrote 2 awful and even abusive comments (really "cold" and distasteful jokes, if we accept that they were jokes) and he got 2 "likes" for that! 😠

    @Jeremy_NI and Admins: I promised to my self (and you) to never deal with this guy again but it is simply impossible! Do i see something wrong here? Because what i see is pure manipulation and injustice. It is impossible for a person to act like that, to answer so many things and get so many point, every single month. I test it and tried it, last 3 days i spend more than 12 hours here everyday, so, i confirm it, it is impossible, no matter how fast you write or how many answers you give!

    Unless if a person has multiple accounts of course.... 🙄

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    No direct answer to someone (who half the times give wrong answers just to be the first one and get points) accusing me just because of a points competition.

    Just an explanation for the other readers, because being accused to be xenophobic REALLY DISTURB ME. Even if I already explained

    I just made a joke about Portuguese people being f up because in Portuguese there are many accented letters. Simple as that. The guy didn’t understand it and started immediately menacing me, saying things like “You know who you're talking to?” and “I'm part of the native instruments latam team with direct access to places you can't imagine.”. Then another guy that hates me just because helping a lot of people I make a lot of point and because previously insulted me twice saying I’m a smart *s but got only 2 ironic answers in exchange (while he thought I would fall as low as his level) raised to the occasion to add other flags to my post (yes, he already flagged my ironic answer before when HE insulted me but I GET the flags). I have a total of 6 flags: one time I asked one guy to not give an incorrect answer that was suggesting another user to spend thousands of bucks based on false statements. That time I noticed immediately probably I had been too rude and I immediately apologized, but he flagged me anyway and I accept it. It was my fault. But ALL the other flags I have are coming from this thread, where I made a joke about Portuguese having a lot of accented words to Mr “You know who you’re talking to?” and Mr insulter “I flag you like this you lose points” (yes, THIS is what is happening)…

    But you can see exactly what happened reading this short thread and make yourself your own idea if I have been xenophobic or if I was just joking about accented words.

    That said, if ANYBODY else speaking Portuguese felt offended not understanding my joke, I will just apologize (to them, not to Mr Menacing “You know who you’re talking to”). It wasn’t my intention to be disrespectful, and I think anyone using his brain can see it. Just to be sure that it wasn’t me, I would also ask to a Portuguese speaking moderator which I consider a very intelligent person to give me his opinion about all of this: @D-One Was I in any form disrespectful and xenophobic against Portuguese speaking persons?

    And also to the NI team (particularly @Kaiwan_NI that announced me that I have been warned for that post): I know probably these things get done automatically. But…reading all this thread do you think that I have been xenophobic? And that it is correct that your warning makes me look like this?

    BTW: I want to really thank you @lord-carlos: I know you don’t like me too much and that in the past you attacked me on something I wrote. Therefore your likes on my posts here stating you understood I haven’t been xenophobic are even more appreciated. THANK YOU

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    I changed my mind. I WILL give a direct answer to @Sunborn. The last one:

    instead of accusing me of cheating in the points competition, I will give you my special formula for making so many points:

    Start giving CORRECT answers to other users like you needing help. THAT EASY

    And think about helping more, instead of playing dirty tricks flagging people just to make them lose points. Luckily the number of people appreciating the help I give them is so high that even with 50 of your false flag I would have more than double of your points.

    And stop begging for “Accepted answer” every couple of posts you make. You are the only one in the forum making this

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    And sorry also to all the other users for this unpleasant discussion. I stopped answering these kind of guys from a while now, but this time being accused to be xenophobic was really too much, specially for a person like me…😔

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited June 2023

    That said the guy which half of his comments are totally out of topic (jokes or generic yada-yada) and need 3 answers (instead of edit the first one) to say a simple thing. At least i, give answers on topic, even if some might be wrong (for the record, 95% of my answers voted as correct).

    About "begging" for click on the right answer, it is the right thing to do, if a user doesn't do that. If you had checked instead of speculating, you would see that i do it also on posts were the right answer is not mine. So, this is the right thing to do, as i do in my real life too, keeping balances, demanding what i deserve or generously credit others when they deserve it! I am not an indifferent "ordinary" person, instead i am extremely active, also socially and politically, in order for a fair and just to everyone society. So, if i am the only one, double is the joy! I don't care at all what other people do, neither I follow flocks, neither their opinions. Also as i told you in the past, what i do, is not your damn business. So, try to be less arrogant, it might help you to see a brighter side of life. 😊

  • Thales de Paula
    Thales de Paula Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    Have you ever stopped to think and analyze this fake's profile? It doesn't have any native birthday celebration badges?

    he didn't have anything referring to the last forum or how old the account is created here or in the old forum.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited June 2023

    More than explaining you that it was a joke about Portuguese language having the accents that give problems in Traktor I can’t do. You won’t accept it (even if I’m sure that at this point you understood it)? Ok, no problem.

    I’m done with this. I see you found your perfect mate. Even this time I’ve been useful in some way. I’ll leave you 2 at your “LostInFoundation is the bad guy” game

    Back to my fake account and the help I can give to users. Have fun

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