Mac OS Ventura 13.4 Login will hang if certain NI Hardware is connected but turned off

solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Today I began freaking out my lovely M1 Max system was taking like 30 seconds to sign in to my account. Really freaky. Did a bunch of troubleshooting unit I attempted to login while pressing shift, which bypasses all login items. The only login items I have are:




And I use the Audio 6, Komplete S49, maschine studio, Maschine Jam, and the Traktor S8. As far as I know, I need all those login items to avoid trouble. Anyway I signed in perfectly fine while bypassing login items. I noticed I had turned off my maschine studio and s49mkii.

I Logged out, logged back in after turning them both on and my login was instant, as normal.

Anyone know what the heck is going on here?

Best Answer

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper
    Answer ✓

    I logged out and back in, without restarting, and it was perfect. its almost like starting these processes is causing some hang somewhere, once they're up and running, they are fine, I didn't notice it because I dont usually restart my computer that often


  • just_jump
    just_jump Member Posts: 77 Helper

    Can't say I've noticed any issue. Was it login from locking / sleeping or from a shutdown / restart? I wouldn't expected it to be related to older hardware, but that could be a possibility I suppose. Sounds like it unfortunately isn't particularly repeatable. Does the S8 have a power switch on it or is it off by virtue of not having Traktor open? If it's the later you might try unplugging it if it happens again.

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper
    edited June 2023

    All my gear is connected to my laptop through a thunderbolt dock. My traktor S8 usually remains off until I need it, it never has caused issues. But one thing I know happened before is I switched all my devices to vegas mode for a video and my maschine studio kind of froze the other devices, basically in vegas mode they kind of got stuck on vegas until I switched the studio on and off. At that time my s8 was not responding to traktor. It was on but button presses etc weren’t working. Turned the studio off and on and then the other devices woke up. I restarted my computer and disabled the NI login items and all was good so when I turned my maschine back on it’s like my system was looking for the hardware during login and when it didn’t detect it, it kind of hanged for some time ultimately logging in but after like 1 minute of “loading” after I put in my password

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @solsta Was that just a one off thing or you experience this regularly?

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper
    edited June 2023

    @Jeremy_NI It has happened again today. No hardware connected. But after entering my password, login took about 1 minute. If I bypass all my startup items, which is NTKdaemon NIHardwareAgent and NIHostintegrationAgent then my login is instant. If I log out and back in, my login time seems to be normal but if I restart it is taking ages with a spinning gear icon just to sign in and then all is well

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @solsta Interesting that it happens even without devices connected. Can you make sure that the ntkdaemon is in the list of apps that have full disk access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    You can find the application here:

    Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > NTK > NTKDaemon

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper

    confirmed all the above and restarted. 1 minute log in time still. All three login items are allowed full disk access just in case and allow in background as well

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper
    Answer ✓

    I logged out and back in, without restarting, and it was perfect. its almost like starting these processes is causing some hang somewhere, once they're up and running, they are fine, I didn't notice it because I dont usually restart my computer that often

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