Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    I know perfectly well what can be pressed and how in Machines. These are basic skills... It's about something else. And it's not comparable. Try that functionality in Ableton, Logic, Bitwig, Force... You will understand the huge difference.

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    I find this an extremely small problem compared to other big and more important ones.

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    The solution for today is to assign another device as the master and set the bpm on it. Submit for execution in Maschine+. I do it like this. The method has been proven many times. The same thing about PRCH was until I wrote a script to set up PRCH in Maschine+ in stand-alone. Now you can do it in Maschine+ without a computer. I can share... But, BPM remained a problem.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    Tag me if you have questions like that, the NI forum staff is not that deep into that kind of stuff so to answer they have to go and ask, wait for a reply and come back to you; not very practical.

    The filenames have root key info followed by the max velocity, this is enough to be able to map it in Kontakt but not sure if it's enough to fully auto-map with "one-click" via Zone Auto Mapping when you use velocity ranges as Kontakt can use both max and min velocity values from the filenames.

    I don't think having it super Kontakt optimized in terms of filename was much of a consideration since there are other tools available for that.

  • adic27
    adic27 Member Posts: 69 Member

    I was just coming here to complain about Maschine not having an autosave feature, as I was working on a project in FL using an instance of Maschine when suddenly I couldn't save the project (within Maschine VST), kept getting an error. Usually, everything saves in Maschine when I save the FL project but for some reason when I opened the project back up the next day the Maschine project within was completely empty. Of course I could open it up from when I last saved but I hadn't since I knew Fl would, and I had also did a lot since the last time I save in Maschine so I would have to redo quite a bit. Thank GOD! FL has been autosaving for years, and on top of that I always save my FL projects in drafts, or what FL names it "Save new version"



  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited February 2022

    So you repeatedly keep saying..............................I think people have noticed.

    One day you might realise that there are other people in this world thing, who might not agree with you and don't have to ask your permission to think so. 🙄

  • prism_emf
    prism_emf Member Posts: 4 Member

    It’s also worth mentioning that hosting of VST3 plug-ins inside of MASCHINE is considered a separate topic to loading them into a DAW as a VST3 plug-in target. VST3 plug-ins by Native Instruments can be hosted in MASCHINE, and in 2022 we will work with third-party manufacturers to add support for NKS VST3s.

    Hold on. This seems to say that general VST3 plug-in support is not planned at all? That only NKS VST3s will be whitelisted? Please, please tell me that isn't the case!

    One of Maschine's greatest strengths is to run any VST2 plug-in in a hardware-like environment. Limiting support to only NI and partners' plug-ins would be a terrible idea. Make VST3 support universal!

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    @Cretin Dilettante wrote:

    Maschine already comes with a drum synth that you could theoretically resample endlessly.

    Although I agree with your general view and also love to use those Drum Synths, I have to say that they are less versatile compared to the various engines of the Elektron Machinedrum from 2010. Those engines in the M+ would be killer, especially the EFM variants.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Thanks @D-One and duly noted about tagging you

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    You will be surprised, but this applies primarily to you. There are many people who think like me. To them, your bloated problem is very small. And they see other more important issues.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited February 2022

    I really don't know what your problem is, but it's possibly not in your interest to hijack this thread with it.

    Everybody has a personal opinion in what they see as the major problems with Maschine. The people that work with it as I do, that had a workflow based on the legacy behaviour, find the new behaviour really slows them down, and can't figure out why it isn't optional behaviour seeing as it was already there, and in theory shouldn't take much in resources. I can't even begin to think how you think constantly expressing how unimportant that is to you, or anyone else, is some kind of solution or helpful in any way.

    You have things that are important to you, as we all have (the duplication behaviour is far from being mine and other's main personal bugbear). The difference is, with most people, their mental hygiene isn't in such a bad way that they deludedly think other people are answerable to them.

    You can post till the cows come home, but I and the people that work like I do are still going to find the new behaviour problematic. Why you should find that such a problem to yourself defies any kind of logic.

    You complain about bloat, but you have taken what was a comment that was 2 lines in a 31 line post expressing a number of issues (so how is that bloated?) and turned it into some kind of bizarre personal crusade, making six posts about it to what end.?

    I repeat, people on this board are not answerable to you, there is a world outside yourself. Maybe go and discover it and stop boring the living excrement out of people please.......................


  • Asomani Samuel
    Asomani Samuel Member Posts: 3 Member

    We need the GHOST NOTE function.

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    Why all this spam from a bunch of empty words? Because of your spam, important discussions float far up. You have nothing to do?

  • cedrimske
    cedrimske Member Posts: 25 Member

    thanks for the update .

    but it is really heartbreaking to see that there is still no automation editing tool, still no aftertouch, impossible to record a pattern performance in song mode...

    please the time is getting long😪

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