Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    How will one save the auto-samples when as I understand the file directory in Maschine+ is only two-menu deep.

  • Space Cat 303
    Space Cat 303 Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    Maybe this new feature, in the new update, will add a folder to each auto sampling performed

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    @Percivale wrote:

    It would have it's own Maschine "certified" expansion packs, exclusive features and all. They can distill technologies from Traktor and other products into this line of hardware.

    I quite like how it currently is, and usually exchange Projects and Groups and Sounds between the Maschine+ and the Maschine 2 SW on the computer. It's actually the selling point to me: Identical system, identical files, just move it over take it with you or finish it in the studio.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    @Space Cat 303 wrote:

    the extensions do not cause a problem, it is especially the internal instruments that consume more resources

    None of that is really a problem, and exspecially the internal instruments can be greatly optmized to work on the M+, which may not be possible to the same degeree for the other (VST) plugins. However, I think it is absolutley genious to be able to run Massive or Reaktor on a standalone device.

    And regarding CPU power: Just think how much less powerful desktop computers where when those synth plugins (Reaktor, Massive, Absynth) were introduced.

  • three_eyed_otter
    three_eyed_otter Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2022

    I cannot say how vital auto-sampling as a feature is to anybody that knows the history of grooveboxes & samplers...Having this process is a godsend, ask anybody from the mpc or the MV8800 era.

    I would also add that this shows M+ & MAS users how NI still very much sees M+ & MAS as a groovebox first & a DAW replacement second.

    Have a good one,


  • xeamus
    xeamus Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Don’t know if mentioned before, but to create/move and editing notes easier in Events is something that I wish for. And step edit chords. :)

  • Space Cat 303
    Space Cat 303 Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    Me too.

    I'm doing just fine with the current cpu power, no issues. The biggest concern I had was at the beginning with the lack of stability, but this problem is solved for me for a very large part.

    It is true that with the auto sampler, we will have even more possibilities to make music.

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

    Excellent summary

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    I disagree totally.

    I want more expansions, the more the better. Every one increases the usefulness of Maschine itself for a working producer/composer (as opposed to just a tinkerer with no work to do).

    And I don't care at all about Maschine+ - Maschine as a platform is more important to me than stability/performance fixes for a product I don't even own, I only use the Mk 3.

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    The expansion creators aren’t even NI employees let alone are they engineers for the product, there’s no relationship between the two.

    I have suggested many features and want Maschine development for sure, I just don’t care about M+. Sadly I knew this would happen where all their engineering resources go toward follow on support for M+ and embedded performance (and to a lesser degree bare minimum OS compatibility, vst3, arm) rather than moving the software itself along.

    These days you need a full time team just to make software keep working with macOS.

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

    You preaching real good.

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