[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Komplete Kontrol 2.8: What you need to know (VST 3 support)!

    If you are having issues with a library loading please Contact Me Here about it because the issue is probably already known and I'd like to not clog this thread.

    So now this new 2.8 release is out there are things users (especially you damn mac M1 users) will need to know first before doing the usual blindfolded stroll into the room expecting things to "just work"... this is 2022 now and mac systems never just work anymore... there is a LOT of research and preparation on your part before you update, often that comes way after you already update, reflected by my inbox!!

    Komplete Kontrol 2.8 Supports VST 3 Now (YAY)

    Yes. Tho before jumping with joy you need to understand that just because KK supports VST3 loading does NOT mean that you can ditch VST2...

    In many cases, tests have shown that the VST3 plugin WILL NOT load in place of VST2 when using many 3rd party plugins. This means you will still need VST2 versions of plugins to load your current/previous projects.

    NKS libraries also will not load the VST3 version of a plugin as they are. Almost all libraries need to be updated for this to happen.

    Komplete Kontrol is now M1 Compatible

    Yes. But most VST2 plugins are NOT M1 compatible and as stated above you still need to use the VST2 version for the moment so you need to run in Rosetta mode still. Sorry to rain on the parade but this will be the case for months still probably

    Windows Users are Fine as always

    If you are a Windows user, as usual these are almost non issues no matter what processor you choose to use or version of Windows you are on. Just keep in mind that you still need the VST2 version to work with current libraries.

    For more info on this please see the below article I have put together explaining what is happening and what the plans are

    I do have to state now the current version is out the oven how disappointed I am with the appalling lack of input from users in the Beta section for KK. Apart from a few simple posts about crash logs, only 3 or 4 users that I count (myself included) were contributing to testing so if you are a registered Beta tester and did nothing to help in the testing, don't bother crying out now as your help could have been used months ago... maybe request to be removed from the Beta so more active users can actually help a bit more.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Now Available: Roland Cloud Legendary Series

    I will have the full Roland Cloud collection available soon but will release it in stages just in case there are issues that need to be addressed or changes I need to look at making.

    Things To Note

    This is for VST3 Only and there are zero plans to make a VST2 compatible version since macOS does not have a VST2 option.

    While this was developed using PC it should work on macOS (I have tested it on mine to be sure) but as always, download the demo files first and be sure it works as you expect. Other than that there is nothing more to be concerned about.


    This release covers factory presets for all 20 instruments in the Legendary series (including Sound Canvas) as either a full bundle or separate instruments. All libraries contain full mapping, sound previews, artwork etc and should allow loading and browsing of all instruments in this series. Expansion content will also be available at a later date.

    Also to be released soon will be the Zenology series, SRX series and AIRA series of instrument libraries

    If you find any problems or have issues of any kind just Contact Me Here with the problem.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 268 Advisor

    Hi Jester.

    Purchased your Roland Legendary NKS bundle yesterday and can say I am really enjoying it. Just wanted to ask if you had any plans to release the Juno 60 Chorus effect as part of this at any point? I am sure it only has a few presets, though would be helpful to get the macro map for it in the style of your other templates.

    The thought just struck me today, so thought to ask.



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    At this stage no, i'm mostly focused on instrument libraries as that is where I see the most value in NKS since it's nice to have some control over effects via KK or Maschine but if used in a DAW, you cannot automate any effects and using KK standalone there is no way to save effects chains. Personally I never use effects via KK as I load them direct to tracks in Ableton Live and use Push to control them, works far better and all movements can be recorded!

    I have been hoping for a lite weight effects version (not Maschine FX as that is a little bloated for the task tbh) or the ability to use multiple effects in single chains to make it more considerable to make effects

    As you can imagine managing close to 1000 libraries now is a little bit of work and is made more so now with everything having to be Apple Silicon compatible which means, all NKS need to open VST3 versions of plugins since VST2 is no longer supported under native ARM.

    I'll never say never as I do get asked occasionally and I have done the sound toys bundle but that is not all that popular compared to the likes of instruments so it's clear most people aren't too concerned with browsing instrument presets, just make a simple template of your own.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Now Available: Cherry Audio Sines

    The latest Cherry Audio "Sines" synth is now NKS ready. This is the first synth by Cherry Audio that is of their own design rather than an emulation of other hardware synths and it's quite a capable instrument. Having a large number of controls these have hopefully been mapped as logically as possible for deep control over the whole thing. All presets have detailed tagging by hand and of course includes all the sound previews and artwork.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2022

    If it's simple make it yourself - it's not that hard, the thing that takes the most time is the saving of presets but only if there are lots, and same for tagging. I wrote a guide in the NKS user library (info.txt)

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 268 Advisor

    Sure. I do imagine you have your work cut out for you with all of those. Thanks, I will take a look at that.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Download the demo and tell me. I do not own an M1 mac, nor will I ever purchase one in the near future, i'm happy with my intel based mac and always stay a few steps behind the latest Apple releases. I may get an M1 when they are up to M4 and the M1 is actually reliable.

    But like everyone else, run in Rosetta mode and it will. Otherwise prob not if you are determined to be a Native user.

    Just for the FYI this a VST2 library so read up on what that means for M1 users. This is the LAST plugin release that will be VST2 based, moving forward all releases will be VST3 based but this does not mean that it will "magically" work on M1 still.

    VST2 is no longer supported by KK under native M1 mode and VST3 still needs devs to update their plugins so even if a plugin has VST3 and appears in the list does not mean it will actually load.

    I will update libraries to VST3 where possible (it's a huge and complicated task) and this may take months or even over a year to complete and there will be some cases where some libraries will not be updated and therefore will not be available to macM1 users moving forward. Just how it is, tho Intel mac users and Windows will be fine.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 73 Member
    edited November 2022

    It´s working on M1 Mac running Maschine in Rosetta Mode. Tested here.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2022

    XFer Serum has just come out with VST3 support - just tested it on Apple Silicon without Rosetta and it supports NKS migration and params seem lined up OK too (just randomly tested a few so far) - tried with some of your factory NKS patches and also my own template

  • Peter Kilgour
    Peter Kilgour Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks but all of my Freelance patches work in Rosetta mode it's native mode I'm interested in.

  • Eight4aWish
    Eight4aWish Member Posts: 54 Helper

    Very good spot. I am now down to just two non nks partner products lacking a native vst3 (Spire and Rapid).

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Spire is annoying because it supports Apple Silicon but just doesn't have a VST3 version

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 94 Helper

    Jester , Thanks for the Roland Legendary bundle, picked it up, works great. Looking forward to the Zenology bundle too

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