Native Access 2 (Intel Mac) Application Location setting Error Flag in Preferences Member Posts: 162 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I have just upgraded to Native Access (NA) 2 from v1 on my Mac (running Big Sur 11.6.7) manually.

Now there is an error flag in NA 2 next to Application Location setting in the Preferences which is "/Applications/Native Instruments"--this is the same setting as NA 1 which I had no issue before. Hovering to the error flag, it says either the folder location is missing (which is not so) or a permission setting issue.

I have a separate user account on my Mac with administrator privilege. However, I run NA 1 (now overwritten by NA 2) and NA2 on my working user account which only has standard privilege, so it will prompt me for administrator credential if the installer requires it.

Currently, my "/Applications/Native Instruments" folder is with ownership "iamadmin,admin" and mode "0775" while the content folders and files are mostly with ownership "root,wheel" and mode "0775", except "Native" (NA 2) is with "iamadmin,admin" and mode "0755" for folders and executables, and mode "0644" for standard files.

Is there is bug in Native Access 2.0.7, or do I need to make a trip to my Mac's Privacy settings?

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