Instant live Stems separation

Barbataz Member Posts: 7 Advisor

Implement on-the-fly live stems separation technology in Traktor would be a killer feature.

It's a pity Algorithm or Atomix already did that whereas the stems concept was developed by NI.

NI's got the best DJing hardware on the market for that purpose.

With izotope technology, and the fact that computers nowadays have lots of processing power (such has the Apple M1 Pro or later), should make it possible to implement the feature.

129 votes

Implemented · Last Updated

Great news! Stem separation has been successfully implemented and is now available in Traktor Pro 4.



  • DJ Avadhuta
    DJ Avadhuta Member Posts: 18 Helper
    edited July 2022

    But I see it this way: If you change the type of Deck to Stems, and throw a regular stereo-track there, then it will be analyzed and split into 4 Stems channels. Perhaps its cache will be stored only in RAM or on disk until the next track is loaded, and then cache will be cleared. But so that this functionality is absent on a regular Track Deck and does not load the system when not in use. Thus, those who do not need this functionality will not feel an increase in CPU load.

  • Brad LeClair
    Brad LeClair Member Posts: 4 Member

    I see this is now roadmapped. It’s a great feature however the NI hardware to is a bit lacking here. I wonder if there is new hardware coming associated with more purpose-built stems mixing workflow. An isolate button a particular stem (ie Acapella) would be very desirable.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Check out Midifighter Twister. It is perfect controller for that.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    Xone K1/k2 or Traktor F1 might also be a nice addition for controlling stems.

  • Terrordisco
    Terrordisco Member Posts: 45 Advisor

    The D2 has everything you need, I think. It's no longer in production but they should be cheap on the aftermarket (but maybe not for long)

  • J-New
    J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

    Love this. Also maybe instead of implementing "subscription" style costs you can make the Real Time Stems available with an F1 controller. That way NI gets paid, we don't get hated "subscription costs" and the user gets even more real time tangible contol over DJ sets.

  • J-New
    J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

    Yes, this is a solid idea on how to bring the Isotope product to market inside Traktor. Good thinking! the Isotope "good" quality can isolate stems almost in real time (better and best take longer), but those can come as upgrades come.

  • Doc_Mario
    Doc_Mario Member Posts: 4 Member

    With Release of Pioniers new FLX Controller NI should hurry up with this stem seperation thing. This is a Revolution in things of mixing believe me. Every DJ needs to have that sooner or later. But it‘s good to hear that you are working on it. Otherwise, many people will finally leave to a other company 🤷‍♂️. And I Guess many people don‘t want to wait again so long for features others have much early. Intelligent playlists for example (and they are not really useful 🤷‍♂️)

  • Ogunremix
    Ogunremix Member Posts: 3 Member

    Would be great to have this built in without having to use NUOSTEMS to do it manually for each track and then save that as a stem deck file.

    Live stem separation is gaining a lot of momentum and i dont see it as a fad thats going to vanish.

  • shootdaj
    shootdaj Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yes please! This is a feature that almost every mainstream DJ software has now

  • Ashley Brown
    Ashley Brown Member Posts: 19 Member

    Yes please, we need this - any update on when this is coming? VirtualDJ, Algorddim Djay Pro and now even Rekordbox has this!? How can we be the last with controllers like the D2/S8 and F1 which are perfect for this, and with the Izotope partnership where RX10 can do this close to real-time? I know you are working on it, but an early glimpse or some news would give us hope!

  • Robwright
    Robwright Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Any updates? My D2’s are sitting proud either side of the S4 Mk3 ready to take control………………

  • Frosty1
    Frosty1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Fully agree. Stem separation is the future of DJing and is where almost everyone will be headed. I love Traktor but with this feature missing it makes it hard to stay, if/when it's added it will be the ultimate DJing software so please please please add this ASAP!

  • djchrishannover
    djchrishannover Member Posts: 3 Member

    It is already an essential feature - AI is revolutionizing everything thus DJs, too! I am really waiting also for the new traktor 4.xx and of course then also Natives new hardware especially focussing on an controller, which goes in the same direction like the pioneer flx-10

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