About your ideas for Maschine 3



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    "loss of usable workspace"

    Things don't seem to have changed here. I can still see all 16 sound slots and three FX at once.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Noticed the same. Less FX slots visible, considerably less results in the Browser due to tags taking up way more space, less categories visible in tag editor and so on.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    What i don't understand, is why we keep talk about it, on at least 10 different discussions, and for over 2 months (?), again and again and again (you don't have to answer that…)!

    We are not 10 year old kids or stupid, we do understand. The developers knows it too (what they are going to do about it, i don't know). Everyone knows it! We can talk about other important things and ideas. :-)

    I'm assuming the reason for the needless repetition is issues arrive and no matter how much they are reported and commented on, like the still present scanning issues, they are never seemingly actioned or fixed. To some, that's a very sad and off-putting state of affairs.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 467 Guru

    This is how it looks on my system when using my "small" monitor (27" 1440p😋). It's not something I'd notice without having them side by side; though I imagine it would be different on a smaller screen/laptop. Yes; it's showing less data, but it's not significant.

    I'm personally not a fan of the new color scheme, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited January 30

    Doh. The small space at the bottom is due to having both the Types and Characters tabs open.

    If you want more space, close the tabs. Simple. On my system, with them closed I see 32 results.

    Why create an "issue" if there really isn't one?

    There are tags and filters in Ableton Live too, with a similar system where the user can open and close them. I've not seen anyone on the Ableton forum moaning about "sacrificed usability"… 🙄

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod

    Solution is easy.

    Types & Characters should be closed by default.

    If and when a user needs them, he can open them with a single click.

    Also, there are a lot of useless, double and triple tags:

    Arp&Seq, Arp & Seq, Apr / Sequence… pointless

    or Piano/Keys and Piano / Keys… pointless, again

    or, a ton of separate Bass categories (instead of make them sub-categories under Bass)

    …and so on, and so on…

    This space can be improved a lot if it is organized cleverly.

    Or, give the user the option to delete/hide tags that he will never use…

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    For you its a lot better than for me, it's due to scaling, I'm at 4k scaled at 1080p because thats what I like and I won't change it for one app only.

    Yes, its a small detail, not very significant, I agree but again… it was an example… I and others already posted 20 other things so I be wasting my breath again.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    No, it's not "clearly an issue" for others - they're turning it into one. Making a mountain out of a molehill. Trying to make out that something insignificant is a huge problem.

    Sure there's slightly less space there than in Maschine 2 - IF you take up the space by having those tabs open. The option is there (as it was previously) to CLOSE those tabs.

    ….and sure, the background colour is darker than it was, but people saying it's "unusable", "pitch black", "amateur" and so on, it's completely OTT.

    Really, if it's genuinely giving you a migraine, as recently claimed, carry on using Maschine 2. Nobody's forcing you to use the software if you hate it so much. 🤔

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    While the current topic in this thread remains the visual aesthetic of an audio program (yes, sarcasm) I can’t help but wonder how we all feel about the ACTUAL SOUNDS Native Instruments offers with Maschine 3???

    If the resounding issue in an audio application is the visual aesthetic according to the user base, then I’d say NI is doing a great job!

    I could understand the concerns if, say, Adobe put out a visibly unappealing GUI in one of their apps. They are, after all, in the business of selling apps that lend themselves to the visual arts.

    However, NI produces and sells music hardware and software that, assuredly, sounds AMAZING!
    If not, the forums would be ablaze with discontent for certain.

    All of this to say, while a portion of the community has warranted or warrantless concerns with the M3 GUI, so long as NI is able ‘stay in their lane’ and continue making apps and hardware that work and sound amazing, maybe a little grace/mercy could be given to the team who may not be as proficient when it comes to color wheels, CMYK & RGB values?

    Hmm? Maybe? Just a dash?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    You make a good point there. Not sure if I said this before, but the software is designed primarily to be used with the Maschine controllers, right - which have screens, the idea being that you use the controls and screens on the hardware rather than staring at your monitor.

    The screens on the controllers haven't changed. They show the same things as they did before.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    some people are way too dramatic in their criticism and exaggerate a lot

    On that we are agreed at least. That's my main point here.

    I'm not by any means "defending NI". Search my posts. You'll see I'm critical probably more than complimentary.

    No, having to click to hide the tags is not "the end of the world". None of this stuff is - so why behave like it is? It's the default in Maschine 2 as well, right? In 2 and earlier, were people complaining about having to click?

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