The "Locate Product Content" in Native Access 2 is a welcome addition but did not find most content.

Couch_King Member Posts: 31 Member

I just installed a new motherboard and CPU into my PC. I did a fresh Windows 11 install to make sure there were old drivers kicking around. I'm going through the process of re-locating /installing all of my NI libraries and it's still a bit of a nightmare.

I used the "Locate Product Content" feature in Native Access 2 but it only found a few libraries. While this is a nice addition to the content manager I still had to re-download over 190 products despite having all the content installed on a secondary 4TB internal HDD. It's been around 12 hours now after leaving it running overnight and it's still working.

I don't go through this process often, I only update my CPU every few years to try and keep up with the increasing demand of audio apps and plugins. But, I would like to see this feature improved so that it can find anything that is not a plugin or application that needs to be re-installed in future versions.

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