What about the new firmware update for Maschine + ???



  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    you used your non apology-apology to explain away my difference in opinion again, it’s quite funny how you cannot see it.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited January 1

    Well…but now I DO see one thing: you talk about your difference in opinion, but no one else can discuss it and have another one, otherwise they are “rude” and attacking you…

    Therefore…all of this is useless.

    But…at least I made you have fun about someone apologizing even when he didn’t think he had been rude

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,952 Expert
  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,361 Expert

    "but no one else can discuss it and have another one, otherwise they are “rude” and attacking you"

    Welcome to the internet 😃

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    I'm quite willing to discuss my opinions and the reasons for my assumptions, I just think it's helpful to level the playing field when you start out by noting that my opinions probably aren't necessary to take serious. That was what you did with your initial post. Why would I at all engage in elaborating my opinions when you from the start have stated that you will not take me serious. And then in your follow up post you once again dive into that. And in your third post here you again state that you fail to see what you did.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited January 1

    As you wish.

    In any case, as I already said, all of this is useless. No need to engage. Specially because it seems the one deciding what I have stated or not is you. Even elaborating my intentions and putting words in my mouth that I never said.

    Therefore, for me the case is closed.

    If you are really willing to discuss as you say, you can answer to ozon, who already asked you twice.

    From my side, I will just apologize once again if the way I wrote things got on your nerves

  • Tris
    Tris Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    "Regrettably, I do feel as though NI treat M+ users as second class citizens"

    NI - "Two tier gear"

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    So I started to visit the community more frequently recently when I was looking for information on a few ways Komplete Kontrol was giving me issues. At first I met a very helpful and informative community and I quickly found a solutions to my problems. Then I kept visiting and more and more most posts was from disgruntled users that have been complaining about the same issues you months and some for years. Some users keep repeating the same frustrations in unrelated posts over and over again like a broken record. I get that NI has been in a quite dispiriting period, especially during the mergers where the users have felt left behind and often for good reason.

    I myself have worked at a company that got purchased by another and experienced the stress of a merger twice. So I do sympathize with what NI has been through, but of course they should also be held to account for their actions or lack thereof. And there has been a lack of attention previously.

    Within the past year I feel they have improved to the point where I am willing to give them a chance again. There is constant presence from NI personnel and they are offering quite a bit of visibility into their plans and intentions. So when they say they are releasing the update in December or January I am choosing to listen to that. You can prove me and them wrong in February but until then I feel it's really unhelpful to undermine people who are more optimistic than you with comments that are supposed to undermine my credibility.

    So when you write: "This optimism shows me a not so deep knowledge of how NI company works…" that is exactly what you are doing: "Don't listen to this person, because he obviously do not know what he is talking about". I think it would be helpful if you would welcome people into the community that spreads other messages than gloom and doom instead of falling over your feet to discredit their statements.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Don’t know if you are talking about me? In that case, please quote or link to the context in which I’ve said that. Because I think I was talking about the ‘behavior’ of NI, so facts about how NI has been operating within the last couple of years.

    So I don’t feel I have to prove you anything, and you don’t have to prove me anything. Because one day I hope I’m completely wrong, but until then my sentiment is based upon false promises by a company that I (we) have spent a lot of money with.

    And if you’re saying that you’re in here to bring optimism, well… maybe you shouldn’t start these kind of discussions yourself. Being it about me or someone else, because it’s NI that could have stopped this discussion a long time ago. Simply by keeping their promises.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert

    Don’t worry MaikR…I’m the bad guy

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    Regardless of the reasons for delays, I'd rather they spend as much time as they need getting it right than risk bricking our beautiful hardware

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