Why is Native Access such a trash product?



  • AndreBlais
    AndreBlais Member Posts: 39 Member

    Good to know! Thanks for the info! I'm really hoping that things will be more stable going forward.

    Despite my negativity, I can tell that NA is improved dramatically since it was first released so at least it is trending in the right direction!

  • AndreBlais
    AndreBlais Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited December 2024

    Additional fun fact - so numb-skulled is this change in directory naming convention that apparently NA now insists that Maschine's library directory now be named:

    Maschine 2 Factory Library Library

    Tell me that NA sucks without telling me that NA sucks 🤣

    This is literally reg(t)arded lol

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    I don't see any potential problems with your list of added software. I'll review your back-and-forth with poorfellow now, and see if something else pops out at me.

  • AndreBlais
    AndreBlais Member Posts: 39 Member

    Probably a bit late for this, but am just seeing this now:

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Okay, there's a lot of posts, so I'll have to table this until Friday morning.

    But one other thing…I get it that you're frustrated. But I 100% believe that you are experiencing some kind of problem OTHER than a problem with NA. It's either communications related, authorities related, hard drive related, or something else. Just my gut feeling. If I'm right and we end up confirming that, you're going to feel really embarrassed that you unfairly slapped NI around. So let's just focus on solving your issue, okay?

    One last thing: When I do Help/About in NA, mine shows as 3.16.0 . Is that the same as yours?

  • AndreBlais
    AndreBlais Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited December 2024

    Lol fair enough… I must say though that, while I definitely don't disagree about the potential for feeling embarrassed should I be to blame (and by the way am fully willing to bear the consequences should that prove to be the case), my negative interactions have been so thoroughly consistent over the last few years of my using NA that I'm supremely confident that NA is indeed to blame. That's my gut feeling anyway and am not afraid to be proven wrong 😅

    I do sincerely appreciate any attempt to assist me in diagnosing the issue though despite already being up-to-date and (finally) sorted out — I would be curious to know what other issues there might have been.

    You'll see that I think I may have determined that (at least part) of the issue boiled down to a random change in file naming conventions - i.e. addition of the word "Library" to the end of many directories: Solar Breeze becoming Solar Breeze Library or better yet, Maschine 2 Library becoming Maschine 2 Library Library (lol). Also there was the addition of a directory within many libraries called PAResources that was added that wasn't present beforehand.

    As for some of the other libraries I'm not sure since I brute-forced and deleted/re-downloaded a bunch of stuff.

    My NA is now on 3.16.0, but I was on whatever was current as of the last four(ish)months since this system config dates to September of this year.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Hi, I ended up having a really late night, and only got up a couple hours ago.

    I did see your notation on the "library" naming convention change. That's an interesting point, so I'll do some digging here today to see what the behavior is like on my side.

    But I still have my other stuff to do first so that everything doesn't back up to the end of December 31st. I will report back when I have something useful to bring.

  • Lu_
    Lu_ Member Posts: 11 Member

    I'm on Windows 24h2, took a look at my content directory,

    "Solar Breeze" is the name of the folder without library or anything added.

    "Maschine 2 Factory Library" without a 2nd library in the name.

    In this case i'd most likely rename the offending folders on disk, add .old orso to the end of the folder, rescan in NI Acces and let NI Access redownload and reinstall.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    I know they started adding Library to folder names recently, but that shouldn't cause any problems with stuff that's already installed. It also doesn't affect new installs because that's the new default naming convention.

    It would only cause issues if you've been messing around changing the folder names or something - but as you never actually told us the full paths of the programs that were "invalid" we'll never know.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Well, I found out something just a few minutes ago.

    I wanted to see if "Library" would get created if I did a reinstall of a product, so I went to one of my VST partitions (I'm on Windows), and found Bazazian and Bazazian Tapes.

    The former's folder did not have "library", either as a part of the name nor as a subfolder.

    But Bazazian Tapes was named "Bazazian Tapes Library".

    So for gits and shiggles, I decided to use Windows Programs and Files to uninstall Bazazian. Here's what happened:

    1. The uninstall took only a moment.
    2. I went back and checked to be sure that the folder Bazazian was removed. It was.
    3. I did a "refresh" on Native Access. It took a minute, but I have over 400 products.
    4. I saw that Bazazian was now shown with an "Install" button in Native Access.
    5. I went into the NA Preferences and File locations, and confirmed that the location was indeed set to the same partition (I actually have 4 VST partitions, drive letters I, J, K, and L, and I try to keep them balanced as to how much data each has.) I'm currently using L, and NA was correctly set already as "L/Native Instruments".
    6. I hit the Install button for Bazazian in NA. It started the download, and by the time I had toggled to my File Explorer view of L, I could see that I now had a brand new folder, "L/Native Instruments/Bazazian Library"

    So THIS is definitely a change from past behavior…but NOT EVERY product from NI or a partner gets the appended "Library" nom de plume. For example, Echo Versions, Electric Keys (Diamond and Phoenix), Feel it, Glaze 2, Homage, Hot Vocals, and Session Bassist - Upright Bass all have "Library", and were installed on September 25th of this year.

    But Hazy Days, Higher Place, Hypha, Ireland, Rare Vibrations, Session Strings, and Session Bassist: Icon Bass do not have the word Library appended, and these were also all installed on 9/25.

    That makes me think that the change was fairly recent. Maybe from prior to September of this year, and maybe it was a change made in the individual installers for the individual products. NA just runs the installers, so that's probably where the change happened. And of course, NI sure has provided a lot of updated, patch, and fixes for their products this year, so maybe that's how the change gets propagated.


    For most people, this should not be an issue, because NA will put "Library" (or not) in all the correct places at the time of install. But I could see if somebody gets into moving folders around or restoring old folders from a very old backup, things might stop working until the user performs a "locate" on the folder.

    Now if I put on my IT manager hat for a moment, I'll say that Native Instruments probably should have told us about this change…and who knows, maybe they did and I missed that thread of posts. But at least we know it now.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,011 mod
    edited December 2024

    I'll say that Native Instruments probably should have told us about this change…and who knows, maybe they did and I missed that thread of posts.

    Agree that we should have been told , and I can not remember having seen any info about this anywhere other than your post which I stumbled on. I did however notice myself the other day when procuring some LEAP expansion information and made a post about it (question about Wav files in LEAP expansions) but not having installed much other lately where I noticed any such appending of 'library' then I thought it for Leap only.

    But thank you for sharing your findings. By the way , nice 'IT manager hat' you got there , it looks good on you 😁

    @Vocalpoint , you might find the above of interest also.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited December 2024

    Such issues can be easily fixed in a minute, by changing the name of the appropriate file (file name, or file location inside the file, or both, depends on the case).
    At least in Windows. You need to edit:

    1- the appropriate .json file at: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products

    2- the appropriate .xml file at: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    3- the appropriate registry value at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments

    Then, refresh Native Access or better, close it and re-open it. 😉

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,011 mod
    edited December 2024

    Well , I am merely reporting the findings here and I simply do not have an overview of it all.

  • Scoops
    Scoops Member Posts: 78 Member

    At anybody in this thread

    Could you please point me at any vendor now days that asks the user to deal with .json and xml files, as well as editing Registries?

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