How to update Komplete Start

AntoineF Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Dear Komplete users,

I received a mail from Native Instrument saying I could choose a Leap extension as a free gift, then I realized I had not updated my Komplete Start bundle because I do not have Leap and I cannot install it through Native Access.

I tried to click on the "free download" button on Native Instruments website, then "get free software" and finally "get komplete start". It says "Komplete Start is now in Native Access!". I also received a mail with a button saying "download your plugins" that opens Native Access. However, Leap is not in Native Access nor in my products serials/downloads on Native website.

I did not found how to install it. If someone has a solution I would be grateful!


Best Answers


  • Rejo
    Rejo Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    same problem

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    Native Instruments is celebrating the holiday season 2024 with a free Leap Expansion. Just select the Leap Expansion of your choice in our webshop and apply the code LEAP during checkout.

    Leap expansions are a Kontakt 8 feature, you need to install both the Leap expansion and Kontakt 8 Player. We made this knowledge base article that expalins everything:

  • AntoineF
    AntoineF Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hello Jeremy,

    Thank you for the answer, my bad, I had not understood Leap was included inside Kontakt player 8. So actually, I had it already installed.

  • Kami H
    Kami H Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2024

    Hi everyone

    @Jeremy_NI I understood we can have a free Expansion with the code LEAP.

    In the Leap Expansions page you can see "Leap Acoustic Drums" (Free content). Even if you follow the process after clicking "Free Download" this product never shows up in Native Access. If I'm correct this content is part of Komplete Start but event if I have Komplete Start I can't see it in Native Access.

    Each time Komplete Start adds new content there is no auto update. I always need help from support to have the new content. Or may be I'm too impatient.


    ps: I'm not very good in English so please excuse me if I seem to be rude or hard to understand.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited December 2024

    In the Leap Expansions page you can see "Lead Acoustic Drums" (Free content).

    In Kontakt 8 check the tab Leap to see what expansions is already there if any.

    I understood we can have a free Expansion with the code LEAP.

    Read the page linked to here

  • Kami H
    Kami H Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2024


    As I said in my previous message I understood the part with the code LEAP. I used the code LEAP and it worked I can see the product I purchased in Native Access. This is not the problem.

    The problem is "How to update Komplete Start" :

    In the Leap Expansions page you can see "The Leap Acoustic Drums" Expansion. This content is part of Komplete Start. And if you already have Komplete Start it seems you can't get the free Leap Expansion.

    Or May be there's a problem on my computer.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    Answer ✓

    The problem is "How to update Komplete Start" :

    Are you using latest version of Native Access for your OS ? What exactly is your OS version ?

    Else try resetting the Native Access XML file , look at section 8 here: My Product is Missing in Native Access.

    Else if problem persists then as usual then please contact N.I.Native Access and Installation Support , In case that you need guidance contacting support : Howto contact NI Support and Howto get in touch with our Customer Care .

    And if you already have Komplete Start it seems you can't get the free Leap Expansion.

    ? , If there is an error then please supply a screenshot of the error or please be more specific as to what is the problem.

  • Kami H
    Kami H Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2024

    I have the latest version of Native Access.

    There's no error. I follow the process to download "Leap Acoustic Drums" (Free content). The content doesn't show in Native Access event (event after several hours). And also it doesn't show in Kontakt 8.

    I have this problem each time Komplete Start adds new content.

    I already contacted the support.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Donkey Oaty
    Donkey Oaty Member Posts: 48 Member

    TBH it took me some time to work out that there was only one Leap expansion I didn't have. Nothing flags up which expansion packs are Leap or Massive etc in Native Access. You have to click on each of them (55 installed in my case) individually to find what their parent is. Kontak 8 shows up the Leap packs, but does nothing as sane as display them together as Leap expansions. They're just additions to the Kontak chaos. Is this an attempt at continuity? To build on the ambivalently ambiguous preset nomenclature you use?

    Add to that the lunacy and inconsistency of some of the Prime product (why is 'Melody' not available in a consistent place?), the first Play Product I used in the Komplete update not keeping rhythm, and the lack of clarity on the transfer of Izotope (like when do I unsinstall the Izotope portal?) and the gloss has gone right off the NI experience, which is sad.

    Kontakt 8 itself is a big step forward, but the dire interface and 3rd rate search facility let it down. Until it starts registering ALL Kontakt instruments - including the Quick Load ones it's a 'chocolate teapot' piece of uselessness - that throws up a plethora of synths when you're looking for something as simple as a trumpet VST. It would be useful to have the option to have it launch in classic mode with side pane instead of having to mouse click my way out of what currently seems a retrograde interface.

    And why, when I attempt to dowload the one missing Leap Expansion, am I not provided with the means to do so, but am (whilst logged in to the Native Instruments site) pointed to a link to download Komplete Start? Why would I want Komplete Start when I'd updated from Komplete 14 to Komplete 15 standard? It'll just be hard drive and DAW load time clutter.

    Native Access is up to date, (at the time of writing) as are all products within it.

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