About your ideas for Maschine 3



  • antoniodominique
    antoniodominique Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2024

    so one of the things that I know a lot of my colleagues have and sure that this has been mentioned. I understand the process of importing MP3 MP4, and other file but the exporting format should be able to export in a MP3 I have gotten a lot of pushback from some of my fellow MPC guys that says ha ha you guys can’t MP3 format and I don’t know if you guys have spoken about this, but that would be a great I know it’s a small request, but it will be a great

    and I’m not down playing the UI but I think a bigger transformation of the UI would’ve been has been a lot of pushback on that and I know there’s been a huge transition within the native instruments infrastructure but that it looks good but come on guys we can add some more excitement to that. You are no shade. Let’s just make it a little bit more exciting and not so dated machine or at least give you the option to kind. Add some possess to it where we can go in and trick the colors out or give you some customization that you could do to that that would be pretty awesome where we’re allowed to customize our UI.

  • daswans
    daswans Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks for sharing. Familiar with using lock states in a live situation for changing synth and other parameters, muting/unmuting sounds, etc. for different songs and sections, basically like a Program Control Change for everything loaded in my project. Also great triggering lock states with the Jam connected. Was this addressing anything on wish list I posted in particular?

  • Djork
    Djork Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2024

    couple small suggestions related to clips:

    • is there a way in the song/arranger view to make it more visually obvious when something is clip vs a pattern?
    • when recording audio into a clip that has already been positioned in the arranger, can you add an option to start the recording relative to the start of the clip? e.g. Suppose I have a clip positioned at bar 5. If I start an audio recording at the beginning of a song, it would be nice if there was a way to initiate a new recording by at the beginning of a song (or any random playback point, really), but then have the audio for that clip only be captured starting at bar 5 when my clip starts.

    I'm still experimenting/re-learning about maschine after some time away from it. but it seems like a few small changes like this could improve clips a lot.

    my use case for this: creating custom beats using the ideas mode » arranger workflow. then using them as backing tracks to record live audio over, e.g. from a guitar.


  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 298 Pro

    Disagree, but you are not missing much by staying on 2.x, which is probably the most compelling reason to stay on 2.x.

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    @Kaiwan_NI Any plans to better integrate the Leap extensions into Maschine. It seems like a missed opportunity not to make them available as a NKS preset that would instantly map the 16 pads to the 16 sample slots in keyboard mode. ATM you are forced to manually add the Kontakt VST and then browse in Kontakt, seems like an unnessesary extra step.

  • Lfo
    Lfo Member Posts: 3 Member

    I crave a smoother way of integration with all DAW's. It is a real pain to setup to work - especially when you are used to VST's that just work. The pads on the hardware always seem more responsive through Maschine but I am put off by the setup required within a DAW.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited November 2024

    Thank you, but unfortunately i have the (bad?) habit to instantly delete what i don't use anymore… 😌

    I found however a temporary solution for this:

    I created a folder named "other" on NI Resources (in both dist_database and image) and copied all my custom resource folders there. It is not ideal, because everything is still under "Other" as vendor, but at least i got back the graphics! 😊

  • Olivier57
    Olivier57 Member Posts: 9 Member

    In Maschine 3 all plugin windows can now be pinned. However, this does not work and is very annoying. Reported to NI since the beta testing started in the beta program thread. Hopefully NI fixes this soon... but !!

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    when using the sampler as a live looper, just like in Maschine 2, there is a beat or 2 delay when the loop starts over before the loop you just recorded sounds, which makes stacking live loops…still possible but now you have to take longer to get the job done. I assume it has something to do with the recording buffer and how that works but im not sure.

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited November 2024

    having a dedicated button or emblem to record or lock a channel in view. currently you can only view one channel(Pad/sound) at a time. being able to record to pad A, but mid recording realize a setting on Pad B needs adjusted you can't just switch over with your free hand and not mess up the recording.

    another example is with live looping but with midi, if i could record to multiple channels at once i can have a 2 keyboard set up running into maschine and be able to right hand melody, left hand bass, and maybe trigger some random pads all at the same time. if you pay close attention you can see a lot of work arounds here in this live loop video. because the keyboard had pads that could be assigned to a different channel I was able to record 2 things at once. but it would have been just as easy to do that on maschine itself, but as soon as you hit a different pad on maschine the keyboard thats recording now records to that pad. Hopefully that makes sense.

  • Hagen Kaiser
    Hagen Kaiser Member Posts: 10 Member

    this is unfortunately not true!!

    The video shows „a way“ to record audio into clips, but this could not further be away from being intuitive or in any way similar to proper audio tracks with record arming and live effects.

    Yes it is in principle possible to misuse the sampling feature to record a performance like vocals even with live fx. But it is totally unintuitive.

    The biggest problem also logically is that one audio clip occupies one sound slot. midi clips can play different midi notes on the same soundslot. Audio clips will always play the same stuff.

    Either this should be fixed, or we get real audio tracks separately from the usual 16 slot design pattern.

    it is my biggest grief (besides substandard kontrol mk3 integration)

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    Before moving forward with all the bells and whistles, and this is after a couple of weeks of using M3SW in conjunction with an M+, Mikro MK3, and M32, I'd like to see a more stable foundation.

    Comparing my workflow in Maschine 2 SW, I'm noticing CPU spikes, latency, outright lag, some crashes from NI partner plugin companies, GUI issues (screen stuttering, unscalable VSTs, a weird grid glitch on the piano roll and Midi Map at times, image 'waving' like ocean waves moving across VST GUIs), just to name a few.

    Overall, and as someone coming from the MK1 days, I applaud the move to bring the platform to 3.0 despite the bad and the ugly. But if pause is not taken to ensure our house is being built on bedrock and not sand, it really doesn't matter what all is added.

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