License Transfer Issue - What is the Expected Timeline for Completion?

berhanbero Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello Native Instruments community,

I recently purchased a Maschine MK3 from a local seller who claimed to have unregistered the license. However, despite their assurance, I am still facing difficulties in registering the license. I have attempted to reach out to Native Instruments support via email, but unfortunately, I have not received any response thus far.

I'm posting here in hopes that someone from the community or a Native Instruments representative can assist me with this matter. My main question is: What is the expected timeline for the license transfer process to be completed?

I understand that license transfers can sometimes take time due to various factors, but I would appreciate some clarity on the estimated timeframe. Additionally, if anyone has encountered a similar situation or has any suggestions on how to resolve this issue, I would be grateful for your input.

I would like to emphasize that I have made every effort to follow the appropriate channels and reach out to support, but unfortunately, I have not received any communication from them. Any assistance or guidance from the community would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    It should take a couple of days, if you don't get it then contact our registration specialists here:

  • neworleanstrumpetguy
    neworleanstrumpetguy Member Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓

    i got help immediately now, and. yes I know that 99 percent of the situation would have never happened had the seller not been a liar trying to get over on me. Annnnnnnnd I must apologize, I TOTALLY FORGOT that the reason I even had to cancel the gigs was because it wasnt my actual band, it was a fill-in spot all weekend because it was MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND……..smh, I feel very ashamed and will be taking down my original words as I am entirely embrassed and didnt realize for some reaon or didnt put two and two together, Something. IDK, but about an hour after I posted the last post, they freed up my serial number.

    so thank you Native Instrument staff for putting up with my whiny butt! ima shut up now and dive right in! Im stoked again, yay! (MASCHINE+ doesnt arrive for another few days, so I have time to learn the keys and separate the learning of the two)


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod


    have you got a license transfer mail with the license transfer number in it? What did the seller tell you how it works, what steps he will take? Normally you import a transfer license like this:

  • berhanbero
    berhanbero Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hello @Uwe303

    Thank you for your response and suggestions. To clarify, the seller did mention that they proceeded with the license transfer process. Also sent the attached screenshot as confirmation. However, I have not received any license transfer ID from them, which is required to complete the transfer on my end.

    I apologize if my previous message was unclear. Without the transfer ID, I am unable to import the license as per the instructions provided by Native Instruments.

    If anyone in the community has encountered a similar situation or has any suggestions on how to proceed without the transfer ID, I would greatly appreciate your input. My primary concern is to resolve this issue and properly register the license for my Maschine MK3.

    Thank you for your support and understanding.

    Best regards,

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    So you gave the seller your mail address, as far as I remember he needs it in order for native to send then the transfer mail to you. Maybe check spam folders on the account you gave the seller. But I'm not totally sure, it's a while back that i transfered a license. Normally it will not take long to transfer a license.

  • trondkevin
    trondkevin Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hi. Got the transfer ID? In the same process myself. Sent in yesterday. When I bought my base license 2nd hand the process was done in 2 seconds...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    It should take a couple of days, if you don't get it then contact our registration specialists here:

  • berhanbero
    berhanbero Member Posts: 5 Member

    After sending serial numbers and proof of purchase, NI support was able to assist. It took little more than a week for the process to be completed.

  • neworleanstrumpetguy
    neworleanstrumpetguy Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2024

    Hello, well I have been emailing them once a day for a week now, The person who sold me the keyboard told me it was brand new, and when it came it even came wrapped up in the original box, the only thing is they kept the serial number, did not give me a transfer ID, and then told me to just use it as a normal MIDI controller in my DAW "Its the same thing as registering it with N.I." I was already VERY uset at the sellers very ignorant comment, so I have literally bought this keyboar to replace one that was stolen from me and I play professionally. I was told this would be a quick process, so I figured I could keep my gigs……..BLEEEP! Scratch that! I have had to cancel THREE GIGS AND COUNTING, tomorrow night is gig number four on my calendar at 8pm, and I am awake at 5am ANXIOUSLY Hoping this doesnt turn into a now $1,000 financial defecit. Like, FOR REAL waiting on them has removed A THOUSAND DOLLARS from my bank account that I DEFINITELY needed. I am trying to wait patiently, But a WEEK?! I mean for the amount of gigs that I could not play and the amount of money that I have missed out on, the Native Instruments Team should give me the thousand dollars I missed out on, but we all know that is not going to happen, nor are they going to pay for the rental I am thinking I am going to have to get just to KEEP MY JOB OVER BUYING THEIR PRODUCT! I want to know, without sounding like a stuck up person because I am not at all, I am just a very busy dude with a very busy gig calendar, when I am going to get my keyboard to function? and since I know youre not going to replenish the gig money I am now out of for having to cancel, AND on top of it Probably going to need to rent a keyboard from a music shop here in town and youre not going to cover that……….I WAS going to get Komplete Standard with my keyboard AND the Maschine+ I just spent money on and waiting in the mail for as well. I already got the Maschine plus, FROM THE SAME SELLER, which means the serial number FOR THAT is going to be already rigistered as well, am I going to have to go through ALLLLLLL of this over again when THAT comes in the mail either today or tomorrow? I feel like getting Komplete Standard for FREE would ONLY BE FAIR and not be asking for too much AT ALL, considering the absolute horror I have gone through and expect to continue to go through since I have not got a SINGLE REPLY BACK SINCE FRIDAY WHEN YOU TOLD ME MY IPHONE PHOTOS WERE TOO BLURRY to give me a transfer ID. Which they were, so I promplty gave you clearer ones, only 2 hours after you replied, its been almost 5 DAYS SINCE THEN and I havent heard a word, only from Jason_NI who claims he does not have the equipment to be able to get me a transfer ID. I am appalled at the way this is going for me, I mean seriously the WORST thing that could ossibly happen has happened, AND THEN SOME. SURELY I will get a reply now that I have gone through such a horrible experience with losing work, and robably having to get a rental today, asking for the STANDARD Komplete package shouldnt be asking for a whole lot, is it? Its not like I asked forcompensation further than this, like asking for Ultimate or asking to pay me the money that will no longer be available to me for my bills because of a simple Support ticket…… I am asking for some sort of small relief from the absolute torture of this expierence and it to not be furthured by having to wait longer for ANOTHER serial number and shell out MORE MONEY for essentials for a DAWLESS EXPERIENCE, when I STILL HAVENT GOT THE VERY FIRST SEIL NUMBER EVEN REGISTERED YET!

    you see my frustrations? anybody? or do I just sound like an angry privelaged person? because Im not priveleged, I saved and saved and saved and saved to get a new setup after being Robbed IN MY HOME this past March of my ENTIRE MUSIC RIG that i perform with, my trumpet, my controllers, my laptop, microphones, my BOSS RC-505 Mk2, like literally EVERYTHING except my kids YAMAHA student keyboard……. So I get to be upset, and I feel like Im no asking too much at this point, because I have literally been through hell and back to keep my career and I believed that getting 2 GREAT Native Instrument machines would be an AMAZING IMPROVEMENT, not just a humbe replacement! And it would be if I didnt lose so much to get the product to functon the way it is suposed to based on security measures…… just seems like even though I was a victim of a robbery in March, that I still feel like Im being robbed now, of an experienced I was REALLY EXCITED to have, but now I just want to get back to work, and be slightly compensated for the grief that I have had to go through waiting on a not very quick to respond support team.

    If ANYBODY thinks I am going overboard, or thinks Im being a brat, or thinks I am making this up, I dont cre what you think, because at the end of the day, no matter everybodys opinions of what I said in being upset, I am the one who still has to foot the bill because of other peoples mistakes and lack of care for my situation. so whatever I guess, I know I wont get what I am asking for and I probably bought a $750 paperweight and nobody will ever fix that or even if they do, i wont get any of my simple request because "I didnt pay for Komplete Standard!" but I did……..waiing on the transfer ID, and in that time, missing out on three gigs, and possibly having to spend what little money i have in my bank account right now to rent a keyboard because support has not given me a single ounce of support whatsoever.

    I hope everyone laughs and thinks what is happening to me is SOOOO FUNNY! I really do……….

    Cameron Joseph Willinger
    Lead Soprano Cadets Drum & Bugle Corp 2006-7
    Sublime with Rome

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited May 2024

    No, I won’t be laughing at you, I think what happened to you is very sad.

    However, you are directing your anger towards wrong people. It is the seller who wasn’t honest with you and who has deceived you.

    It seems that they registered the serial number to get software for free and then sold the keyboard. They didn’t bother to update the firmware so the controller is unusable.

    It this was an eBay seller, I would report it as a fraud.

    The serial number is already registered and NI does not have the obligation to transfer it to another person if the seller didn’t do the transfer themselves.

    They are willing to help you anyway and, yes, it takes time to do so. Instead of being grateful to NI, you are having a go at them.

    Have a go at the seller instead, perhaps?

  • neworleanstrumpetguy
    neworleanstrumpetguy Member Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓

    i got help immediately now, and. yes I know that 99 percent of the situation would have never happened had the seller not been a liar trying to get over on me. Annnnnnnnd I must apologize, I TOTALLY FORGOT that the reason I even had to cancel the gigs was because it wasnt my actual band, it was a fill-in spot all weekend because it was MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND……..smh, I feel very ashamed and will be taking down my original words as I am entirely embrassed and didnt realize for some reaon or didnt put two and two together, Something. IDK, but about an hour after I posted the last post, they freed up my serial number.

    so thank you Native Instrument staff for putting up with my whiny butt! ima shut up now and dive right in! Im stoked again, yay! (MASCHINE+ doesnt arrive for another few days, so I have time to learn the keys and separate the learning of the two)

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