Supreme Edition MOD

Aleix Jiménez
Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor
edited February 2024 in Mapping Traktor

For those of you who come from the older forum... Welcome to the new forum! 😉

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about... Welcome to the Native Instruments forum! Before this forum was created, NI used to have another forum (which can still be accessed, but in "read-only" mode), which is where I originally posted information about this mod.

  • You can find my old S5 / S8 / D2 post following this link.
  • You can find my old S2 MK3 / S3 / S4 MK3 post following this link.

How to download it?

In order to download this mod, you must first subscribe to my Patreon channel. Once subscribed, you'll find the mod files on my latest post attached as a ZIP file.

Is it free?

No, this mod isn't free to download. You must be subscribed to my Patreon channel in order to download it.

The minimum fee is 5€/month, or the conversion that Patreon applies to your local currency.

Why not? Why a subscription model?

I could explain many reasons why this mod isn't free, but they can be summarized in the following key points:

  1. I've spent countless hours working on this mod, and I'll probably spend many more. And I don't work for free, do you? By subscribing, you'll be supporting my work.
  2. It adds huge value to your controllers. Ask other users or read their feedback if necessary.
  3. It's up-to-date, it guarantees compatibility with the latest Traktor version.

As a freelancer, I must pay a tax every month (60€/month until February 2022, afterwards it will increase to 120€/month). Part of the money I earn from working on this mod is used to pay that tax. In the last year, I made around 450€-550€/month before taxes, which were around 350€/month after taxes. At an extremely low rate for software developers of around 10€/hour, this makes around 35 hours/month.

I've invested way more hours than 35 per month over the last year, rest assured 😰

Compatible controllers

The mod currently supports:

  • S2 MK3
  • S3
  • S4 MK3
  • S5
  • S8
  • D2

Also, a few modifications have been made to the following Pioneer hardware:

  • CDJ-3000
  • XDJ-1000MK2
  • XDJ-700

Personally, I only own the S2 MK3 and a couple of D2s. I do my best to guarantee support with the other controllers, but it's easier for a bug to appear, since the device won't have been tested by me personally.

How to install the mod?

Currently, you need to install it manually. The idea is to create an installer in the future so that it only requires clicking and executing an installer.

Instructions are slightly different depending on your OS (Mac/Windows):

  • MacOS
  1. If opened, close Traktor 3.
  2. Navigate to /Applications/Native Instruments/Traktor 3
  3. Right click, then click "Show Package Contents".
  4. Navigate to Contents/Resources/qml
  5. (Optional) Make a backup of this folder.
    • (Recommended) You can copy and paste it on that same folder, and rename it qml-original, for example.
    • You can back it up on any other local folder you want.
  6. Delete the CSI, Defines and Screens folders inside the qml folder. The qml folder must be empty.
  7. Paste the content inside the .ZIP file (CSI, Defines, Screens + Helpers & Preferences folders).
  8. Launch Traktor.
  9. Happy DJing!

NOTE: Replacing the ZIP content folders into the qml folder, instead of deleting them from the qml folder and pasting the ZIP content, won't work.

  • Windows
  1. If opened, close Traktor 3.
  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Traktor 3\Resources64\qml
  3. (Optional) Make a backup of this folder.
    • (Recommended) You can copy and paste it on that same folder, and rename it qml-original, for example.
    • You can back it up on any other local folder you want.
  4. Delete the CSI, Defines and Screens folders inside the qml folder. The qml folder must be empty.
  5. Paste the content inside the .ZIP file (CSI, Defines, Screens + Helpers & Preferences folders).
  6. Launch Traktor.
  7. Happy DJing!

NOTE: Replacing the ZIP content folders into the qml folder, instead of deleting them from the qml folder and pasting the ZIP content, won't work.

How to customize it?

If you are using a S5 / S8 or D2, you can customize most of the mod settings by accessing a dedicated settings menu by holding Shift and pressing the following button on your controller:

NOTE: Settings must be set for each controller, which means D2 users will have to set them for each D2 independently.

If you are using a S4 MK3 you can customize most of the mod settings by accessing a dedicated settings menu by holding Shift and pressing the following button on your controller:

NOTE: Turn/Push the Browse Encoder to navigate though the menu, or press the View button to navigate back. Hold the View button to close this menu.

If you are using a Traktor S2 MK3, or want to modify some very specific settings, you'll need to modify some files manually. These files are located in the qml/Preferences folder and must be modified with a Text Editor (the text editor built-in your OS is enough: TextEdit for macOS and Notepad for Windows). NOTE: Don't use Microsoft Word to edit them.

Other FAQs

Can the S4 MK3 / S5 / S8 / D2 browser show missing information?

No. As of today, the controller screens already show all the information they receive from the software. The browser information sent to the hardware is handled exclusively/internally on the software, which means that I can't add "extra" information to the browser view through QML, only read it.

Will the mod stop working if I unsubscribe?

No, it will not. You'll only lose access to the latest versions I release, but you can subscribe again at any time.

Is there a number of devices/installations limitation?

No, you can install it as many times as you need and it will still work.

Can it damage my controller? Will it void my warranty?

No. The mod only modifies how the software interacts with your hardware. No modifications are made neither to the hardware nor to the firmware of your controller.

So… How does it work?

My mod modifies the QML code layer. This QML code layer communicates with Traktor’s built-in C++ code layer, which is the one that communicates with the HW. If something is mapped/coded wrongly in the QML layer, the C++ layer will simply “not understand” it, and therefore nothing will be sent to your controller. You can understand the C++ code layer like a “safe” barrier, which means there is no risk at all for your hardware.

Is it reversible? Can I uninstall it and revert to the original state?

Absolutely! Reverting to the original state is as simple as deleting the modified QML folder and restoring the original QML folder. If you didn’t back up the original QML folder, you can simply reinstall Traktor Pro.

Found any bug? New ideas?

Don't hesitate to share feedback, questions or other bugs in the comments below, I'll try to read and answer them as soon as possible!

Are you already subscribed and are you really enjoying the mod? Like this post to let other users know so! 👍️

Happy DJing!



  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor
    edited January 2022


    So… you have subscribed to my Patreon channel, you’ve then downloaded my mod, you have followed the installation instructions, and when you were finally launching Traktor… BOOM! Traktor Pro has crashed!

    The first thing you’ve probably thought is that you’ve been scammed… Luckily for you, you haven’t!

    First of all, I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. I imagine it’s frustrating to pay for something that doesn’t work or isn’t working as you expected. But let’s follow the following steps and we’ll probably figure out the reason why it isn’t working 😇

    1. Make sure you are using a compatible Traktor version.
    2. Disconnect all your DJ gear from your computer, and try to launch Traktor again.
      • If Traktor still crashes, make a backup of your Traktor Settings (Documents/Native Instruments/Traktor 3.X.X/Traktor Settings.tsi), and delete them from that folder. Try to start Traktor again and do let me know if it still crashes or not.
      • If Traktor successfully starts without your DJ controllers plugged in, try to plugin one by one your DJ gear. It will then probably crash when you connect one of them. Do let me know in the comments which one it was alongside your Traktor Pro version and OS (Mac/Windows).

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    What a great S8 mod it is ✌️😎✌️

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper

    hi! in looproll pad mode could we have pads 1-8 in “hold mode”? and when pad 1-8 is pushed could we have flux active?? thanks!!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    You can set autoflux in the settings menu (SHIFT+SCREEN BUTTON 5 [Top Right]). I think under "mods". When you say "hold" do you mean "latched" in the sense of when releasing the button the loop is still on?

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor
    edited January 2022

    In Loop Roll pad mode, the “hold mode” you might be refering too (loop active while pressing the pad, inactive when released, I suppose you mean?) is already how it works, but only when Flux is enabled.

    About the Flux active when a Loop Roll pad is pressed, that’s more trickier.

    Currently, it is NOT possible to map Flux + Loop Active at the same time to have a “Hold behavior” if what you want is to activate the Loop and Flux while holding the pad. The reason is that the Flux mode must be enabled before the Loop is activated in order to slip and have the desired “flux” behavior.

    However, if you open the controller settings and navigate to Other Settings > Mods > Autoenable Flux (or something like this, can’t remember), whenever you enter the Loop Roll pads mode, Flux will automatically be enabled, and when you leave, it will be reset to its previous state.

    This may not be the best approach, but it will do 👍🏻

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited January 2022
    Aleix Jiménez said:
    In Loop Roll pad mode, the “hold mode” you might be refering too (loop active while pressing the pad, inactive when released, I suppose you mean?) is already how it works, but only when Flux is enabled.

    About the Flux active when a Loop Roll pad is pressed, that’s more trickier.

    Currently, it is NOT possible to map Flux + Loop Active at the same time to have a “Hold behavior” if what you want is to activate the Loop and Flux while holding the pad. The reason is that the Flux mode must be enabled before the Loop is activated in order to slip and have the desired “flux” behavior.

    However, if you open the controller settings and navigate to Other Settings > Mods > Autoenable Flux (or something like this, can’t remember), whenever you enter the Loop Roll pads mode, Flux will automatically be enabled, and when you leave, it will be reset to its previous state.

    This may not be the best approach, but it will do 👍🏻

    Understood! now flux mode work! thanks!
  • GooseStuart
    GooseStuart Member Posts: 4 Member

    Happy to see you're still working on this! I'll have to try it out soon!

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    Yes I am! Well, actually, I’m finnishing my Master’s degree project and I’ve been (still am) very busy this last month and probably the next couple weeks, but once finnished, back to work! 💪

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor
    edited January 2022

    Oh, and by the way, in case anyone is interested, here’s what my app will initially do:

    Dropbox/OneDrive API

    My app will let you connect to OneDrive & Dropbox to have read/write access to your Documents/Traktor 3.X.X folder, where your Traktor collection is (collection.nml).

    So, in case you have your files sync to a cloud service (as I do), you can open your collection.nml from anywhere.

    You can connect to those services either as a guest (you’ll have to login every time to retrieve your collection file), or as an app registered user. If the latter, as soon as you login to my app, you’ll be connected to your cloud storage service.

    Spotify API

    The app can also connect to Spotify. Why would you connect it to Spotify? Because my app will automatically try to pair each track of your collection to its correspondent track in Spotify.

    If successfully paired, it will automatically fetch advanced metadata generated by Spotify (through Machine Learning algorithms?) such as:







    And why do you want all this parameters?

    Well, the purpose of my app is to allow you to create even more powerful smartlists than Traktor’s own, allowing you to:

    -Create combined and/or Smartlists

    -Create Smartlists with more than 8 rules.

    -Create Smartlists with custom metadata fields (such as the Danceability field).

    How does it work?

    It allows you to upload your local library from your local files or from a connected cloud storage service. It then parses your library (.nml is essentially an XML file) and it shows it online. It also shows your playlists and your smartlists.

    You can then edit your Smartlists (adding new rules to it) or create new ones.

    And what if my Smartlists has more than 8 rules, or they have conditions that don’t exist in Traktor Pro? Well, then it creates your Smartlist as a regular playlist.

    The idea is that, if you are registered, the next time you upload your Library again, my app recognized those Smartlists (which will be regular playlists by then) by their UUID, and recreates them as Smartlists!

    And finally, once you are done, it allows you to download it again, or to upload directly to your Cloud service.

    (Parsing/fetching/downloading processed may take some time, depending on the size of your Library).

    I hope I can share more news soon and an initial BETA version on GitHub!

  • tac0cat
    tac0cat Member Posts: 27 Member

    Aleix is crazy talented. He does so much in his normal life and then creates something like this on the side is truly insane. He is a huge reason I haven't switched to another software because of his Supreme Mod. My s8 is a beast!

  • Matt
    Matt Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    It will probably be difficult, but it would be great if D2 controllers could work with rekordbox. Is there any chance this could be on the list of future updates?

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's not possible. To do this would require NI and Pioneer collaborating together for a "legacy" product, and it would mostly be Pioneer's job to integrate NI's hardware with their software, as I understand it.

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper

    hi, in Supreme mod Kontrol S5 is there possibility to control fx unit 3-4, if there are 4 fx units…like kontrol S8, thanks

  • Aleix Jiménez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    Yes, there is. You must open FX settings on your S5, and then if you hold Shift you’ll see the secondary FX Unit. You must enable it first (it’s disabled by default for S5 users), and then you’ll be able to use it by holding Shift and turning pressing the FX knobs/buttons 😇

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