Sampler Zone Keyrange templates?

teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

It would help the production flow, if I didn't have to re-do the keyboard mapping everytime I start creating a new project. I like to request a custom keyboard mapping template that can be created and set as the default



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Could you elaborate a bit more, good sir?

    Do you mean that you want to create custom keyboard shortcuts?

  • teqnotic
    teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member

    No, I would like to set up a default key mapping for each pad. Example: Bank A Pad 1 key range from notes C-1 to B-1, Pad 2 C to B, etc. I would set it up this way, with Bank A on midi channel 1, Bank B on midi channel 2, and so on. It would be nice if I could save this as a default template, this way I don't have to do this every time I start Maschine.

    Hope that makes sense

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


    Sorry, sir.

    Maybe @Kaiwan_NI can help with it.

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    Have you tried creating this template, then saving it as a project template? Then when you open the project it should keep al your settings. So you would start every new session in Maschine with this project, then re-name it to use in your current session.

  • teqnotic
    teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks@dmori Yes , that was the 1st thing I tried, but the key mapping does not save unless you have a sample loaded onto the pads. I like to have my key mapping as a default. this way when I add a sample to the Pad, it will remain.

    Currently, anytime you add or drag a sample onto a Pad, the key mapping defaults across the entire keyboard range. I have to set the Lo/Hi and Root Key notes everytime

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    I would have never thought you were talking about the zone editor based on that first post.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Indeed. I changed the thread tittle.

    It looks like you're using the ranges for some kind of workaround to play multiple one-shots instead of making an instrument ??

    Describe your intent, there might be another more practical way to do what you want without using zones.

  • teqnotic
    teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes, exactly. I use it mainly for one-shot samples. On Bank A I usually have a drum kit. Bank B = Bass, etc. It's just time consuming to keep re-doing the Zone key mapping. I use the same layout all the time, so it would be nice to just load my default template. If this is already possible, then let me know. Otherwise this would be a very helpful & productive addition for a future update

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2024

    But why not simply set your Group to DrumKit mode? This way each key of your keyboard would trigger a different Pad with a Sampler one-shot without all the setup complications.

  • teqnotic
    teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member

    @D-One Drum Kit Mode? I'll search the manual and try it

  • teqnotic
    teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member

    Even in Drum Mode, I have to set up each pads Zone key mapping and set the midi channel for each bank. I just want to have the 16 pads in each Bank assigned to their own key range Zone, not across the entire key range. Also, I want to have each Bank assigned to a single Mid channel#. Bank A = Midi Ch-1, Bank B = Midi Ch-2... etc. This is just my workflow. So it would be nice if a user had the option to set a default template so that when they power up their Maschine, they can just go ahead and start making music, and not have to keep setting up from scratch. If that makes sense

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2024

    I dont know what you mean by "Banks"... Groups? You can go in-depth with manual KeyMode instead of DrumKit, use channels or notes, etc... Depends on your particular needs.

    Well.. In your shoes I'd stick to the possible solutions of how things are intended to be used, if you wait around for a unique feature you might wait for 50 years, considering things that people ask in mass don't tend to happen very often, if at all.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    I think OP is likely coming over from MPC world, using their terminology and attempting to use their workflow.

    If you have up to 16 samples; then put them in a group and put the group in drumkit mode. A group in maschine is generally 16 instances of the sampler module. You don't need to use zones at all. Your kick is on pad 1. It spans the entire keyboard. Pad mode sets the pad to a specific note that you're playing in relation to the root key of the sample. Keyboard mode allows you to play the sample chromatically (which is the cool function of their design). Your snare is on pad 2. It's a completely different instance of the sampler and spans the entire keyboard as well. You get 16 to play with.

    If you have more than 16 samples; use more than 1 group. I'd use a different sampler if I found myself in that position often. For example; I have both battery and serato sample in my DAW's template. Maschine is in my template too; but I only use it if I'm moving a project from M+. It's the weakest sampler I have installed.

    The zones function of maschine is weak. I'd only use it if sampling a single instrument across the keyboard (i.e. using the autosampler). I'd consider using it if I were slicing up a sample to more than 16 parts; but I'd probably just pick a better sampler.

    As an aside: Add your 2 cents to the feedback section. I, too, am big mad about the zones function and have been for years...

  • teqnotic
    teqnotic Member Posts: 13 Member

    If there was a Drum Kit mode that doesn't "spans the entire keyboard" but splits the keyboard zone between the 16 pads, or assigns a single note to each pad, that would be a great option to have. MPC mode I guess. Just a request for a future update.

    Not sure these posts are monitored or shared with NI software developers. It's probably not on their radar, unless there's a large number of Maschine users requesting the same.

    For now, I'm using my Maschine Studio as a midi controller to trigger the RX1200 VSTi for my drum kits. This workflow works better for me so I don't have to spend too much time re-doing the Zone mapping.

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